Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 29.djvu/281

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FIFTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 331, 335. 1896. CHAP. 331.-An Act Amending the Act of June eighth, eighteen hundred ani ·T¤¤¤ 5.1896- eighty, ontitlod "An Act to authorize the President to appoints au officcr of the Nav _""“"`_ or the Marine Corps to ntorform the duties of solicitor and judge-advocate-gcnerai and so forth, and to ilx the rank and pay of such ctlicor," and for other purposes. Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, Thai: tho Act “to authorize the §==·Wéf wm ad W President to appoint an oillccr of the Navy or the Marine Corps to por- .,.t.°Y?u..,r{.;l,,€,°}§,,,;l,;_ form the duties of solicitor and judgcadvocato general, and so torch, "°·**·P·*°‘·· and to ix the rank and pay of such ofiiccr," approved Junc eighth eighteen hundred and eighty, is hereby amended by inserting in saicl Act in lieu of tho words “ with tho rank, pay, and allowances of a captain in the Navy, or a colonel in tho Marine Corps, as the case may bc," the words “with the rank and highest pay of a captain the Navy, or the rank, pay, and allowances of a colonel in the Marino Corps, as the case may bo:” Provided, That this amendment shall take {Z03i3h k afoot hom July nineteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-two, the date ° ° ' on which the present incumbent entered on duty, and that the amount herein appropriated shall be payable from the appropriation “Pay of the Navy." Bcccived by the President, May 25, 1896. [Nom BY mm Dnvnzrmnum on S1·Arm.-The foregoiugact having been presented to the President of the United States lor his approval, and not having been returned by him to the house of Congress in which it originated within the time prescribed by the Constitution of the United States, has bocomo a. law without his approval.] CHAP. 335.-An Act Relating to the sale of gas in the District of Columbia. Juno 6, 1896. Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Washingtorn Gaslight n1¤ngcmn·c01pm1»n». Company of the District of Columbia is authorized to charge and col- lcct, after tho first: clay of July, eighteen hundred and ninetysix, for illuminating gas inrnishcd to and paid for by private consumers in tho District of Columbia, at tho rate of not cxcecding one dollar and ten cents por thousand cubic Rect, until the iirst day of July, nineteen hundred and one, after which lasvnamed date the ratc shall not exceed one dollmpcrthousand cubictéct; and thatnftertheilrs¤dayofJuly,eightecn Towne G0v•r¤m¤¤t· hundred and ninety-six, the \Vashingt0n Gaslight Company of the Distrivt of Columbia shall furnish to tho United States Govermnmnt and the District of Columbia gas at the rate of one dollar pcr thousand cubic {bet: Prarided, That if consumers other than tho Government shall {§’;‘;'j_‘['j;hm_ge if m not pay monthly any gas bill within ten days after the sauuc shall have paid ui nm days. been presented, said company may charge and collect from said consumer so failing to pay said bill as aforesaid one dollar and twenty-five cents per thousand cubic feet for tho gas furnished to said consumer during said month. S1·:<·. 2. That the Georgetown Gaslight Company, doing business in _§;>;··i¤¤·*;¤}- that part of tho District of Columbia formerly known as Georgetown, S ml" “' is authorized to charge and collect, after the iirst day of July, eighteen lluxulred and ninety-six, thrilluminatin g gas furnished to, and paid tor, by privaxc consumers in that part of the District of Columbia, at the rate of not exceeding one dollar and thirty-five cents por thousand cubic inet, until the tirsb day of July, ninctccn hundred and one, after which last-named elatc the ratc shall not exceed one dollar and twcncyflvc cents per thousand cubic feet; and that after the iirst day of July, '1`¤¤¤¤ G¤*¤¤¤r¤¤¤¤- eighteen hundred and ninetysix, the said Georgetown Gaslight Company shall furnish to the United States Government and tha District of Columbia gas at the rate of one dollar and twenty-five cents pcr _ thousand cubic fcct: Provided, That. if consumers, other than the G0v· mhnrge if not ernment, shall not pay monthly any gas bill within ten days after the paiamm {nys. _