Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 29.djvu/248

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218 FIFTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 314. 1896, mC,md¤{{:£¤, 1*,*** War is hereby authorized and directed to institute and carry to com- Vol.§;,p.348.pletion proceedings for the condemnation of all the property and its appurtenances of the Monongahela Navigation Company, a corporation of Pennsylvania, said condemnation proceedings to be as prescribed and regulated by the provisions of the general railroad law of Pennsylvania approved February nineteenth, eighteen hundred and forty- nine, and its supplements, except that the United States shall not be required to give any bond, and except that jurisdiction of said proceedings is hereby given to the circuit court of the United States for the western district of Pennsylvania, with right of appeal by either party Expenses. to the Supreme Court of the United States. And the sum of five thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated, out of any moneys in the Treasury not otherwise approprinted, to pay the necessary costs of said proceedings; and upon final judgment being entered therein, the Secretary of War, if in his opinion the judgment is reasonable, is hereby authorized and directed to draw Judgment- his warrant on the Treasury for the amount of said judgment and costs, and said amount for the payment thereof is hereby appropriated out of any moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. And when said property and its appurtenances shall have ·been acquired by the United States, whether by purchase or condemnation, the Secretary of _;¤*’¤°°*·°***°**¤l*°**· War shall take charge thereof and the same shall thereafter be subject `v;0l;23,p.].47, to the provisions of section four of an Act entitled "An Act making appropriations for the construction, repair, and pmservation of certain public works on rivers and harbors, and for other purposes! approved . July fifth, eighteen hundred and eightyfour. mjgl_rgg,*}*¤*¤*°* Improving Appoquinimink River, Delaware: Continuing improvemont, five thousand dollars. smy¤..rnm·,1m. jmpmyiug Smyrna River, Delaware; Continuing improvement, tive thousand dollars. Déimww B·*"°'· Improving Murderkill River, Delaware: Continuing improvement, ` wl six thousand fivehundred dollars. _ _ _ _ m‘§*;,“§,';_°,{’°,°_T,‘§,’§ Improving the inland waterway from Chincoteague Bay, Virginia., to here Delaware Bay, at or near Lewes, Delaware, to be used from Delaware _ Bay to Indian River: Continuing improvement, twenty-tive thousand §{jj{’,‘{‘f,, “,,\._ — dollars: Provided, That no part of this appropriation shall be expended °until the right of way is secured without cost to the United States, but the right of way over any railroad or through any railroad or county bridge shall not be subject to this proviso, and may be secured by con- _ _ demnation proceedings. D_.HY"““ “"`°" R""' Improving Broad Creek River, Delaware: Continuing improvement, five thousand dollars. <‘h··p¤•¤k Rir¤r.M<\- Implrovingd (éhgptank River, Maryland: Continuing improvement, two thousand dollars. <‘*·<·¤¤··r*<i~’—·*·M·'· Improving Chester River, Maryland: Continuing improvement, one thousand five hundred dollars. M=·¤°k*" **"•"~ ***‘· Improving Manokin River, Maryland: Continuing improvement, four thousand dollars, of which sum two thousand dollars shall be expended in improving said river between Dashiells Creek and u point on said _ river known as the Red Bridge or County \Vharf. "““"‘**""R"'°"·M"· Improving Wicomico River, Maryland: Completing improvement, P°*‘°¤·°k"R*"*"·M*‘· three thousand seven hundred dollars. Improving Pocomoke River, Maryland, below Snow Hill, in accordance with report submitted February twenty-fifth, eighteen hundred and ninety-tive, five thousand dollars. Wwrivk *¤*‘¤¤‘»M·l~ Improving \Varwick River, Maryland: Continuing improvement, two thousand dollars.

  • ’"*"¥’*'° R*“"·M'*· Improving Patapsco River and channel to Baltimore: For mainte-

_ é ,_ nance, iiity thousand dollars. D_§f‘Qf,{;"§,‘}_ *""°’· Improving Nanticoke River, Delaware and Maryland: Continuing improvement, in accordance with report and plan submitted February fourteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-tive, three thousand dollars.