Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/879

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834 FIFTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. 372. 1889. C¤¤¢i¤s¢¤¢exp¤¤S¢¤· CONTINGENT EXPENSES. C‘?'?'““““'““%·G°“‘ For contin ent ex enses of the office of the Commanding-General, em 5 Umm one thousandgtwo hiihdred dollars. d€=*°{Q§;*;ft G€“°’“*`s For contingent expenses of the Adjutant-General’s Department at pathe headquarters of the several military divisions and departments, two thousand dollars. For binding current orders and purchasing maps for the Inspector- General’s Department, five hundred dollars. _ All °*h‘”'· For all contingent expenses of the Army not provided for by other estimates, and embracing all branches of the military service, to be expended under the immediate orders of the Secretary of War, fifteen thousand dollars. ` ,,§{f‘Ps °* b*°°*¤· For finishing surveys and comlpleting maps of battle-iields, two 6 S' thousand dollars, to be immediate y available. }};,‘§§h§ge“%fN駒&,_ PURCHASE OF LAND ADJOINING MILITARY RESERVATION AT WEST uomniam. POINT. To enable the Secretar of War to purchase the two hundred and twenty-five acres of land on the Hudson River, directly south of the military reservation at West Point, belonging to the estate of Edward V. Kinsley, in accordance with the valuation of the same made by a board appointed under the provisions of the A"“» P- *88- Army appropriation act of September twenty-second, eighteen hundred and eighty-eight, and approved by the Secretary of War, as appears by his letter to Congress dated January twenty-third, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, being House Executive Document ` Number One hundred and four, Fiftieth Congress, second session, awww. one hundred and hfty thousand dollars: Provided, however, That such purchase shall not be completed, nor any payment made for rms. said land until the title thereof shall be duly a proved by the Attorney-General, and the Attorney-General on such purchase shall cause to be filed in the department of the State of New York proper evidence of the purchase of said lands to complete ceding of jurisdiction Gvpdsmnntiou we thereof to the United States: Provided, 'Iihat the Secretary of War M gs' after a reexamination of the report of said Board and a further consideration of the question of the value of said land may if he deems it forthe best interests of the United States proceed and acquire title to said two hundred and twenty-five acres of land by condemnation thereof under gudicial proceedings to be commenced in the appropriate Circuit ourt of the United States; which court shall for the purpose of ascertaining the true value of said land a point three commissioners who shall be competent and disinterested appraisers; and all the proceedingls for the condemnation aforesaid shall be in A»:é.p.:¤:. accordance except as ereiu provided with the act of Congress of August first, eig Iteen hundred and eighty-eight, entitled, "An act to authorize condemnation of land for Sites of public buildings and for other purposes." wgiiunterpoise but- _For the construction of a counterpoise battery to mount a sea coast ruled gun, forty thousand dollars, or so muc thereof as may be necessary. Said battery to be located at such point as the Board of Ordnance and Fortincations may direct: The erection of such battery shall be by the inventor thereof under the general direction of _ U the Board of Ordnance and Fortiiications and shall be completed bviilhgtgabjyfwwhed within twelve months from the time this act shall take edect, and 'the gun to be mounted thereon with its fittings sl1all be furnished by the Ordnance Department of the Navy. Approved, March 2, 1889.