Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/184

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138 FIFTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 243-245 1888. MU 14, 1888. CHAP. 243.-An act to amend an act to authorize the construction of a bridge “`";"'"` across tpe Eastern Branch of the Potomac: River at the foot of Pennsylvania ave- DHB 885 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the l EI I¤¤¢g;¤ B*¤¤<=¤ Slxtgtes rg {MCT15G Oongpi1e.ss_as3e*rrrbh12gl, ('llhat the Siecretalréy o ar , an e IS ere y, au orize m is rscre ion 0 ma e r¤q°""°° mm such alterations in the plan of the bridge across the Eastern Branch of the Potomac River at the foot of Penns lvania avenue east as will "°‘· "“· P- *1* best accommodate the traffic over and undser said bridge, and for said Appreprmion. pgurpose the sum of sixty thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may ‘ necessary, to be immediately available, be, and the same is hereby, “"*’$2§'i‘}€$.€1’t3l‘Ez°ti“’ FTl°“§Z1l“ °h° T"i“`i·"2§°“ °**1%’t."1¥i3'§¤“"é”’°` P·‘·>¤*•¤·· prra : v'e, at·e imorean o mac i omm p°°, pany pay their fair and just proportion of the cost of said alteration at the west end of said bridge, to be determined by the Secretary of mug War: Provided further, That one half of the sum hereby approprilumbia mms ated shall be paid out of the revenues of the Drstrrct of Columbia. Approved, May 14, 1888. Nv it 18*- CHAP. 2 .——An f A h lish ahouse, ‘ —~—————— tem. i.. Ja- .—...·i§‘?f c0,°' * °sé;”?£., Fmgd ri%¥S¤gns.§°“M3.“g““”1s °"" °“’ Be it enacted by and House or Repaisentattves of the

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da beacon 8 , 8 6 GD 09 OX 0 -

 Y oughfare, on the coast of Maine, a light-house and fog—signal, anld

that there be established at or near Channel Rock, in the vicinity of Goose Rocks, a day beacon, the cost of which shall not exceed the sum of thirty-five thousand dollars, including the cost of the sites. Approved, May 14, 1888. ray 14, rsss. pgtlxrge the Batesville and Brinkley Railroad to build s He it enacted by the Senate and House of Re tat' • th bgwgpgngg United_States rg rlmerica in Congress assemlgled,1);’lT€£t·th¢;qliBa9te;)d{:viH:i mzsgmmamv. and Brinkley arlroad Company, a corporation created and existing °"· under the laws of _Arkansas, be, and is hereby, authorized to erect aniltirnarntarrrbha bridge across thehBlack River, in township twelve no , ran e ree west, or at st s 'd townshi s be selected b said railroad cdrhpapriyufoliegimgling said riird: ' their railroad lme, the said bridge to have a draw-span, so as not mm. to_mterfer·e with the navrganon of said river: Promded, That any · brrdlge, constructed under tlus act and according to its limitations, ·r¤ue¤1»-mm.-w, shal be a lawful structure, and shall be known and reco ized “'°“‘ P°"°'°"°°- postroute, and the same is hereby declared to be a post-ggute uagoil gllgrcglgr also réothligherphapge shall be magic for the transmissioh over _ meo emaxs, e roo ,an 't' f · United States, or for through passpjugers oluh·Ielght1S dvg; bridge, than the rate lper mile paid for their transportation over the 3‘}`§§?3d€rl§T,‘1‘E§£l 'LJ}m”‘dt$'&“t‘})g31l“?6‘} °‘*““l. ""“`"°g” i“ th.? “§" _ 0 3 00111 ; gprltgdc shall hpye; the right of waygarcrbss saidpbddlge gid tit; 2 r posta — e egra purposes.

Y·{;*¤   2. That the plan and llocation of said bridge, with a detailed

2‘5.‘£b‘§€i¥.”°é1‘Z?i2“Z£§‘§§’5°c%’°¤t“°“.f§“ i‘3Hh§tb"tg°-t32S ‘£§“i"‘s6,,,r°*°‘°* _ , s su 1; tary of Vlgar for his approval, and until he appxrrolves the plains and location of said bridge it shall not be built; but upon the approval of sand plan by the Secretary of War the said company or corporation