Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/134

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FIFTY SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 158. 1892. 107 Mississippi River between the points mentioned, or said materials may be purchased and work may be done otherwise than by contract, to be paid for as appropriations may from time to time be made by law, not exceeding in the aggregate one million six hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars per annum for three years, commencing July first, eighteen hundred and ninety three: And provided further, That of the amount herein appropriated hve hundred and m°*'“’°**°“— twenty-five thousand dollars shall be expended from the mouth of the Ohio River to the mouth of the Missouri River and six hundred thousand dollars from the mouth of the Missouri to Minneapolis, and the amounts for which additional contracts are authorized to be entered into shall be expended in like proportion. The Secretary of War is hereby directed to pay, out of the sum allotted to the river between the mouth of the Missouri River and Minneapolis, to M. J. Adams, live M-J-Mnms. thousand dollars, in hill of all claims and demands growing out of the P“""‘°"t "" test made by him of what is known as the Adams ilume on the Upper Mississippi River, the said test having been authorized by Congress; and the Secretary of War shall expend fifty thousand dollars of said six hundred thousand dollars between the Chicago, Saint Paul, Min- Between se, ran neapolis and Onaha Railway bridge at Saint Paul and the Washing- ““° M“"‘°“*’°"“· ton avenue bridge, Minneapolis, and may, in his discretion, use a portion of said sum of six hundred thousand dollars, if necessary, to further protect the east bank of the river from erosion, and thus prevent the destruction of the embankment of the Sny Island levee, and a S'"' I““"‘“ 1°"°°· further portion, in his discretion, in the rectification of the river at Clarksville, Missouri. and in repair of harbors of refuge at Stockholm, §L¥'r,;*_$,§§·r{,{,·; 8 Wisconsin, and Lake City, Minnesota, on Lake Pepin: Provided, That g ' the Secretary of War be, and he is hereby, authorized to pay out of said appropriation the value of work actually done by the Hannibal nanunmrtny Ferry Company, not exceeding the sum of two thousand one hundred °°{,*;P;u¤g;t to and seven dollars and fifty cents, on the upper Mississippi River ' Government dyke, opposite Hannibal, Missouri, during the months of September, October and November, eighteen hundred and ninety-one. Improving Quincy Bay, Illinois: The balance on hand to credit of §;_*f:g0]§*;>'i}ll— ed this improvement from the appropriation made in the river and harbor for 1e`-ee, \v1.°€,,“;re act of September nineteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety, is hereby °"’°k b“· authorized to be expended, or so much thereof as may be necessary, in V°‘·'·’°·P·‘5°· constructing a retaining levee on Whiiiple Creek Bar to hold the material dredged from the bay, as recommended by the engineer in clmrge in the report for eighteen hundred and ninety-one, page twenty-one hundred and twenty-one. _ Improving Mississippi River from Head of the Passes to the mouth _Mx¤.1mpp¤nrm of the Ohio River, including salaries, clerical, office, traveling, and mis- °‘§§§_§“'ff§’$;,e Pm_,, cellaneous expenses of the Mississippi River Commission: Continuing ¤>¤¤<·¤th <>fohi·>. improvement, two million dollars, which sum shall be expended, under S°l"i°°‘ °°°‘ the direction of the Secretary of War, in accordance with the plans, specitlcations, and recommendations of the Mississippi River Commission, as approved by the Chief of Engineers, for the general improvement of the river, for the building of levees, and for surveys, including the survey from the Head of the Passes to the headwaters of the river, in such manner as in their opinion shall best improve navigation and promote the interests of commerce at all stages of the river: Provided, P’·¤>**¤*· That on and after passage of this act additional contracts may be en- A;l•ii*i<>¤¤1 c¤¤ tered into by the Secretary of War for such materials and work as may "}$.§a_ be necessary to carry on continuously the plans of the Mississippi River Commission as aforesaid, or said materials may be purchased and work may be done otherwise than by contract, to be paid for as appropriations may from time to time be made by law, not exceeding in the aggregate two million six hundred and sixty-nve thousand dollars per annum for three years, commencing July tirst, eighteen hundred and ninety-three. _For work in accordance with the plans and specifications of the Mississippi River Commission.