Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/265

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238 FIFTYZSECOND oonennss. sass. 1. cirféoe. rss2. ,ff_;,‘;,{"jI°_,‘Tj{,{_¤§j,’j*°•*· Maintenance of new proving ground, five thousand dollars; boiler and engine for new proving ground, fifteen thousand dollars; construetion of a telegraph line from the navy·yard, Washington, District of Columbia, to the naval ordnance proving ground at Indian Head, Maryland, and instruments for same, five thousand dollars; in all, one _ hundred and eighty thousand dollars. ,°_§j}’°'"”*“°° “¤** Onniuucu Ann rnsrsz For experimentation, making tests and development of torpedoes, projectiles, submarine guns, and other instruments of submarine warfare, and American armor, and for the use of nickel in armor, the Secretary of the Navy is hereby authorized to use one hundred thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may v¤1.zs.p.•m. be necessary, to be taken from the appropriation of one million dollars appropriated by joint resolution of September twenty-ninth, eighteen hundred and ninety, for the purchase of nickel ore or nickel matte. ]Ml;¤¤f=·¤¤¤r·> wg To enable the Secretary 'of the Navy in his discretion to manufacture LQEL °`°l`"‘° ° at the Washington navy·yard, after the approval of designs to be furnished by the inventor, one eight inch, fifty caliber, high-power steel ride, wire-wrapped or built up and hooped, chambered to load with a primary and main charge insuring a progressive burning of the charge, and firing a high explosive projectile with great velocity, and to test T°°"*“" the same; and for such purpose the sum of fifty thousand dollars which was appropriated for testing three or more rapid-tire, rapid twist one pounder, breech-loading guns and an equal number of the same type of three pounder guns and an equal number of the same type of thirty- Vnl.25,p.824. two pounder guns, in the act making appropriations for the naval serv; ice for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety, and for other purposes, may be used; the Chief of Ordnance of the Navy Department, under the inventor’s designs, shall prepare necessary computations, plans, specifications, and working drawings of said gun and its ammunition, the expenses of which shall be paid out of the fifty thousand dollars herein provided for, and no part of such money shall be expended until the owners of the patents for said eight cimum wan ni- inch rifle and its ammunition shall contract, at such price as shall be "°"*"" satisfactory to the Secretary of the Navy, for the exclusive right on the part of the Government to manufacture by contract or otherwise such gun and ammunition without the payment of any royalty on the same, the option of the Government to make such contract to be exercised within a period to be fixed by said contract. R¤v¤i¤- REPAIRS,BU’REAU OF ORDNANGE: For necessary repairs to ordnance buildings, magazines, gun parks, boats, lighters, wharves, machinery, and other objects of the like character, thirty thousand dollars. T<>¤>¤d<> ·*·¤¤¤· Tomnnno STATION, BUREAU OF ORDNANGE, NEWPOR*r, RHODE ISLAND: For labor, material, freight, and express charges; general care of and repairs to grounds, buildings and wharves; boats, instruction, instruments, tools, furniture, experiments and general torpedo outfits, sixty thousand dollars. xmii mmm. NAVAL MILITIA: For arms and equipment connected therewith for naval militia of various States under such regulations as the Secretary of the Navy may prescribe, twentynve thousand dollars. ctueugm. Gosrrnonrrr, BUREAU or Onnsrsonz For miscellzmeous items, namely: Freight to foreign and home stations; advertising; cartage, and express charges; repairs to fire engines; gas and water pipes; gas and water tax at magazines; toll, ferriage, foreign postage, and telegrams to and from the Bureau; and incidental expenses attending inspections of ordnance material, eight thousand dollars. civuesmbusumeue. Crvrr. Esiunrrsnmnur, BUREAU or Oiznruson: For the civil establishment under the Bureau of Ordnance, namely: remnant. Navy-yard at Portsmouth, New Hampshire: For one writer, when ` required, five hundred dollars; Boston. Navy-yard, Boston, Massachusetts: For one writer, when required, tive hundred dollars;