Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1639

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1 604 PAROELS-POST CONVENTION—HONDURAS. JULY 14, 1896. Appwvd- The foregoing Parce1s·Post Convention between the United States of America and the Republic of Honduras has been negotiated and concluded with my advice and consent, and is hereby approved and ratified. In testimony whereof, I have caused the Great Seal of the United States to be hereunto aiiixed. gheat Seal of U. S.] Gnovmz CLEVELAND. y the President: Rrcuhnn OLNEY, Secretary of State. WASHINGTON, D. C., July 18, 1896. TEGUGIGALPA, 24 de Agoato de 1896. Vista la Oonvencion precedente celebrada entre el Director General de Correos de Honduras, y el Administrador General de Correos de los Estados Unidos de América, compuesta de catorce articulos, y encoutrandola conforme a las instrucciones dadas al efecto por el Secretario de Estado eu e1Despacho de Fomento, el Presidente acuerda: Articulo unico-aprobarla eu todas sus partes. Publiquese y registrese. . P. BONILLA. ' El Seeretario de Estado en el Despacho de Fomeuto. [san or nw4m..] _ _ E. CONSTANTINO FIALLOS. Form N0. 1. . Pareela—Pout. l A parcel addressed as under has been posted here this day. I { 4 | --·---·· . ·..··.·------ · ·------·--··-·- · ····--. . .. .- . ..l Otiico I I snmp_ . . ‘ I ‘i •‘ `s've 1 sue e non a nuimlt ¤.R‘.2.§°l£S¤?{§1..EL.,.11.2"..}“£‘I££{Sim'?.3»£3L§“¤.‘€E2‘i·.£».£...¥'.¥‘i.*`Z:..113f"’° " ‘ ‘° ‘° l