Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 29.djvu/950

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INDEX. 927 Capo Lookout, Oreg. Page. Cquy Engg W 'r widow) Page. preliminary examination of harbor of ref- peueion .. it. ,_.,,, Z ,,,,,,,.. , , ,._,_, 325 nge, to be made . ... 238 Cash, Emily E. (widow), Capo Spartel and Tangier Light, pen ion inc;-engnd ____ _ ___________________ 753 C appropriation for contribution .. 30, 581 Cash Entries, Public Lands, apc num certain, 'u Alab a, M ss`ss'd A1- approprietion for consul-general at .. 32, 584 kei1sas corrignned t- .1. . . 90 Capo VOIIQIQ. L. {_'., _ t f h ccirtaki gragruaéion, confirmed 507 appro run non or xmprovemen o ar- an ie iver . . _ lm; .. . ...-. . ... 206 pmlinniuaty examination ot to be made. .. 238 Cagntal Railway Company, D. G., Caatellamare, C c Image of route, etc . . - . .. 187 0 ajgarmfxiiation for consul at .. 35, 587 apnic an0 n ·¤z:,:‘s*:;**···· *0* Wm, ·**=· ---- -··- 123 (,.1m·*;’E,,,,,. ---·-· ---.;; ·-··· .; u-; ···· my *3** S: --------·-·-.-.--.-------. a oo an mpor,n¤na‘ a for cleaning, etc., works of . 432 appropriation for completing ... .3 38 for repairs, etc., Senate ventilation . 432 Catania, ior ilmprtoging, and cares: grounds . g apgrepriation for consul at - . 35,587 or' gsm un . . - ... Oal•’llC'r kN. Y. for geetrgctlightgg plant for, and 433 C ptreliminfrf og to be made. -- 237 groun s ... a e for improvement of ventilation Senate 433 appiopriation fortpnrchase and destroying lm wing .. . . .. ...- diseased e c ..,,.,.._,. _ deficiency appropriation for general rc-22 457 cortificsijsion ofccuutries free from diseases aus e o . . . . . 0 .,,. . .,,,,,,_ 106 for lightiiag, andfrounds .. . ... ’ 290 negotiation to be made for modifying Engpolioe utiee exten ed to grounds, etc 143. lisb, regulations ,..,.,.,._, 105 space vacated by Library not to be used pure bred, to b• certified by Secretary of ’ ¤.,;»..u'¥.t‘£‘,£‘"*"‘°"“°" "’ °°""°““ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ““ mm$€'Z€¥§§“¥§;‘g."u·";,a;,"‘.;.;."a;‘ ’°*‘ . ez ., c appropriation for captain, lieutenants, entered ou public ... { - . . 484 f etc .i.. .6.. . gg;}- t143, 541 proclamatiornutsuspendgng probinition of orcc noreasc ; u es ex n e o uupo ion o , om certa n coungrounds ... 143 tries .. . . - . ..., , .,.,, , ..._..,,__ 812 for coutin ent expemes . . 14.3, 541 Cattle Diaaaaaa of ctc. deficiency agpropriation for widows of de— appropriation i’or publication of re rt ceasedmemben . ... --.- 301 on ... , ... . E?. . MB Capitol Rebuilding Bonds, New Mako, Cattle, Quarantine Stations fm-, issue oi} validated 487 appropriation for maintenance . . . 105 Cardona, Cavalry and Ligh t-Artillery School, Fort Riley, C agcigupriation for consul at . . 35, 587 m., M 61 ar appro}: 'ou c uses ..-- 8 appropriation for eonnul at .. -.., 34,586 Guyana ndiezs, f Carlisle 'Pa. a propria 'on or support, etc. o ---. 338 appropriation for school, additional $46 Cedar Oreck, Del., i t ‘ f I b d to superinten u .. pre' ary exam ua ion 0 to e ma e.. 236 deficiency appropriation for Indian school. 292 Cedar Keys, Fla., _ , Carlton Island, LT Y., preliminary examination of harbor, to be appropriation for light station . . . 417 meds .. . . . . . . - . 236 acne ancoo -m armor-p arc · .. . . . . . .. °·"P"·*:*S‘*¤‘f°;z"P:*;¥· { i...,.,...,i °·:';·;:?:s-‘·£:u£2"· q P reduction . ... . . . . . .’ 642 Cemeteries, National (ua National Cemeteries). Carr, Marg Gould (widow), Census (scc also Eleventh Consns), pension .. .. . 725 conference with other Governments to se- Carrqbgllg, Fla., cure, uniformity to be made; report. 468 appropriation for improvement of harbor Central America, _ and bn: -- .. 209 proclamation suspending prohibition of Carriagee, Gun a;_•d Mortar, 257 6u importation of cattle from countries Bn n rn riatiou or .. ‘ 0 .. ... ' Carl:·£lI,PHelen Morrell (widow), ’ “Centra," Canal Boat, pension increased .. . . 730 · t deilcienley Iappropriation for owner ... 272 C u n Ci! , Nat. ‘Ccrea,’ ar Tpo roprivation for salaries, mint at . . 158, 558 granted American register and name tg; wages; contingent expenses .. 158, 28 C med ctllileuged to "Lic1xteufels Brothers". 516 i' In ii school ... .- .. 6 cri cc v C d€-ie;/r;·::y:;z;lppropriation for mint .. . . . 307 may be aczeoted as security for naval con- BG M- ar u Mw S G 0 . - ...,. . . ' detioiency appropriation for .. 304 Ceylon, _ _ , _ _ (Jann-, Edwarrl C., } appropriation for consul at .. .--. 35, 586 authorized to accept medal from Great . Chamberlain, Jared S., Britain?- . -. ...·.··... 758 | C ]r:|1Bb;>;1-_---é- mi. .-.». .. 787 Ca An u tu '. m am, . . 3Q50g_ {_;,?;-. .. - ,... . ... 766 [ appropriation for, erecting, etc., Indian 0 G nd . sc oo -----.-.--...--- -. ... 345 t13p;;;;-inginn for custodian L . 434 I authorized to lease! etc., American Island, 10 Cage, Gggrgg, I construction of lmridge authorized across payment m legal representatives - 730 · River at . ..,,, 55 Gag;] gauge W,] I Chandlers River, Mc., pension incmnsed ,... . . l. 708 g preliminary examination ot} to be made___ 236