Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/328

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282 FIFTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 615. 1888. eight hundred and forty dollars each; fifty-eight watchmen; one carpenter, one thousand dollars; one machinist, at nine hundred dollars; one plumber, at nine hundred dollars; one (painter, at nine hundred dollars; four skilled laborers, at seven hun red and twenty dollars each; twenty-four firemen; ten conductors of elevators, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; twenty laborers; and eighty charwomen; in all, one hundred and eighteen thousand five hundred dollars. Fue1.light¤.¤w· For fuel, lights, miscellaneous items, and repairs, forty-two thousand nve hundred dollars. New ncpmmem. NAVY DEPARTMENT. Pay of S¢¢¤>¢==¤V» For compensation of the Secretary of the Naywy, eight thousand °l°'k" °°°' dollars; for compensation of chief clerk of the avy Department, two thousand five hundred dollars; one disbursing clerk, two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; two clerks of class four; one clerk of class four in charge of files and records; two clerks of class three; one stenogra her, at one thousand six hundred dollars (for office of naval intedigence); two clerks of class two; four clerks of class one; two clerks, at one thousand dollars each; telegralph operator, at one thousand dollars; one carpenter, at mne hun red dollars; two messen ers; three assistant messengers; two messengerboys, at four hundred and twenty dollars each; one messenger-boy, . at two hundred and fort dollars; one laborer; one clerk of class two and one laborer (for lnspection Board); one clerk of class one (for Examinin and Retiring Board); three clerks of class four; one clerk of class direc and one clerk of class two (for office of detail); in all, fifty~one thousand six hundred and ninety dollars. nmuurmm BUREAU or- YARDS AND Docks: For one chief clerk, one thou- °°°“‘ sand eight hundred dollars; one drauihtsman and clerk, one thousand eight hundred dollars; one cler of class four; one clerk of class three; one clerk of class two; one clerk of class one; one assistant messenger; and one laborer; in all, ten thousand nine hundred and eighty dollars. Bureau or ramp BUREAU or EQUIPMENT AND RECRUITING: For chief clerkyone "‘°“' ““° R""" "*" thousand eight hundred dollars; one clerk of class four; two clerks of class two; three clerks of class one; two copyists; one assistant messenger; and one laborer; in all, thirteen thousand one hundred and eighty dollars. _B¤rc¤¤ or Navieu- BUREAU or NAVIGATIQN: For chief clerk, one thousand eight °’°"‘ hundred dollars: one clerk of class three: one clerk of class two; one clerk of class one; one copyist; one assistant messenger; and three laborers; in all. nine thousand six hundred dollars. Rgpcvmlogewwvfrm Fon THE comPILAT10N OF THE NAVAL REcoRDs OF THE WAR OF ' THE REBEL1JON: For two clerks of class one, for one clerk, at one thousand dollars, and four cop ists, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; in all, six thousand two hundred and eighty dollars. 1·¤>¤rr- LIBRARY or THE NAVY DEPARTMENT: One clerk, at one thousand dollars; one assistant messenger; one laborer; in all, two thousand three hundred and eighty dollars. N¤·u¤c¤¤A1¤¤¤¤¤c· NAUT1cAL ALnA:<Ac Orrrcu : For the following assistants, namely: Three, at one thousand six hundred dollars each; two, at one thousand four hundred dollars each; three, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; two, at one thousand dollars each; and one copyist and typewriter, nine hundred dollars; one assistant messen er; one laborer; in all, fifteen thousand four hundred and eighty dohars. . Gomruwm For pay of computers on piece-work in preparing for publication the American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac, and improving the Tables of the Planets, eight thousand four hundred dollars.