Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/724

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FIFTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 180. 1889. 679, proposed State_on the said first Tuesday in October. And the constitutional conventions which may assemble in North Dakota, Montana, Ncrth Dakota1I0n- and Washington shall provide in like manner for submitting the con- mmwud W”m"g°°“‘ stitutions formed by them to the people of said proposed States, respectively, for ratification or rejection at elections to be held in said - proposed States on the said iirst Tuesday in October. At the elec- voteoueousmuuou. tions provided for in this section the qualiiied voters of said proposed States shall vote directly for or against the proposed constitutions, and for or against any articles or propositions separately submitted. The returns of said elections shall be made to the secretary of each C°““`°$$ of "’°“'¤s· of said Territories, who, with the governor and chief-justice thereof , or any two of them, shall canvass the same; and if a majority of the legal votes cast shall be for the constitution the governor shall certify C°'*i*Y*¤€ *`°S“l*· the result to the President of the United States, together with a statement of the votes cast thereon and upon separate articles or propositions, and a copy of said constitution, articles, propositions, and ordinances. And if the constitutions and governments of said proposed States are republican in form, and if all the provisions of this act have been complied with in the formation thereof, it shall be the duty of the President of the United States to issue his proclama- Reclamation of ud. tion announcing the result of the election in each, and thereupon the mi“*°¤ bY P¤¤‘*°¤*~ proposed States which have adopted constitutions and formed State governments as herein provided shall be deemed admitted by Congress into the Union under and by virtue of this act on an equal footing with the original States from and after the date of said procamation. Sec. 9. That until the next general census, or until otherwise pro- Representation in vided by law, said States shall be entitled to one Representative in C°°gr°Ss' the House of Re resentatives of the United States, except South Dakota, which shall)be entitled to two ; and the Representatives to the Fifty-first Congress, together with the governors and other officers provided for in said constitutions, may be elected on the same day E1¤¢¢i¤¤· of the election for the ratification or rejection of the constitutions; and until said State officers are elected and qualified under the provisions of each constitution and the States, res ectively, are admitted into the Union, the Territorial officers shallpcontinue to discharge the duties of their respective offices in each of said Territories. Sec. 10. That upon the admission of each of said States into the S<;1g¤<>1}=m<1s granted Union sections numbered sixteen and thirty-six in every township of m °""°" . said proposed States, and Where such sections, or any parts thereof, have been sold or otherwise disposed of by or under the authority of any act of Congress, other lands equiva ent thereto, in legal subdivisions of not less than one-quarter section, and as contiguous as may be to the section in lieu of which the same is taken. are hereby granted to said States for the support of common schools, such indemnity lands to be selected wit iin said States in such manner as the legislature may provide, with the approval of the Secretary of the Interior: Provided, That the sixteenth and thirty-sixth sections P»·¤w‘w embraced in >ermanent reservations for national purposes shall not, L=¤¤·1siTre·s<-rwmons at any time, be subject to the grants nor to the in emnity provisions ”°""°°‘ of this act, nor shall any lands embraced in Indian, military. or other reservations of any character be subject to the grants or to the indemnity provisions of this act until the reservation shall have been extinguished and such lands be restored to, and become a part of. the iublic domain. Sec. ll. That all lands herein granted for educational purposes S¤1+:·<>f schwilands shall be disposed of only at public sale, and at a price not less than Y ten dollars per acre. the proceeds to constitute a permanent schoolfund, the interest of which only shall be expendec in the support of said schools. But said lands may, under such regulations as the legislatures shall prescribe. be leased for periods of not more than ¥¢=¤*· tive years, in quantities not exceeding one section to any one person