Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/1745

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1698 mnmx. Page. _ Pane. Pensions granted to-Continued. Pensions increased—Contmued. VVilliams, Samantha 1152 Bradley, Edwin D .. . .. . . . . . 1301 Williams, Sarah M . 1198 Brady, Hugh . . . .,... . . . 1256 Williamson, Joseph D .. . 1136 Braman, Ransom E , 1291 Willis, Lillie E . 1357 Breckenridge, Thomas E 1457 Wilson, Elimbeth .. 1220 Britton, John ... 1406 Wilson, Sallie H 1213 Brown, George H .. 1284 Wilson, Samuel ... 1200 Brown, Hosea . r . 1339 Winney, Hannah E . . . . . 1318 Buchanan, F. Selina 1245 Winslow, Mary C. . .. . .,... 1249 Buel, Rochie Brien . . . . . 1%0 Winters, Gaston . .. 1228 Butler, Erastus D ... 1405 Wisner, Amanda L ... . 1 1252 Cable, John William . . . . 1312 Witt, William P ... 1469 Carlton, Ambrose B 1406 , Wolcott, Elizabeth . 1406 Carraher, Maria L ... , . ..,. 1311 Wolf, Absalom F ... 1408 Carter, Mark F .. . .. 1309 Wood. Jane 1222 Casey, Florida G 1438 \V00d, Lucy 1396 Cato. Nano 1276 Wood, Mary .. . . 1143 Chandler, Cvomelia R ... 1237 Wood,Susan ... 1401 Chandler, Samuel .. 1182 WVoobridge, Sarah A 1172 Chapman, Thomas . . . . . . 1170 Woodbury, Fannie E 1159 Chase, John F .. . ... 1182 Worth, Margaret Stafford ... 1242 Cherry, Edgar W . 1242 Worthen, Emily H . 1397 Claire, Joseph . . 1183 Wvflght, John M ... . Clark, John 1293 Wright, vina .. . . ayton, Mary B ... 1431 Wright, Rachel . 1386 Coey, James ... 1267 Wyrick, Samuel . . . . 1163 Collins, Agnes B ... 1388 Yarbrough, HarrietJ ... 1349 Collins, Oscar S . . . 1223 Yo;ller%1lo§.h W. (children of) ... ggl)welliOG§orge . . . 1134 0 e, . . , . 1240 Yost, John . 1426 Cooper, Ste hen . . .. 1166 Young, N. L . .. 1254 Copeland. Jiiimes C . . . . . 1167 Young, Susan .. 1343 Crawford, Thomas . 1385 Young, William C .. 1385 Crawford, Zacbariah T . 1180 Younger, James W . 1405 Culhan, Patrick 1161 Younghe1m, Eli J .. 1165 Cullen, Robert . 1360 Yourtee, Laura . 1150 Cummins, Hannah . 1385 Zeutmeyer. Frederika .. . 1228 Curran, John .. 1161 . Ziegler, Lydia . .. . . 1357 Cushing, Mary B ... 1311 Zimmerman, Abraham . 1316 Custer, Elizabeth C . . .. 1368 €mmerLimr:nwPmr . B:bue5;hbS:rah . . . . . 1185 "s er, . . . vis, rt P .. . .. 1810 Pensions increased- i Davis, Fanny L 1418 £aurs,ISa1n11e1i ... Joh: B . . 1288 co , arvey ... Ll , .. . ... 1227 Alden. Alonzo .. 1133 Davenport, Jeanie Brent ... 1251 Aldrich, Lovey . 1321 Dewees, Mary Y ... 1822 Alexander, Eveline M ... 1159 Dill, Edward H .. ‘ .. 1 398 Allen, Leah . 1474 Dimond, Morgan .. . . . . 1209 Allen, Ruth M .. 1890 Dorrance, Eliza B ... . ~ .. 1881 · Allen, William .. 1209 Doyle, Catherine .. . 1355 Andrews, A1bert_C .. 1225 Dunn, John M . . 1815 Ayers, Juliet Cpne H 1175 Duryee, Abram . . .. 1161 ggplell, H Edmonds, Catherine ... . 1290 eye -_· . .. . Gl', - . ... . .. 1800 Baker, Lewis J . . . .. _ 1423 Elliot, Valeria B . .- . ... 1407 Baker, Margaret T . . 1141 Elliott, Andrew J . . . 1860 Balher, John F ‘ . 1124 Elmendorf, . .. 1312 Barker. Charles . 1284 Endaly, Isaac .. . . . . 1122 Barnes, Milton .. . ... 1293 Evans, Alexander . . 1405 Bartlett, Josenh J ... 1340 Ewing, Elmore E .. ... 1237 Beaumont, Thomas _ . 1284 Ewing, Virginia L. M ... 1244 - . Ferguson, J

4 ..· ... D., O ..·..•.

glacggiggarguret é .. 11) ge, ] 1·*i¤l€m<i’1eme¤u¤e.é . 1;% _ s_ .. ~ E , :... .., 1 Bbw, Wilham W _ ... 1310 Foglegzlhentiss W .. 1291 Blodgett, H ...,.,,.. 1414 Forsyth, Alexander . 1284 30388, Hqurxetta E. . . .. . .. 1255 Fosnot, Joseph C ... 1371 Boggs. wd1Q8m H ., . . . 1407 Fought, Simon, J. .. . .. IW Boone. William ..,.. 1137 i F1-sue, Auiistns G .. . , 1488 gg5S. . . . 1300 1 Furling, Jo nS . 1414 tts. Beugamm W .. . . . 12¤1 Gardner, Theodore .. 1221 Bouphkm. Horace,. 1124 Garfield George .. . . _. .. . 1439 €Y» Agnes M .. . . . . 1276 Gaskill, Francis A . . . . . 1475