Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/1406

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INDEX. A C Page. R h d F Page:. Qua t tD t t, ... - mm. ic ar ., _ r eM?i;11$1;5.S epmi men rmy on Qlpayment of Court of Claims Judgment to- 466 appropriation for reiulsr supplies 238,658 Quinn, Thomas J., _ _ post bakeries, sc 001s, etc 238, 659 payment of Court of Clauus gudgmeut to- 461 forage, stationery, etc ____________ 238, 659 QLLO2t8, I printing to be by contract; pur- on free 11st . 539 chases .. g33g, ggé; for incidental c uses .. ,R, limit of rgwaisg for dcscrmrs . 239, 659 ' extra. duty pai; limit-:. ._ , 239, 659 R. Ca1penter_ Post, Grand Army of the Refor purclmscof orscs; hllllt 239,660 publzc, _ fm- gmuspgytagion __________________ 239, 660 condemned cqnnon donated to .. 9•2 dug land-gl-am; roads __________,_, 240, 660 R Streqt, Washmgtogz, C'., ‘ fifty por ccuttoroads not bond aided 660 d€§C1€DC€’ appropgmtxon for lands taken, 81 ]·3bgg_ _ _ ________________,_______ , GX GDS10D 0 .. 0 for banacks and quarters ... 240, 661 Racine, _ · __ for xélegaéxis, Barracks, imma- 661 Rgglprcgryutxonfor improvement ofharbor- 34a be. . ..-. 9, 0 Wh limit cimn emgloyocs; 0 661 deficiency_ a€;gio£;ja€i0?Cf<ir jggigmcut 8_2 pay ____ _ _____________________ _ _ , uga1I1S B C 0 0 Hm 18. . 0 for construction, em., hospitals; Hot Rags, _ f l§1>ri¤t§1¤7 Ark - E --------------- gig, gg} ·>¤ fgw ¤¤?,l{<>r wvggggck --————-——--—— gg or ospi stewar ’ quarters _._.., , no spccm y p1·0v1 or ... . - fo;` ranglgs, etc 240, Rags, Woinigt , 546 orb Sue ing, inn OH . Sackctts Harbor, N. Y .. 241 Rahway River, N JZ, for clothing, camp and garrison equi- preliminary examination of, to be made- 367 page - . , ._._ 241, 661 Railroad Land Grants, for all Army contingent expenses - - - 241, 661 appropriation for surveys to adjust 395, 937 ' deficieuqy appropriation for regular sup- Railroad Rogctcs, _ _ phcs ..._... 480, 484, 487, 871 approprmhon for mm1 trausportatnon for incidental expenses - 480, 484, 871 by . 105, 692 fo; .. 480, 484, 487, fgkggi §0r gn cards, etc .. *3% per ccn arrears . , or spec ac es for tgcthing, and camp and garrison ‘ Railroad Ties, , f -°°“"’““" ·‘···s·s···s·*···s»· 4% 4*3233} R25 **32** ················‘··········*· 5*5 or ncrses .. , roa , _ Eur bangckg and quarters-- - 480, 484; 487, [Egg may igszcmmwgglangwzlo 5,000-mile 643 or cam erms .. c e ; pn eges, 0 c vacancies to be filled from the line 234 granted right of way in Territories to Quarters, Army, keep stations at town sites ._.. 263 appropriation for commutation, ofli- i lpenalty for failure ..._...,...__,__,_.. 263 cars 236,657 I Rai roads, Cammissiomr of, for troops · . ; ... J 240, 661 appropriation for, bookkcepcr, engineer. foxkhgpital stewards .. ; ..._ 240,661f etc .,,__,_ kg ________________ 197,798 Quay, . ., _ or cxaminiu boo , etc ________ 197, **98 deficiency appropriation for ..., 16 Railroeugs, é9tree§ (see Street Railways, ‘ Quayle. Robert H., i _ · ·)· payment of Court of Claims judgment to- 461 , R65d? _ ted 515 Québec_ » p y on mm or s _________________ F _ _ appropriation for consul at .,. 147,822 Rmhmll B¢"‘8· ¢"0·» ._ <»**;{¤’¤~"M· 20 R&‘*’P2,;,"2¢i§$’.“}%2?!§€1 ···················· *“° uty on 5v Quill, Jeremiah E . 1235;% °“P;O‘g}b}·é, ···············--·-- · -~—- 519 payment of Court of Claims judgment to. 455 y ·. °"`8’ - . h , approprmtmn for __.,,___..,_____ _ ____ 10;;, 692 Quzllayute Harbor, Wash., Runway Postal Clerks Preliminary °x°mi”'*ti°n °f* to b° m°d°· 368 - apprdpriation for · tauveling e enscs 105 692 Q¤¢·`”¢’··¢*¢.I*2df¤¤#· * must mae 01; route .. Tp' km Qgggropriatxou for support, etc., of 303, 892 Rggggieucy appropriation for _ - _ H - 446, 481, 873 on five list . 544 { 8’ Quiuaielt Indians, 3 Rgtezy ggé ``````'```'```'``‘`“ " " 524 appropriation for support, ctc., of . 303, 892 ; on {QW list,; proviso__ __ 543 Min JN-. 'Ran h, M 0., `_````````` gipeglging channel in bay, wtbvrized 357 I Rtéijisgttcorgvru ______________________ __ __ 275 ima, _ _ cr z, e er ., vp fm IM, Sulphate of -------»<------»- M4 payment or com or cmu; juagmnt m_ 462 Qzgzngg;} mt barks 538 Rancocas _C'r§ek,g\I .L, u , _.l... · · · ¢··i»·», M. . S¥5'mr°“““ y°‘éx»m°'3£'1.‘3'§X‘§€€xa`se·.me· 33 pgnyment of Court of Claims J¤@¤¤t tv- 455 of Lumberton Branch to be made _ _ Q 367 Qumn. Johnféé f Cb! d 464 Randolph. ¥Ve.sley J, paymeuto urto ’ms ju gmc-mt to- I pa. ent of C0 rt f C1' d 1; _ Quinn, Patrick HZ, f Rani}:. Mahhex, 0 mms Ju gmeu to 455 payment of Court of Claims judgmcqt to- 461 payment of Court of Claims judgment to- 469 `