Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 29.djvu/982

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INDEX. 959 Page. Pggg. Interior Depar1me1•t—Com:iuued. International Catalogue ofExyortaandImports, appropriation for civil expenses under 482 appropriation for completing .. . ,. 38 Ihr investigation, etc., of forested lamb. 432 International Committee on Weights and Measfor repairs to buildings .. . . - 432 urea, foI‘ Capitol HH!} gfvllnds . . - . 432 appropriation for expenses of American for public lands. . ,. . .,,..,. 433 member . - ... 154,553 for Geological Survey .. ..-. -.,_ 435 Intenmumml Eulmgyq, for cxpellses, commi sion on mineral appropriation for expense; _,,,...,_______ 4,5 lands, Montana. and Idaho .. . -. . 436 International Exhibition, Brunch, for Suprellw COD}"? l‘¤p0l‘t8 . --... 436 appropriation for expenses of representafor Government Hospital for Insane 436 tim; _ _,,,__,,___,______ , ,_,_,______ 438 for Columbia Deaf and Dumb Institution 437 International Geodutic Association, for Howard University . 437 appropriation for contribution ..,,_ _ ____, 423 for Alaska, education, reindeer . 437 International Induotrial Property Bureau, ` for printing and binding . . . . . . . 452 appropriation for slmre of gxpeums ,__,_ 170, 569 for pensions . . .. . . 45, 479 International Law, Digest aj; deiicieucy appropriation for Capitol . 22, 290 appropriation for revising, ew .,.,., , _,,,_ 584 for Government Hospital for the Insane. 22 International Marino Conference, for Geological Survey - -.. . 22, 291 appropriation for reassembling United for clnssitying mineral lands, etc ... 22 Staten delegates ..,,_.. 4 for Indian Department -.-. 23, 291, 309, 312 Intematianal Monetary Conference, for surveying public lands . 23 appointment of commissioners authorized for Eleventh Census ·. . . 24, 293 to secure ratio, coinage, etc., of gold for accounts of A. \Vi1s0u Norris 289 and silver . -.. .. . ,. 624 for H. Kessler Smith. .. . . . . 290 appropriation for salaries and expenses-, ml. for public lands. . .. . . 290, 309, 312 President authorized to c•1l .. . ... 65 for printing and binding ... 299 mayseml special diplomatic negotiators- W for contingent expenses . - . . 809 former provision for delegates repenled. . . Ma for pensions . 309, 312 Informational Priaon Commission, to issue pntentsfcrlocatod unconfirmed pri- appropriation for contribution, etc . 438, 583 vntc land claims, Louisiana - 518 International Water Boundary Commission, Internal Rereuuc, Mexican, appmprigtinn for Commissioner, deputy, . appropriation for expenses .. - ..., 583 clerks,etc -.. 153, 552 [ International Union of American Republics, for stamp agent, etc . . 153, 552 \ appropriation for maintenance; use of refor salaries, collectors, etc 156, 555 ccipts .. . . 38, 5K) for expenses oleomargarine and tobacco , mail matter may be sent free .. . .. Sw ingpgntion .. . .. 156 1 Intcroccunic Railway Company, and iilled-cheese laws . ... 555 I time extended, terminus changed, etc., of for ggents, surveyors, etc . 156,555 right of way through Indian Torrifor expenses, agents, gaugers, etc . .. 555 tory .. . .. . . 93 fm- solicitor _.. .. . 176, 575 { Interpreters, Indian, for paper for stumps, etc .. -. . . .. 429 = appropriation for puy . ... 323 fm- punishing violations of . 429 dcliciancy appropriation for .. 291 deficiency nppropriatiouforco11ect0rs,etc.273, 311 [ Interstate Commerce Commiuimo, for gaugers, etc., for services . .. .. . . 273 npinrepriuticn for commissioners .. . . .. 428 fm- punighiugviolatiou of law .. .. 273, 307 I or secretory ... 428 for agents, etc .. ‘. 307,311 . for expenses: counsel .. . ... 429 fm- rgpayiug taxes . .. 307, 311 deiiciaucy appropriation for expenses . 280 for drawback on stills exported 307 { Interstate National [tank, digzillers of brandy from apples, grnfpos,muy remove from Kansas City, Kane., no oranges, berries, ctc., exempt rom Kansas City, M0 . . . 607 general spirit regulations ... 195 E lnloxicaling l.iTaor•, drawback, etc., on nlcchol in the arts, ro- •¤ie,otc., to mlinno, prohibited; penalty. 506 peaked . 195 Inrcnlions, general special-taxlnws applicable to filled » pnteutablo if not known or published bochoesa .. . ..,... 254 fore discovery nor published two provisions lor bottling spirits in bond 626 years butbre applicntion. . . . 692 stamps and branding required . . 626 Immud, N. Y., special taxes on mnuuihcturers and dealcm preliminary examination of channel bein tillod cheese .. - - . 253 tween Fur Rockaway and, to be made 238 tax imposed on lilled cheese; stamps, ctc. . 255 Iowa, _ I ulvrnal llerenue, I ’0mmia»ioner of} detiuency appropriation for fish hatchery. 279 nppropriut ion for, deputy, clerks, ctc. . . 153, 552 Iowa Indians, to make tilled-cheese regulations . 256 appropriation for fulfilling treaty with,. . 328 to prescribe regulations for bottling spirits loam Indiana, Okla., in bond, etc .. . . . ... 627 appropriation for fulfilling treaty with-. . 328 lnm-national Boundary ('ommiuhm, Iowa I rqttmtry, Seventh, deticiencv appropriation for completing muster of Company I, corrected . . 517 nufvcy, Mexican bmmilary .. . . .- 18 Imra .\’orthern Judicial District, International Bureau for 1’nblicatia·n of Guo terms of court, Cedar Rapids. . . .. 2 lvm Turifs, - Dubuque .. . - . ..-·-·... 2 ¤pp;·0p;·m|;i0¤ for contribution . . . 31, 583 Swnx City -- ._ _ ____ 2 International Bureau jbr Suppression of Afri- Fort Dodge 2 can Mapa Trade, Iorm Southern Judicial Dinirirt, upproprintiou for contribution- .. 32. 583 terms of court, Council Ulutib .. . . 2 [,,;,,-,,,,;;,,,,,1 gmwiu of U’•·igI•ls and Measures, Keokuk .. . . . ..,..,,._____ _ ____ 2 upprepriutiou for contribution ... -. - . 31. 593 Des Moines .. . . 2