Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/461

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FIFTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 860. 1888. 415 Improying Tickfaw River and its navigable tributaries, Louisiana: Tickfaw Ri*’°¤‘» M- Continuing improvement, one thousand dollars. d Ipiproving Little River, Louisiana, two thousand five hundred Lime R*"°”· L¤· o ars. Improving Bayous Rondewa and Vidal, Louisiana, b removin BeY9¤S R<>¤d¤W¤? obstructions, one thousand dolfars. y g “"d V'd“l’ M · Improving Calcasieu River and Passes, Louisiana; Continuing Calcasieu RiV¤¤¤L¤· imlprovement at the entrance to said river a11d pass, ten thousand do lars. Improving Bayou Plaquemine, Louisiana; For securing a naviga- mB**Y°“ P*°¤¤<·>mi¤¤» ble c annel sixty feet wide and six feet in depth, from deep water ' up to the Plaquemine Dike, and for securing the mouth of the bayou from further caving, one hundred thousand dollars, pursuant to plan recommended by the engineers. Improving Bayou Lafourche, Louisiana, pursuant to the project B¤y<>¤ Mfvvrche. ` of Lieutenant O. T. Crosby, Corps of Engineers, dated June eleventh, La` eighteen hundred and eighty-six, fifty thousand dollars, including immediate dredging to secure low water navigation. Improving Buffalo Bayou, Texas: Continuing improvement, B“’”“‘*° B**Y°¤·T€¤— twenty-five thousand dollars. Improving Trinity River, Texas: Continuing improvement, twelve T¤‘i¤*W Ruse Texthousand five hundred dollars. Improving Arkansas River, Arkansas: Continuing improvement, A¤‘k¤¤¤¤¤R*v¤¤‘»Mkone hundred and fifty thousand dollars: Provided, That nothingherein 1’f<wiS<¤· contained shall authorize the Secretary of War to enter upon the project of improvement of said river as set forth in the report of the Board of Engineers on improvement of the Arkansas River from Wichita, Kansas, to its mouth, dated New York City, March sixteenth, eighteen hundred and eighty-eight, and contained in House Executive Document Number Two hundred and thirty-four, first ses- _ sion, Fiftieth Congress: Provided, That the Secretary of War shall m§,‘fQP° °* ““¥”`°'°· expend the appro riation under this head with reference to the iinal improvement of this river as contemplated in the report of the Chief of Engineers for the year ending July first, eighteen hundred and eighty-five, and as authorized in the act for the improvement of rivers and harbors approved August fifth, eighteen hundred and eighty- V°‘·**"P·3*"*· six, and in House Executive Document number ninety, Forty-ninth Congress, first session; said methods to be applied, as the Secretary of War may direct, at such points between Wicliita, Kansas, and the navigable mouth of the Arkansas River, at its junction with the Mississippi River, as he may deem for the best interest of commerce. And all moneys now to the credit of different sections of the Arkansas River, other than appropriations for the piperating of snag boats, shall be available for use under this head; an in future the engineer in charge of this work and the Secretary of War shall make report R"¤’°'“‘· upon the progress and needs of this work under this head, instead of reportingu on disconnected projects, as heretofore. Nothing herein contained shall be understood to prevent the Secretary of War from applying any part or all of the funds Ipreviously appropriated for use at Fort Smith, Dardauelle, in Pine 1uH Reach, or from expending not exceeding four thousand dollars to remove the bar in ront of Van Buren, or from allotting not exceeding eight thousand dollars as a contingent fund for the expenditure in Pine Bluff Reach. _ _ _ Improving Saint Francis River, Arkansas: Continuing improve- A§;¤¤¤ F*¤¤¤¤SR¤v¤f· ment, four thousand dollars. _ _ _ Improving Arkansas River, Arkansas: For removing obstructions, A3fk¤¤S¤¤ RMT- twenty-five thousand dollars, of which ten thousand dollars is au- _Rem0ving Dimmethorized to be used in constructing a new hull for the snag boat “°“S· Wicliita, including capstans and the transfer of the upper works, and three hundred and seventy-five dollars in completing survey and maps.