Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/5

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vi LIST OF PUBLIC ACTS AN D BE SOLUTIONS. Page. Drudge, Iisaouri River. An act to amend an act entitled "An not to authorize the construction of a bridge across the Missouri River at the most accessible point betweenthe city of Kansas and the town of Sibley, in the county of Jackson and State of Missouri," npgroved March third, eighteen hundred and mghty-seven. March 29, 1894- - I . 45 Bridge, issouri mg; act for a charter for the Iowa and Nebraska. Pontoon Bridge C0m· 45 mmm}` pm {mmm. ,An aéédmgfu ``````` me`‘Bi{ three `````13hH·i£é€1`§.¤321`éié§éff6E `£11é`1§.b`ml· ```` stlé ` utes of the89'4nited States re ting to accounts of the Treasury of the United States. 47 March 29, ,.,,,,,,___ - ,.,._,..,... .B·op¢rty returns. An M; to Smgnlate the making of property returns by omcers of the Gov- 47 ernment. Hnrch , 1 `. - .. Bridge, Mimongahela River. An act to authorize the of a bridge over the Menongahela. River at Glenwood, Pennsylvania. A£ri1 2, 1894 ... 47 Bridges, Cnlcaeicni and Sabéms rivers. An act a rizing the Texarkana and Fort Smith Railgay Compani golmdge the Calcasieu and Sabine rivers in the States of Louisiana 48 and ons., , Bridges, Caddo Lube and Cross Bgw An aetauthoriziug the '1'exarkanaand Fort Smith Railway fkarrégany to bridge _ addo Lake at or ucar Mocrrmgsport, Louisiana, and Cross Bayou, near eveport, Lomsxans. April 5, 1894 . 50 Puraenle, Pucsfjie Owan. An nctto givecfectto the award rendered gthe Tribunal of Arbitration, at Paris, under the trmggbetween the United States and _ t Britain concluded · at Washmgton,_ Februar tw _ » -ninth, eighteen hundred and mnety-two, for thefpm-· ge ot to arbitration certnm questions concerning the preservauon the 52 amiga- , suzphw- ger. An `g"£1ié `'`` ````` E5 `12.¤1""&X§`cm ```` Z pané tgl the Sulphur River in the State of Arkansas or in the State of Texas. 55 'B,-..1g»· , mmm' K§{&é£`£J éiwmi ```` E6 "mE`3i3v5mm' " 'g'%L3`s¤m `` mm `` · 11 *3-` ` hadn; Baitroad to builds bridgeacroes Tennessee River at Clifton, Tennessee. April 21, ,.. - ,. - - - . - 57 Bndge’ Hmwvnghela River. An act to authorize the West BraddockCom to comstructs 'dgéalover the Moncngshela Biverlmun the borough of to Tawnsl¤_p,' . April , 1894 .. - ... 57 Dcjtcimeya An actt0provideforfurtherurgentde£¤ien¢:iesi11theapprop:x-` atzionagorgaerviceof theG0vernmeutfortbe£sm1year¤1di¤gJumthirtieth,eightem _ hundred and nmety-four, and for other purposes. 21, 1894-: --.------,----------, 58 Bndg¤,I4ttkRwer. Anectauthmanng the Texarlmnaand Fort Smith Rail¤wayGmnpa¤.y to bridge Little River, in the State of Arkansas, April 21, 1894 .-.----- _ -,____,________ 62 Eur aegis, Ibmfgzngecan. in act whatwaudmtgmn one of anésct approved April sixth, eighteen undred mj -ou1·,en` “An ct giee ttoth d dered the Tribunal of Arbitration, at Paris, under the treat;betwce(en the ghitzrd Sutes and Great Britain, concluded at Washington, February twe·nty-ninth, eighteen hundred and ninety- two, for the W of subuuttgng to arbitration certain questions concerning the preservation of ur seals." April 24, 1894 ...-.-...-- - -----------_----_--_______________ 64 Bridge, Saint Louis River. An act to authorize the construction of a steel bridge over the Saint Louis River, between the States of Wisconsin and Minnesota. April 24, 1894 --.. 64 United States courts, Michigan. An act to provide for the division of the eastern district of Michigan into the northern and southern divisions, and for holdingtlzm circuit and district courts of the United States therein, and for other purposes. April 30, 1894 .------. 67 Bp-Mge, Saint Louis River. An act to authorize the Saint Louis River Bridge Company and the Duluth Transfer Railway Company to construct, maintain, and rate a bn over the Saint Louis River from a point at or near Grassy Point, in cillin villa e %%9West §¤1uthi8]:)[4innewta, to the most available point opposite, in the State of Qlfiscousin. ay i """‘“" '‘‘'‘ ""‘*"""······•···•······--------—- ------- ----·-------- . Publix: ¥1gdk.<{;£gvlah0¥¢;HwArn acltdto ram the reservatioixiof lands made for the beuetit 68 o me , a or er urposes, a , _________________ _ ________ Brndge, Niobrara River. An act to authorizelthe reoonstrugtion of a bridge acmssthe Niobmm 71 1§:ei:7¤e&·4the village of Niobrara, Nebraska, and mnldng an appropriation therefor, Br.-.;,,,, p}Qw.g' anL·L3`1§}Lé}I"AH ibid é2{¢K6£1hé`£i¤é`ééL`¤zr¤``biiéiéi K iriiiimibiil 72 gahelg. River in the city of Pittsburg, May 7, 1894 _________________________________ _ 72 New York port limits. An act to extend the limits of the port of New York. May 7 1894 - - 73 Yellowstone Park, grotection, etc. An act to protect the birds and animals in Yellowstone National Par , and to punish crimes in said park, and for other purposes. May 7 1894 73 District of Columlyiu, _Iiqum· sales. An act to amend an act entitled "A.n Act regulating the sale of intoxicating liquors in the District of Columbia? May 11, 1894 ,_ A 75 Public Ienadapatenzéiz Ohg;. Aglact to authorize the Commissioner of the General Lririébiiiéé to issue a pa n to ace ements’s , bered th b dred- ‘ ‘ BHdg%y..g..j._.}.Z;.t.., gigcmistof sgi"?. {3E9i _. T T ff'? . T Ti}? T? T'} 76 , 1 zssumppn wor. an 0 auth ustru ti f b 'd Lijggis. sippi River at Red Wing, Miunesctafgngfay l2T(l89=l. j- _?.}.? B. - g-??. . - the 76 District of Colgnnbia, street-car tickets. An act to provide for the sale of nest street rmlyvay companies of the District of Columbia. May 25, 1894 _, 78 Bridgelggzisoug R¢ve:R1edAnAa.;tg0ta;uend};he act lof June twenty-second, eighteenliuudredand _ey— o,cu_ ‘· c can orizt tru' { bd · · River at the city of Yankton. South Dagotai Soulilay {1834 .81 , - YT 78