Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 29.djvu/971

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948 INDEX. .For¢i)€cationa—C0ntinued_. P=¤:¤-Freedmerfs Hoapilal and Asylum, D. 0.- M20- appropnation for loading apparatus, Em- Continued. ery disappearing carriage . . 260 apiptopriation for salaries . .. ... 410, 682 for test, etc., Gatling cast-steel gun and or rent; expenses .. -- ... . 410, 682 mortar; contract ... . ... 261 deficiency appropriation for expenses . 282 for Fort Monroe,wharf, roads, and sewer- 261 Freiburg, Fort Mom-oe, sewer; restriction re- 4 2 Fapplropbriation fgrgongul at .. 35, 586 moved . 7 reig lt, nclaime , . '., Fomndling Hospital D. C. may be sold to pay charges etc ... 124 appropriation for maintenance . 409, 682 French Broad River, Tenn., , 4 Fourzn Amtmz Poatmaater—GeneraI, · ¤1>1>r¢>pri=¤Pi<3¤ for i;¤r>r¤<*¤¤¤¤¤¢ <>f -------· 224 aptpmpmaou roy, emu, em ... 174, ms { Fmvh Spql·3#·v¤f6l•g¢»;·. _ M9 0* PMI ¤¤¤¤¤¤, ·>***·=·· of ---- -— -—---- 31*% **47 l $§£§{’§;f;“ ;°“ ,$’,,§5},‘,j°f},‘;·,g,;;,;,;,;,;·;,;··· . 94 Fourth C lass Mail Malin, y French ,,1%, ag? WP "' limit of weight; exception applicable to 1 onion iucmasoli 726 printed orwritten official matter, etc- 262 I Fg", Brandy ''''''''' 7 Fwlm S- R-. and Sm _ · dns11m 01; from nm, hmm, enc., ex d°H°i°“°Y **PPi'°P¤***°¤ f°1` mflmd °f salt I empt from general spirit regulations. 195 F R_ *1**%; -----····-··---·-·------··---- 270 , provisions for bottling in boucl .. . 628 ox wer ne. 1 Fu hm, appropriation for improvement of ; distri- gfppraprigtiou for coma] at ______ _ _______ 33, 535 _b“U0{1- --·· ; ----- - - - - -;- - ---·---- 226 l Fuel, Lights, and Water, Public Buildings, for U1VBSblg3bIDg Tlghbs of UDKt€d States, 1 gpplgprintign fg]- ________________________ 430 6*** -------·-- · ··----··------··-·--· 226 I deficiency appropriation for -. . . 269, 306 waste to be prevented, ctc 226 puma,,, ,],,1y€,·,,,,,, - F'¢"'°¢» _ _ __ pension increased .. . . 740 apipropriatwu for ambassador . .. 28, :179 . F“U·o,·d’ Dv M ¤¤•=r¤¤¤ry w ¤¤¤\>¤¤¤y -·---- ·---- 29, §80 I payment to heirs or ... 4 .. . . . . 774 for second secretary ... 29, :>80 l p,,;;,,-, Rgcharg gu F7`“”kfoTd_A'Q*'”“l• Pu-. _ deficiency appropriation for . ..,.. 291 appropriation for machinery .. 438 p,",,,, A,.;," F"¢“*kf°"tr i construction of bridge authorized across apiprogarialgipln for consul-general at .. gg, ggé [ Bad Rival-, nbc", _______ ___ ____ _ ____ 492 0T 0 0* “’° ---------······---~-----· » - 1•‘amchal, Fmnkfvrf MM- · I a as fo ¤ 1 s .. as, 587 appropriation io: improvement of harbor.- 210 I gim Qflzidoag), M; wg €·;¤•é¢0¤» fm _ RG M_ 590 Fpeusion. E .. , .. . . 817 e on e o ureauo erican pu ics. \ ,,,-,3,,,-;,,9 A,;,,, Franklin, William B., _ · proclamation declaring in effect laws pro- _ reappointed manager, Volunteer Sold1ers’ S lhiluxxng killing oflin tlasléu, {etc].- . 848 Home __,_,_____,.._,,__,,,,.,. 472 Fm- ea ia erica (aeea so as nn en 1- 'sh- Fraternal Bene/icial Associations, eries), declared corporations; duties, purposes, appropriation for commission to assess em ____ _ _,__,..., . ,.,,. 630 ; damages, seizure ofvessels . 115 annual reports required; nature .. .--. 631 { for protecting, ctc.,_A1usk:i. .. ._ . 420 permrt from assessor . 632 _ deficiency appropriation for patrol ot Berformation of associations ... - - 632 ~ ing Sca, etq .. . .. _ ... 2 75 incorporation of existing associations - 633 [ convention referring claims of British subsubordinate bodies . . . . .. 633 ~ jects to n commission . . . . 844 contracts to pay{)members’alssessmentvoicl. g33i Q Fur Scala, f 6 i i benefits not ia le to attac ment etc .appropriation or scienti o nvest gestion punishment for false statements, no re- ‘ gfcoaulition ot§ Bering Sea and North ports, etc .- 63t uci c . . ... 475 life-insurance companies and certain other Furniture, eh-., Public Buildings, societies not affected .. . 635 . appropriation for . . .-. . .. .. . - 430 corporations duplicating other names, ex- deiiciency appropriation for .. 269 eluded. . .,. . . . . 635 Furth, Free Delivery, Postal Service, * appropriation for consul at ..,... .,,. 34, 586 appropriation for superintendent, clerks, f ,1*; ·-·-·················-····-··· g';- 573 o. or e er carriers . . . . --.. 1 ,6|5| ' new offices. ... -.. 645 r for marinepervico . . 314 . Gapbey, Catherine (widow), fol' 110110 hl!6 . - - . . . . - 314, 645 I pen sion. ... . ..,,. 742 for car fare and bicycles .. 314, 645 i Gain", Albert B., for letter boxes, etc ..,... 314, 645 X payment to .. . ... . ... 110 for repapirigl boxes, etc . . 35 · Gaineaville, .1Ic.·|leerer and Sain Louis Railorincie en a expenses. . . . 5 1 road Company, interchangeable expenditures .. 314, 645 { time extended for right of way to, through fum} delivery. . .. . . 314, 645 _ Indian Territory .. . ... . 44 use of unexpendecl balance ... 645 · terminus changed, etc ,,,,_,__,,,,..,. 44 deficiency appropriation for. . -_. .. -.- . 310 Galena, IH. , detailed! estimates to be submitted annu- transfer of a captured cannon to Grant 3 y . . ... . . .. . . 618 Park .. . . . ..,... . .. 96 Free School Syppliea, D. I`., "Galena," I'. S. Sleamahip, _ appropriation for . . 403, 676 boilersto betrunsferred to “Enterpnse °’ . 373, 660 Freedman'.! Hospital and Asylum, D. I`., Gallnhrr, Philip JI., appropriation for subsistence ... 410, 582 deficiency appropriation for _,,_,,_,,, __ __ 291