Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/56

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IO FIFTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 4. 1888. as the circumstances of the service may require them to be sent ; of ordnance, ordnance-stores and small-arms from the founderies and armories to the arsenals, fortifications, frontier posts, and Army · depots ; freights, wharfage, tolls, and ferriages ; the purchase an hire of draught and pack animals, and harness, and the purchase and repair of wa ons, carts, and dralys, and of ships and other sea-going vessels, and boats required for the transportation of supplies and for garrison purposes; for drayage and cartage at the severa posts ; hire of teamsters; pay of enlisted men on extra duty driying teams, repairing means of transportation, and employed as train-masters, and m opening roads and building wharves; transportation of funds for the y and other disbursing departments; the expense of sailing publib tran rts on the various rivers, the Gulf of exico, and the Atlantic anSd0Paciiic ; for procuring water at such posts as, from their situation, require it to be brought from a distance, and for the disposal of sewerage and drainage- and for clearing roads and for removing obstructions from roads, harbors, and rivers to the extent which may be r uired for the actual olperations of the troops in the field, being for Gtlie service of the fisca year ending June t irtieth, eighteen hundred and eighty-six, one hundred and fi ty thousand dol- P¤M•°· M swab lars: Provided, That no part of this sum shall be used for the ay-

 oempmy ment for transportation over any line or lines owned, leased, or

’°""“"°'* operated by the Southern Pacino Company, a corporation created by the laws of the State of Kentucky. MISCELLANEOUS. gnmdcgugmw Nyrcnmz CEMETERY ROADWAY: For completion of the macadamized or gravel road from the city of Nato ez, Mississippi, to the national cemetery near that city, six thousand dollars. mem Rom ro cuunrmnr, Srmucrmnn, Missoumz That the citizens ’

 ”‘°* ‘“° of Greene County, Missouri, are hereby authorized to improve or

adorn, at their own expense, the road constructed by the Government from Springfield, Missouri, to the national cemetery near that city, and said road shall be known and designated as Phelps Boulevard. M'? D°P*'°m°¤°- NAVY DEPARTMENT. NAVAL ESTABLISHMENT. ny. nmmwu PAY. mscmLL.4NmoUs : To pay amounts found due by the accounthugh' ing officers on account of freigx t, being for the service of the fiscal yealr eighteen hupdred and eig ty-six, ve· hundred and two dollars _ an six y-six cen s. °m°*8°· em To_pay amounts found due by the accountin officers on account of m1 cage and traveling expenses of officers og the Navy traveling under or ers, and for freight, being for the service of the fiscal ear eiggiiéepgehundred and eig ty-five, nine hundred and sixty-six dollars an n cen s. §g:‘,‘;,e’f{,P°*“· For amount paid by Pay-Director Thomas H. Locker, United States Navy, to Passed Assistant Pavmaster Henry R. Smith. United States Navy, for subsistence of members of the House Committee on Appropriations while making an official visit on board the United States steamer Tallagioosa to the Norfolk Navy-Yard and Fortress Monroe, in March, eig teen hundred and eighty-four, being for the service of ph; fiscal yeair eightgaetn hugidged and eighty-four, one hundred and _ o y-one dollars an wen y- ve cents. t,§,‘f’f*““ °‘ N°“8* Cozermcnsr, Bonnie or NAVIGATION ; To pay amounts found F¤¤¤z¤=¤· due by the accounting officers on account of freight, being for the service of the fiscal year eighteen nundred and eighty-six, two hundred and ninety-nine dollars and ninety -seven cents.