Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 29.djvu/172

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142 FIFTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 252. 1896. §,¤¤c·r·&;g·A¤¤·• Orman or Snnannur-Ar-Anus up Dooaxnnrnn: For Sergeant- "' umat·A.rms and Doorkeeper, four thousand five hundred dollars; horse and . wagon for his use, four hundred and twenty dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary; for clerk to Sergeant-at-Arms, two thousand dollars; assistant doorkeeper, two thousand two do acting a sistant doorkeeper, two thousand ve un re lumgm. and ninety-two dollars; three messengers, acting as assistant doorkeepers, at one thousand eight hundred dollars each; forty-six messengers, at one thousand four hundred and forty dollars each; assistant messenger on the iloor of the Senate, one thousand four hundred and forty dollars; messenger to official reporter’s room, one thousand ibur hundred and forty dollars; messenger in charge of storeroom, one thousand two hundred dollars; upholsterer and locksmith, one thousand four hundred and forty dollars; two carpenters to assist him, at nine mum. hundrechand sixty dollars lskiéled habprleg, one theusand tdollarg; wo jam ors at nine nun re o ar eac · a rer in c argeo priva e passage, eight hundred and ihrty dollars; two female attendants in charge of ldd10S, retiring room, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; telephone operator, seven hundred and twenty dollars; telephone page, six hundred dollars; three laborers, at eight hundred and forty dollars each; twenty-twollaborers, ag sevegc hundred and twenty dollars 1-.; each- sixteen pages for the Senate ham r at the rate o two o lars ol and fifty cents per (day each during th: session, four thousand eighct hundred and forty dollars- in all one undred and twenty thousan seven hundred and eighty-four dollars. 1’·>·¢¤¤··•*•*· ¤*¤· Posr-orrrcmz For ostmaster, two thousand two hundred (and fifty dollars; assistant postmaster and mail carrier two thousand an eighty- eiglg dollalrs;dsev:x& mlail carriers and sue wagon master, lat ope thousan two un re dollarseaclr four r1 ing pages at nine im red and twelve dollars and fifty cient; each; in all, seventeen thousand live hundred and eighty-eight ollars. "'°=··-·r···""°‘··*····-"’°"—···· S.£3$E’}‘$£2§;;f31E§£.?I‘{lI£1i§‘Z2§£€J3&‘¥3°&‘§2E‘;fJZ¥"$2,é:€:§"§£ one thousand four hundred and forty dollars each; clerk to superintendent of document room one thousand iour hundred and forty dollars; in all, eight thousand, seven hundred and sixty dollars. §m¤¤:E'mm.L0tc Fonnmc Room: For superintendent of folding room, two thousand "l’° “ °" ‘ one hundred and sixty dollars- assistant in folding room one thousand two hundred dollars; clerk inholding room, one thousand two hundred dolla;·s;dibreman in iplding one thpusand two l;_undred dollars; nine b ers at one thousand dollars eac n- an nine olders at eight hundrted auél forty dlohars each; in all, twenty-two thousand three . un r . an twenty o lars. cinerengsnoemec. UNDER. Ancmrrzcr OF THE CAPITOL: For chief engineer, two thousand one hundred and sixty dollars; three assistant engineers, at one thousand tour hundred and forty dollars each; three conductors of elevators, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; machinist and assistantsconlducgor ot telegatotiisapne thoplsapd dpllaorsg two; nremep, at one ou an an nine y- ve dollars eac · our a rers a seven mnd¤·e1dtand Ementy dollars each; in all, sixteen thousand,one hundred anty o lars. Clerks to S¤¤¤w¤· For thirty-eight annual clerks to Senators who are not chairmen of c1ommittees,];».t one thousand five hundred dollars each, fifty-seven thousand dollars. gy;¤;·Ls£;;;¤:;(y;¤;{;;§; Fon QONTINGENT nxrmwsiss, Nu¤¤LY: For stationery and newspnpm. papers, including five thousand dollars for stationery for committees and officers of the Senate, sixteen thousand two hundred and fifty dollars. Pnsmrc stamps- For postage stamps for the office of the Secretary of the Senate, two hundred dollars; for the office of the Sergeant-at-Arms, one hundred dollars; in all, three hundred dollars. Home and w¤g·>¤¤ For expenses of maintaining and equipping horses and mail wagons {or carrying the mails, five thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may e necessary.