Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 29.djvu/1031

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]()()8 INDEX. Tallqlmgclpiq Rip"-, M;;;,, Page. j Telegraph and Telephone Service-, D. C.—Cont’d Pageappropriation for improvement of 222 appropriation for new boxes, etc . 678 construction of bridge authorized across, i use oi poles, etc . _ . ... : 678 T _____ _ ______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ rgzyrlctlgu on pglgg lu alloys , qqnugq- u a y- o# Brig wu, ____ ____ ____ ____ _ _________ claim for: loss réferred to Court of Claims. 483 l d igrrnew patrol boxss, ego .. _ ... . . Tama Counfy [mm e ciency appropna ion or repairs ... appropriation; for buildings, Indian school 34 Telegraph eozssectagg Capps! an: Dejgagrtfggeltaé in ________ _ ____ _ ___________ _ _,.__., 5 approprm ion or ca , e . ‘ p acceptance of jurisdiction over Sac and Fox 331 i T I poges . .; . ...];;:';:; . .. . . . . 440 ll di..-. . ------ - ----- 6 WWP IWW W9 \ TL ]·am¢mwJ aus m 1 certificates of seivice during the war to appropriation for consul at .. . ... 34, 586 T kph begs8H6d -5- 6 --------- -- ------ 497 T r a 13 FI ., ~ c one urges, . . Tiliiiiji-ey':]? diseeted ...,... 239 i Treport og, no be mxide ipfongross .-.- 406 a 5 A umcuce cn emma xp 1 um _ iiiiinsiniation for consul at .. .- . . 33:, x j sdmissiclnl¢;ftc0utrsct_:;;zb{>ri¤rs by foreign 474 f k h' ______,_,_,____,,_,, , .,,, ex 1 1 ors perm: er .. . Tangiirf cr uc 7 I free entry of articles for exhibition; sales, upproqriation for consul-general at .. gg, g 3 of let? il . ..5.. .1,;... --- -é.- 474 f re k h' ,-,-,- ,..,_,_,.,, -,.. , n ic es rom xecu ive epa men s e e, Tauylbr LEM, lm I ‘ to be exhibited at .' . y 477 appropriation for contribution .. 30, 581 board of management created . . 477 Tar River, N. C., I appropriation for Government buildings. . 477 appropriation for improvement of -- -. 220 i fb! expenses of exhibit. .. . . 478 Tariyb, Customs, I articles for exhibition admitted free of 478 u ro rintion for publication bureau 31 583 ; uty .. . . . ...-- Taoglieyglohn 0., ’ § regulations; sales; duty on articles sold. 478 detieieney appropriation for contested elec- medals to be prepared .. . . . . . - 478 tion expenses .. .--- --.. 303 limit of liability of United States -... 478 Taunton River, Maas., condition before appropriation available. . 478 appropriation for improvement of ,, -- 215 . ‘ building for Government exhibit to be con- Tazu, [ tracted for without advertisement. . 698 . stamp, on tilled cheese; regulations .. 255 I Tennessee Eastern Judicial District, additional on imported lilled cheese .. 255 Tterms 02 court, Knoxville .. . , 39 Taxes, li. C., enncaacc iivvr appropriation fo; advertising arrears of. § 669 Tappmp1}izatiohit"£>r lighting .. . . 419 ibr neeonnts o arrears- .. . ... 6(E} ennmce iver y. renssessment of lots, declared technically c0nstruet_ion’of bridge authorized across. . m defective .,.. .. ..., 98 surveyo mouth of directed. . ... ‘ Taylor, F. L., Tennessee Rirer, Tenn.; grunted honorable discharge . . .-..· 722 I approyérliation for improvement ot} below 224 Taylor, George W. attanooga. .. . .,., grunted honorable discharge .. . .. 778 § above Chattanooga .. . ... . . 224 Taylor, James L., construction of bridge authorized across, deticieney appropriation for, Ford's Thea- i Knoxville, Tenn 79 I ter disaster .. . ... . . . . .. 274 time elntended for bridge, Chattanooga, 34 Tay orrille, Ill.enn .._ ..-. 5 condemned ,cs¤n0u, etc., donated to Tennessee Western Judicial District, Woma.n’s Relief Corps . . 55 Perry County transferred from middle dis- Tm, trict to .. . . . ... . .. . ..,. 91 importation of impure and imwholesome, Tessa: River, La. and Ark., prohibited. .. . . 604 appropriation for improvement of . . .. 222 appointment 0; bond of experts to submit Tents, Army, stnudur samp es .. . . .. 605 loaned to tornado sutferers East Saint standards of purity, etc., to be established. 605 Louis and Saint Louis ,,, ,._,,,,,_,,_ 475 duplicate samples for enstormhouses and I loaned to annual eucampment. Grand Army dealers .. .. ... . . ... 605 of the Republic .. _Q _.,. 703 inferior to samples prohibited entry .. 605 i Territorial Homes for Volunteers, examination, etc., of importation; sam- i appropriation for aid to .,__ _ _____ __ ______ 448 p es . . . .. .. 605 I Territories, de-livery if equal standard ... 605 I appropriation for government in the ____ [60, 560 retention of inmnpr qualities _ .. g | deticiency appropriation for government nppea to man o genera appraisers.. i in . . . ,,.,,, . . .. . 277 iulgrior tp ble exported or dzstroyedf 606 ; divorces tg be grunted only after one yenr’s 36 0 e mm e y examiners a por 0 en- I residence in _ ,,,______ _ _____________ ]_ try or nesgest portgltests . .. 606 · issue 4p` email-caliber Springfield rides to, reexaminations y genera appraiserr ex- i or mi im; ______ _ ___________ _ ______ 592 I ports - . .. ._.-. .. . . .. .. :3 606 I ownership of lands in, by aliens forbidden. 618 rejected not to be reimported; forfeiture- 606 exceptions under zrenrien _________,_,,_ 613 on shipboard lat passage of act subject to 607 i Land adciiuireciiprior to March 3, 1887. . 618 0T1UP!` ¤W· -----·-----· - --·-·-·-. .. I Ona we residents, etc .,... . . 618 Tfo¤{1€l}=\ct repealeil ---- . . 607 aliens to dispose of lands when residence cgumyu pa ceases --------. 618 appropmition for consul at .. . . .. 34, 586 may acquire town lots or mining claims. 618 Telegraph gurl Telephone Service, D. C., f acquired by inheritance, etc.,to be sold. 618 npproprmtiou for salaries .. . ... 406, 678 ‘ _ eseheat if not sold in ten yeans ... 618 im- uontmgeutexpenses . . 406, 678 aliens holding lands may convey them 618 for renewing hues - . .. . 406 conveyances in trust void . . 619