Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/1539

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1490 AGREEMENT—DENMARK. DECEMBER 6, 1888. S E l I 1 1 necem1m6,1sss. Agreement between the United States of America and the Kingdom l "“ of Denmark to submit to arbitration the claim of Carlos Butterfield l and Company against the Government of Denmark. Concluded l at Copenhagen December 6, 1888; ratifcation advised by the Senate I February 11, 1889; ratified by the President of the United States April 23, 1889; ratijied by the ]fing of Denmark April 13, 1889; ratzfications exchanged at Washington Mciy 23, 1889; proclaimed May 24, 1889. BY THE PRESIDENT or THE UNITED STATES or AMER1cA. A PROCLAMATION. 1 Pmembie- Whereas an Agreement between the United States of America and the Kingdom of Denmark to submit to arbitration the claim of A Carlos Butterfield and Company against the Government of Denmark for indemnity for the seizure and detention of the steamer Ben Franklin andthe barque Catherine Augusta by the authorities of the Island of St. Thomas, of the Danish West India Islands, and for other wrongs, was concluded and signed by the respective Plenipotentiaries of the aforesaid High Contracting Parties in the city of Copenhagen, on the sixth day of December, eighteen hundred and eighty-eight, the original of which Agreement, being in the English and Danish languages, is word for word as follows: 0<>¤¤·¤c¤¤zp¤rties. \Vhereas the Government of Eftersom de amerikanske forethe United States of America has nede Staters Regjering tidligere heretofore presented to the King— har forelagt Konggeriget Dandom of Denmark the claim of mark det af Carlos utterfield og Carlos Butterfield and Company, C.", af livilket Firma den nu afof which Carlos Butterfiel now dode Carlos Butterfield var overdeceased was the surviving part- levende Medindehaver. fremsatte ner, for an indemnity for the seiz· Krav paa en Skadeslosholdelse ure and detention of the two ves- for Dampskibet Ben Franklins og sels, the steamer Ben Franklin and Barkskibet Catherine Augustas the Barque Catherine Augusta, by Beslaglzeggelse og Tilbagehol— tl`18 a1lthOI'ltl€S of the Island of {[9159 ved Ovrighedgrne paa, Om] Sl}. Tl10TH3S of the DHIDISD WGSC St, Thqpuias, en af de dansk vest- India Islands in the years 1854 indiske 0e;-, i Aarene 1854 og and 1855; for the refusal of the 1855; fm- Nggggtglsen af den almin- 0!‘d1¤P¤I'Y Plgllt to land ca-rg0 fof delige Ret_til at landsaette Ladthe Eurpose of making repairs; ning i det Ojemed at foretage Refor t G mguries resulting from a parationer; for de Beskadigelser, Shot fired into one of the vessels; dg vaw GD F5]gg af at Skud aify- and for ether Wmngsi ret mod et af Skibene; og for __ andre Forurettelser: _ _ VV hereas the said Governments Eftersom de naavnte Regjermhave not been able to arrive at a ger ikke have veeret i Stand til at conclusive settlement thereof: komme til en endelig Afggorelse and deraf; og Whereas each of the parties Eftersom enhver af de kontrahereto has entire confidence in the herende Parter har fuldsteendig