Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/517

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FIFTIETII CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 001. 1888. 471 Commutation of quarters; For commutation of quarters for officers C°m’P“”¤“°¤ 0* on duty without troops where there are no public quarters, four thou- quamm sand dollars; In all. for pay of the Marine Corps, six hundred a11d seventy-four thousand and eighty dollars and twenty cents. PROVISIONS. FIARINE CORPS: For one thousand non-commissioned Provisions. officers, musicians. and privates, and for amount required to be transferred to the paymaster, Marine Corps, on account of rations to retired men, twenty men at fifty-eight dollars and forty cents per annum; in all, sixty two thousand one hundred and eighty-five dollars and five cents. CLOTHING, MARINE CORPS: For two thousand non-commissioned 01<>*hi¤s· officers, musicians, and privates, sixty-five thousand dollars. FOR FUEL, MARINE CORPS: For heating barracks and quarters, Fuelfor ranges and stoves for cooking, fuel for enlisted men, and for sales to officers, eighteen thousand dollars. » MILITARY sroREs, IWIARINE CoR1>s; For pay of chief armorer, at muimry swiss. three dollars per da , nine hundred and thirty-nine dollars; three mechanics, at two dollars and fifty cents each er day, two thousand three hundred and forty-seven dollars and fifty cents; in all, three thousand two hundred and eighty-six dollars and fifty cents. For purchase of military equipments, such as cartridge-boxes, bayo- E<1¤iP¤¤¤¤¤S- net-scabbards, haversacks, blanket—bags, canteens, musket-slings, swords, drums, trumpets, flags, waist-belts, waist-plates, cartridgebelts, and s are parts for repairing muskets, five thousand dollars. For urchbase of ammunition, one thousand dollars. Am*¤¤¤i°*°¤· Purdliase and repair of instruments for band, purchase of music Bandmc. _ and musical accessories, five hundred dollars; purchase of tents and cam -e uipage, one thousand dollars; in all, ten thousand seven hundred and eighty-six dollars and fifty cents. TRANSPORTATION AND RECRUITING, MARINE CORPS: For trans- Transportation and poffation of troops, and the expense of recruiting service, ten thousand “*°““”“‘g· 0 ars. FoR REPAIR or BARRACKS: At Portsmouth, New Hampshire; Bos- Repair or bm-racks. ton, Massachusetts; Brooklyn, New York; League Island, Pennsylvania; Annapolis, Maryland; headquarters and navy-yard, Washiiigton, District of Columbia; Norfolk, Virginia; Pensacola, Florida; and Mare Island, California; and per diem to enlisted men employed. under the direction of the Quartermastens Department, on the repair of barracks and other public buildings, nine thousand dollars. _ Rent of buildings used for manufacture of clothing. storing sup- Room. plies, and offices of assistant quartermasters, Philadelphia, Pennsy - vania, and San Francisco, California, one thousand seven hundred and eight dollars. Fonhoric MARINE CoR1=·s: For forage in kind for four horses of the F<>¤=¤¤- Quartermastefs Department, and the authorized number of officers horses, three thousand five hundred dollars. CONTINGENT, IVIARINE CORPS: For freight, ferriage. toll. cartage, Contingent. funeral expenses of marines. stationery, tOl€gI'2L])l111lg`, rent of telephone, purchase and repair of type—w_r1ters, apprehension of deserters. repair of gas and water fixtures, office and barrack furniture. mess utensils for enlisted men, such as bowls, plates, spoons, knives, forks, packing-boxes, wrapping-paper, oil-clot 1. crash. rope, ·t\V111€, camphor nmlcarbolizerl paper, carpenters tools, tools for police purposes, 1l’OIl safe, purchase and repair of public wagonstpurchase and repair of harness, purchase of public horses. services of veterinary surgeons and mer icine for public horses, purchase and repair of hose, repair of fire extinguishers, purchase of fire hand-grenades, purchase and repair of carts and wheel-barrows. purchase and repair of cooking-stoves, ranges. stoves where there are no grates. purchase of ice, towels. and soap for offices, postage-stamps for foreign postage, purchase of newspapers and periodicals, improving parade-