Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 3.djvu/340

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Specific appropriations.For clothing for the same, thirty-four thousand one hundred and sixty-six dollars.

For military stores for the same, one thousand one hundred and eighty-eight dollars.

For contingent expenses for the same, fourteen thousand five hundred dollars.

Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the several appropriations herein before made, shall be paid out of moneys in the treasury not otherwise appropriated.

Approved, April 24, 1816.

Statute I.

April 24, 1816.

Chap. LXXIV.An Act for the more convenient arrangement of the times and places of holding the Circuit Courts of the United States, for the district of South Carolina and Georgia.

Circuit courts in Georgia, vol. i. 74, 184, 252.
Circuit courts in South Carolina, vol. i. 74, 184.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That from and after the first day of June next, the circuit courts in and for the sixth circuit of the United States, shall be held at the following times and places, and no others; that is to say, for the district of Georgia, at Savannah, on the fourteenth day of December, in every year, and at Milledgeville, on the sixth day of May in every year; for the district of South Carolina, at Charleston, on the twentieth day of November in every year, and at Columbia on the twentieth day of April in every year; and the circuit court for the said districts respectively, or the circuit judge of the said sixth circuit is authorized and required to make all such rules and orders as may be necessary to carry into effect the change in time and place of holding the said courts according to the true intend and meaning of this act.

Approved, April 24, 1816.

Statute I.

April 24, 1816.

Chap. LXXV.An Act for the relief of certain purchasers of public lands in the Mississippi territory.

Further time allowed to certain purchasers of land.Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That every person who, since the first day of April, one thousand eight [hundred] and eleven, and prior to the eighteenth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and twelve, had purchased any tract or tracts of public land in the Mississippi territory, not exceeding in the whole six hundred and forty acres, unless the tract purchased to be a fractional section or sections, or fractional sections classed with an entire section, and whose lands have not already been actually sold or reverted to the United States for non-payment of part or the purchase money, shall be allowed the further time of two years and eight months from and after the expiration of the present period already given by law for completing the payment of the said purchase money; which further term of two years and eight months shall be allowed only on the condition, that all arrears of interest on the purchase money shall have been paid on or before the time shall have expired for completing the payment of the purchase money: Provided,Proviso. That in all cases in which the time for completing the payment of the purchase money may have expired, or shall expire, before the first day of July next, the interest may be paid on or before that day. But in case of failure in paying either the arrears, or the residue of principal with the accruing interest, as is herein provided, the tract of land shall forthwith be advertised and offered for sale, in the same manner, and on the same terms, as is directed by law in case of lands not paid for within the limited term, and shall revert