Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/643

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614 FIFTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. HI. Ch. 23. 1895. Fish C<¤¤¤·i¤¤i¤¤· Of the Report of the Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries, eight thousand copies; two thousand for the Senate, four thousand for the House, and two thousand for distribution by the Fish Commission. Fish B¤11¤¤i¤¤- Of the Bulletins of the Fish Commission, five thousand copies; one thousand for the Senate, two thousand for the House, and two thousand for distribution by the Commission. H¤¤1¤¤ 0m¤·=1‘»D· C- Oi' the Report of the Health Officer of the District of Columbia, one thousand five hundred copies; one hundred for the Senate, three hundred and sixty for the House, and one thousand and forty for distribution by the health officer. » Civil Smvive Com- Of the Report of the Civil Service Commission, twenty-three thou- ""`°°' sand copies; one thousand for the Senate, two thousand for the House, and twenty thousand for distribution by the Civil Service Commission. E<*¤°¤**°¤- Of the Report of the Commissioner of Education, thirty-five thousand copies; five thousand for the Senate, ten thousand for the House, ‘ and twenty thousand for distribution by the Commissioner of Education. G°°*°€i°*l S“"°Y· Of the Report of the Geological Survey, uniform with the preceding reports, ten thousand copies; two thousand for the Senate, four thousand for the House, four thousand for distribution by the Geological Surve . Commissioner of Of the Report of the Commissioner of Labor, twenty-five thousand I‘“*’°" copies; five thousand for the Senate, ten thousand for.the House, and ‘ ten thousand for distribution by the Commissioner of Labor. 1,,,,,,,,,;,, 4;.,,,,- Of the Annual Report of the Interstate Commerce Commission, three ¤*{*¤° C°mmi°°*°¤~ thousand copies; one thousand for the Senate, two thousand for the House, and for the use of the Commission there may be printed such number of said report and other documents incident to interstate commerce for distribution by them as they may deem expedient. mvsmsmmmana The Secretary of State shall cause to be printed and bound at the S"”l'”"°“" Government Printing Office as many volumes of the Revised Statutes of the United States, and the Supplement to the Revised Statutes of the United States, volume one, second edition, eighteen hundred and seventy-four to eighteen hundred and ninety-one, authorized under the von 26, Act of April ninth, eighteen hundred and ninety, as may be needed for distribution to designated depositories, State and Territorial libraries and to United States courts not already supplied, and for sale by his office at the cost thereof. smi0¤i.w.. The Secretary of State shall cause to be edited`, printed, published, v01_;;,,,,,;;;, and distributed pamphlet copies of the statutes of the present and each future session of Congress to the officers and persons hereinafter provided tor; said distribution shall be made at the close of every session of Congress, as follows: To the President and Vice-President of the United States, two copies each; to each Senator, Representative and Delegate in Congress, one copy; to the Librarian of the Senate, for the use of Senators, one hundred copies; to the Librarian of the House, two hundred copies, for the use of Representatives and Delegates; to the Library of Congress, fourteen copies; to the Department of State, including those for the use of legations and consulates, six hundred copies; to the Treasury Department, three hundred copies; to the War Department, two hundred copies; to the Navy Department, one hundred copies; to the Department of the Interior, including those for the use of the survey- ors-general and registers and receivers of public land offices, two hundred and fifty copies; to the Post-Office Department, fifty copies; to the Interstate Commerce Commission, ten copies; to the Department of Labor, uve copies; to the Civil Service Commission, three copies; to the Department of Justice, including those for the use of the Chief Justice and associate justices of the Supreme Court and the judges and officers of the United States and Territorial courts, five hundred