Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/1350

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FIFTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 428, 429. 1889. 1309 CHAP. 428.-An act for the relief of Chambers and Brown. March 2, 1889. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary chambers no of the Treasury be, and he is hereb , authorized and directed, out of B'1L’,§;,€,,W, any money in the Treasury not officrwise appropriated, to ay to ` Henry Chambers and George G. Brown, partners, tradin andp doing business under the name, firm, and style of Chambers ang Brown, on the fourteenth day of August, eighteen hundred and sevent -four, at two hundred and ninety-nine West Main street, Louisville, lgentucky, two hundred and seventy dollars, being the amount overpaid by them for special licenses in the year eighteen hundred and seventy-four. Approved, March 2, 1889. . CHAP. 429.-An act for the relief of Thomas Mathews and others. March 2, 1880. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the . United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary Importers. Oswego. of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to in- N&im of mmm_ to vestigate the claims of Thomas Mathews, for the sum of fifty-four dol- b°N‘¥Yu;•g*8¤°°d· lars and eighty cents; H. A. Crane, for the sum of thirty-seven dollars and eighty cents; William McChesney, for the sum of twenty dollars and twenty cents; John K. Post and Company, for the sum of three hundred and twenty-four dollars and twenty cents; E. W. Rathburn and Company, for the sum of five hundre and eight —five dollars and twent cents; Irwin Sloan, for the of six hundred, and eleven dollars anmlr forty cents; C. C. Morton, for the sum of one hundred and three dollars and twent cents; Charles H. Getman, for the sum of one hundred and fifteen clbllars and twenty cents; Edward Monen, for the sum of one hundred and twenty-four dollars and sixty cents; Smith Murdock and Company for the sum of one hundred and seven dollars and sixty cents; Daniel L. Couch, for the sum of one hundred and forty-two ollars and eighty cents; Failing and Pratt, for the sum of seventy-one dollars and forty cents; Failing and Rundell, for the sum of forty-five dollars and sixty cents; L. A. Card, for the sum of seventy-five dollars and twenty cents; E. L. and S. Thornton, for the sum of thirty-five dollars an eightly cents; Pa¥e, Fairchild and Company, for the sum of sixty-four do lars; D. P. airchild, for the sum of fifty-five dollars and twenty cents; O. M. Bond and Company, for the sum of forty-nine dollars and twenty cents; J. P. Wetmore, for the sum of thirty-two dollars; Ross and Com any, for the sum of seventy-two dollars and sixty cents; Bond and Jbnkins, for the sum of twenty-three dollars and twenty cents; Crane, Belden and Company, for the sum of forty-six dollars and twenty cents; Bond Kinyon and Company, for the sum of eight dollars and forty cents; Kinyon, Wright and ompany, for the sum of forty-one dollars and eighty cents; Charles O’Harra, or the sum of ten dollars and forty cents; Page and Comgainy, for the sum of seven dollars and twenty cents; Hagamon and urdock, for the sum of thirty-five dollars and sixty cents; Cheeney, Ames and Company, for the sum of ten dollars and eighty cents, now or formerly importers in the customs district of Oswego, New York, bein the several amounts of fees alleged to have been unlawfully collected of them respectively, by collectors of customs at the port of Oswego, New York, from the first day of April eighteen hundred and seventy-tlu·ee, to the thirty-first day of December, eighteen hundred and eighty-two, inclusive, under section twenty- six hundred and nfty-four of the Revised Statutes of the United States 12.¤.2sc.4,p.m4 (Second edition): and in case he Shall be satisfied that such claims or hmm any part or parts thereof, were unlawfully collected, he shall refund