Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/1306

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1284 mnmx. Page. Pkg0- Chargé d’Afaires ad interim, y Chemistry Dwmon, pepartment of Agwapgropriation for .._,,__,_..._._._ 142,816 , culturc——C0utmu9d. do ciency appropriation for salaries- - - 424, 844 · appropriation for printing c0mp1lation of Oharitablc, ctc., Societies, d1‘¤g ]3W§, GW -------------- _ ---—-- 268 excepted from income mx __4___________ _ 556 fOI' 1I1V€St1g3t1]]g character of S011S- - 268, »31 Oharmes, D. 0*., Ohemmiza _ appropriation for institutions, etc _____ 259, 761 apgroppaggp for consul at Oharitibs, Superintendent of, D. C'., QT G <>1‘ F6 -—-------—--—--————-·—— » ~ nppropriahon for salary, etc .,._______ 246, 747 Chemlle, C'hm·lg,g[·pn, S_ Q_, duiqy on cotton, manufactures ... 529 upgrrepriutivn for public building . 372, 910 Suk ------—-------------—-—--——----——— 532

 Ex 1mpr}:#*a?a¤t of harbor _..______, 404, 947 Chfnggc Carpets,  

ar evciw ic ., u on appropriation forimprovemqnt of harbor- 344 Chequamegcn Paint, Wis., Charlotte Harbor, Fla., appropriation for light, etc., station -.-. 916 appropriation for improving ...--.-. 342 Cherokee Agemey, M C., Charlotte, N. C., appropriqtion for sphool superintendent appropriation for salaries, assay office actmgas Indum agent at ...---- 286, 876 at .-...-..-..-..---------.-. 184, 785 Cherokee Indians, for expenses ...-.-. .-... 1 84, 785 appropriation for census of Old Setmay uso part of HI.1Dt property for a tlmts --.---_ T _-___------__________ 308 park ..--- 643 I for yiayuég qrzt mstallmout for Chero- C’harlotte,N K 69 ut 6 -..- 894 appropriatioukorimprovemcutofharbor- 340 I for cipegses of ccugus, O?. Settlers _ _ _ 901 g;m,·;0”et0w·,, accouu o moneys ue, re erred Attorappropriatiou for consul at ---.------- 147, 822 ¤€YjG€11€¤il fo1‘ 16g10T!?, Gtc ... 795 C'har·ms, China, etc., bonds;0 guc tg, fag is erred payments duty on white ------_--.---.------------ 512 01‘ 610 60 u Gt .. 336 Oh;?<=<>1‘¤i¤¢d ---·-----. - . 512 Cherokee [ngiami Eastern Beznd, 8, approprm 011 or paymen fo Joel M. dnt on ._ .--.---.-...-.- 533 Bryan, for services -------________ 901 ou gee list, printed twenty years, etc 538 deficiency appropriation for expenses, for the Government .-...--------- 538 suit against Thomas, stu -________- 19 forgoggogcs, libraries, etc -----...-- 538 for co§]gomi;•;;f suits -------_-_-,--- 441 (Mase 0 n paymcu om dsof ________________ 1015 payment 0} Court of Claims judgment to- 465 Cherokee Indiana, Western, · Ohathamh payment of Court of Claims judgmeutto, 451 £p&r0m1§:10u for consul at -..-..- 144,821 I Cherokee, N, 0,, a am, ass., I ti f 1 · pmmmgdqemmhou of mm, m be 3% I """’°’{1€‘§¤é’1{“00‘i{YTT‘. ?}T`?SZ??“}T?’} TTT?. 308 C,mtm,‘“ hgéicgqgi ···········-·-········ %Jg;;¤M·;;3£¤p¤1¤, ¤=¤¤¤¤g S<>h<><>1-·- 309,904 . . · , 9 °°“““§‘€‘é2?u‘2§%£.C.‘f’S2ZY'T?T‘T f‘?I‘f?“1 280 § ¤¤b*“;gg?é?fE¤m¤¤m*·>·=iv¤ =·¤¤¤¤¤* 795 C';?$¥§'l€§€,'€$§J ¥€f€a.‘f,$a$i’$“ T1 ... 350 { ¤’·¤~·’¤·= <>u4M· Okla-» . . [Z `````` Cfzattangzgagark (sg ghicgsgmaga and } 8WT°W&tg%f§;1&;ggéming xmprovs- t 3 . | m . ‘ --—·<-- — -----—- Chammoogh °° ar ) P for first ungtxglxxiint, purchase of -. 894 construction of bridge authorized across a° mwamsv Sh¤·W¤°°¤» Tennessee River at --.-...-.---_-- 29 i an f 9**- ----———--- -; ------- 894 Chattanooga We.stern Railway C'0mg;my, } °"P°‘“f’H°£ °p°m“g# t? Pmd fmm may bridge Tennessee Rxver, atm- ; h'? °1°;‘°Y]“PP*°P"“t*°¤ fm' clerk D00g,, Tenn _________ ____________ 29 · Irv: 9 0., and offices --________ 60 Cheboygan Harbor, Mic];,, [ Pmc 8¤g¤0¤g>p€¤1¤g, tg settlement _ _ 1g2g umxpended balance fm, dredging; esti reservg ons or educational and bmldmate to deepen channel --_-_______ 345 mg usesv Tanned -—~— - —·--- - .. 71 Cheese , homestead settlers cm, allowed to comdut); on 523 m1;pe in fgurteen months --_______ 335

 ``'````   ````'`'``'   ```‘'`‘ i quam cawn o vt ,firstl    -
?{;:0¥;£zz:}¢£%hpr0   ____   _______ 353   $¤btT€8·Bu1fY Bt N02V §?£>1‘k 3¤il$<$;;g§d ¥0  

preliminary eggmiugtigu of, to be mg,dg_ 365  :;(é2V9 P3·YI¤€Dt OD account of bg]- Chelsea River, i cms., 2 ··. ··-———- - ---—---- - ------ smc? <>f~·1¤·¤¤¤¤<1 .- sm I mmm! ·>f ·¤#¤¤¤¤ ¤¤¤r¤=¤·*¤¤ um Chemical Com mds, * #1896 --—-——--- · ---.. 902 duty 011, anmts, not specified . 511 t°wn mt%1pr°"m°m· Oklahoma, ¤PPH· c1mmm18,0i18,¤naPa¢»¢a. °° °'*° ~------~-- - -.. 11 scumme A, tm-ur se 1894 ..- sos €h¢¤><>¢¤, C’}l€1Hi8t7’]] ?L"i8’i07l, Department of Agri- ------ - -. i .----- _ ____ 522 cu ure, , appropriation for chemist, assistants- - 266, 728 duty OD ..-- - .---_____ _ ______ ______ 526 for §XP€i\§€$-I .. 267,730 Q Chesapeake and Delaware cam; for mvesgngating food, drug. etc.,adu1-  ! board of engineers to report qu mute tcrahons ---_,-_,----------.---. 268,731 [ for ______ ____________ _____ 349 report to Congress; contents 268 i appropriation for expenses ____ 349