Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 29.djvu/1041

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1018 INDEX. W1¤pp¤sg‘ Pa Postal Service Page- Yazoo River, Misa., P¤z¤· a.ppropnaug:;’for ,,,,._ . .. 314, 645 apipropriation for improvement of 222 Wright, Hon. Myron B., late a Representative in or improvement of mouth; contracts. - - 222 Congress, construction of bridge authorized across, deli cieucy appropriation for widow . . . 302 Greenwood .. . . 628 Wright, W. L. H., Ycaton, Carrie L. (widow ), deficiency appropriation for, Ford’s Thos- pension .. . . . . 735 tor disaster . ... .. . . 274 Yellow Fever, Write of Error, appropriation for preventing, ctc., opicircuit courts of appeal to boar, in crimi- demic . .. .. 432 nal cases not capital ... 492 Yellow Fever, D. C., may be taken to court of appeals from po- provisions to prevent spread of ... 635 Wy d gc; ¤,;>;¤,;¤&,1:;;>_,,;,,·,;,; ·---- - ------ · · - 608 Yellowstone National pam, M 0 ¤ ¢·»' s a mm'¤si . sale of certain lands in, 8uth01'iZ0d; limit- 342 aPf¥o;0£$;;$:1£.;g`nt?ix1;g gigzection YYTT. . }78’ W!¢"•d°“° 1**6*8, Ab*”’°¢» _ deficiency appropriation for repairs, etc.. 284 to be located in Choctaw and Chwkasaw . Nations 344 Yellowstone Rover, Mont., Wyoming, ’’‘'°'‘' appropriation for improvement of ... . 232 appropriation for surveyor-general, clerks, YWW BMP *1, Cal-, _ ctc ______ ____________________ 173, 512 appropriation for whuriQ hght-house, and for incidental expenses Indian Service iu- 339 W10! depot ------ - ---·----.·---.--- 418 double foes sllovinigd dcgd dgputy Jparshnls- 183 Y°*‘b¤a?¤¢¤¢ I01g7W, g¤{·,_ h 1 th examination to ma c 0 sites or racer- ¤¤V ¤PP1'6¤ *06 ¤¤¤1¤g 80 00 all 01'~ voir; fg; smpggq, gw_ ____ _ _________ 238 ized at; selection of site .. . 96 proclamation setting apart Big Horn For- Yoko'""'"!; (·¤¢¤ **180 K¤¤¤·89·W3)» Gs; Bgggyvgtign ____ _ _ ________ _ _____ 909 appmprxation for oonsubgemaral at ..,.. . , 584 Teton Forest Reservation ---- .. 906 0T ¤lqI'k hi!`6 ---·- I --..--··---..-.. 588 right of way for pipe lines ____ , ,,___ , , ,,_, 127 fol‘ pI1HOD fol‘ AH16l‘103I1 (:0!1Vi0fS . . . . 589 Wyznmue, Va., Ywk River, V4-. deficiency appropriation for fish hatchery; $P?!'0l]1'i¤tj0¤ for i¤\P¥0V¤m¤¤t of ---- - - - - 219 a.dditiona1_ land 279 Y t 0; llggliillng ------ . . 419 oa , aca , I-_ deiicmqcy approprmtwu for contestcdmloc- YM]"., $1011 expenses .. . .,,.,.,...,,,,, 303 of foreign clulas mliovodtifxom entry, clear- 51 Y ';)“·g§,';1' g:, 732 auce,:m tonnage .. . ... 1 ·· ···· ···· ···· ·· ··-··--· owned, etc., by citizens excluded .. . 511 Y°“”9»_ M¤?’9¤"* J- (mother), foreign-built, owned, etc., by citizens to P¤¤¤10¤ --·-·-—--------- .- --..--.. 767 pay tonnage mx .. .. 511 Young, Mary T. (widow), Y 4U1M! Ayhllfy, Will}-, pension increased ,, _ ,______ , ______ _ _ _ 736 Yappropriation for Indian agent at . 323 Young, P, M, B,, akima, dc., Indicmv, appropriation for lc lro rosontativos of. appropriation for support, etc., of 338 Yossg, gnu-, ga P 583 Yakima Indiana, Wavh-, granted honorable discharge ,.,. ,, _,_____ 802 appropriation for negotiations for nurrou- yming Tho,,",,, L dar of reservation. atc . 342 ,,,,),,;,,8,,,, to ,,,,30,, ,,24 Yamhill River, Oreg., , _ `_ ’`‘‘ ‘ `’‘‘‘‘ appropriation for improvement cf; lock Y""'? W"?"'} " m"`""“P H"'": D- C-: um dam, contracts _____ _ __________ 233 appreprumop for xuamtenunco .. ... 410, 682 Ymlktol Agua, ,g_ Dah, Y0unt,f4lbert (v., ’ - a appropriation fm. Indian agent It ____ __ __ 323 dofimency opproprmmon for, I ord’s Thea- Yankton Indian Reservation, S. Dak., to" (hss8W!' -·---· - ----·-·-- -- ·-.. .. 274 appropriation for artesiau walls . . 343 homestead settlers given a your'; leave of , z· absence; conditions . 16 Z"""""": , _ Yankton Tribe, Sioux Indians, *PPl"{P"“*°u f°T °0¤$¤1 Ni -----·.. . . 34, 586 proclamation opening to entry lands ceded f°" mt°'P*°t°”» (WC-, N6 -·---- · ·... 32, 589 Y _ bg 6; .. . . . --.. .. 865 , Zeigcnhpim, Katherine (widow), aquma ay, eg., ponsnon ...,,,,,,,,_ _ _____ _ ______ _ ________ appropriation for improvement of; cou- Zdlcra, John, 769 tracts . - . . . 214 pension increased ,_____ _ ________ _ ________ $32 Yaquilm River, Oregz, _ Zittau, prchmrnary cxammstmn oi] to be made.. 238 appxjopriamiou for comm; at , _____ _ ________ 586 Y¤¤••0·¤¢b_ _ __ _ Zoologwal Park (sec National Zoological Park). approgrmtxon fo? consul at .. 3;;, ;>87 Zurich, Y¢12vU,_ l Mlm1h (wld0W),appropriation for consul at ____ __ ____ ____ 34,586 ` P011B10D- ··..· - -··- · ---- - --·-·--·---··- · .. 785 for clerk hire ,,,_,_ _ _____ _ ____________ 36, 588