Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1901

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INDEX. 1 8 7 1 Gambill, Benjamin E., Page- { General Land Oploe, Page. payment to - -- - .. -- . - .. . . 1164 § appropriamiou for rcbiuding tract books- . . 60 Game, D. tear printing and binding. . .. 647, 1119 approprmtnon for enforcement of law,. 529, 1049 for indexing, ctc., records, rocordcr’s prgggrvgtign ()f_ _____ ______ __________ ____ 1012 gmqg _____ _______ ______ ____ ____ ____ Gan1ing Lawn, deficiency appropriation for oxponsos of DlBtH€t of C0]\1lDb1$ .. . ... . - . . , , 1012 jpspgctqrg _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____ _ ________ _ _ _ _ 147 Ganlt, Elbert, for repayment to George W. Evans . 126 P¤S’m°¤* 790 ¤X¤¤¤t01‘ of ---- · ----.-.-. 1169 for indexing, ctc., rcoordofs office 126, 673 Garbagc Inspectors, D: C., use of uucxpoudcd balance ... 673 def, mgngy axprgpmgtigu fg]- gglgrigg ______ 118 fg! rgmgvgl of _____________ _ ________ g ___ 657 Gardena and wounds, Experimental, Depart- for additional employees .. .. 1232 mgntpf Agriculture, to occupy Post-Oiico Dopqtmont buildapproprnmon for suporintonqont . 3, 332, 949 ing, etc ,,,___ _ , , _____ _ _ ____ _ _ _ _ ____ 28 for cultivation and cam .. . . 5, 334, 952 to determine amount of Choctaw orphan Gafdhqfvw', Mary C- (widow), lands in Mississippi, to 'Jc taken, ctc. 513 pH11B10D 1I16KOKBOd --.. - ... 1501 to survey land. grunts to railroads 892 Gardner, Nicholas, to coutirm certain cash entries of public pension increased . ... 1419 lands _______,______,____,____ _ _____ 227 Garesche, John, J Commissioner to give notice ofnalo ofdoad, payment to administrator of L- 1191 ctc., timber on forest reservations. . 35 Garcacha, Louis, to survey Cheyenne River Indian Resordoiicicnfy appropriation for pay as clerk . 126 vation, etc _,,,,,,,__,,,___,,.,, ;_ _ , 85 Gmjicld capital D. C. . to establish standard, ctc., section lines appropriation for maiiutonamco . 50, 635, 1109 public-land surveys; except ... I 1097 for contagious hospital building. . .. 635 I S . . . Genera torclwuaes, to 1'€°°“'° mm'"` coutagmus 0**8% ······ 635 deiioioncy appropriation for labor in .. 439 ibr isolating ward ... 1062 (,1,,,,,,, - dvficicvcy ¤p1>r·>1>ri¤¢i¤¤ for ----·----- - 1221 appropriation my consul . - - . 270,830 Gannctf, George R., Guam doiimcncy appropriation for,r ord s Theater P 0pd3ti0 for I Su1 269 830 disaster .. --.. . -. .. ° · `°``'’`' ’ . . lorkhuo ---. ---- 271 832 - Garrett, Wvllaam, Guogrgww , ' P“¥'"°“*’ "° °"""'“““""°' °f ······ · ······ 1170 apyiopuaéou m Indian mm1.. 81,588, 943 G;;';';:;] ?::;g° Wa" 1444 for crcctioufaf ¤hops,:to. 1.K..i gg . ’‘ " ' ’""'." ' orncw ui ings In ian sc 00 atc--. G°':'°u':';h£q:9°'“’ 1166 rcnppropriation for heating plant . .. 588 GEL! ° °``°`````°n--` `` `-``" Geadevic Association, Inter11atio1ra7, appropriation m, in public buildings, ¤rp¤>p¤¤¤•>¤ fvr ¤¤¤mb¤¤<>¤ ------... 266, 827 Washington, D. C., includes use of Geological Survey,

 govoBn¢g·, etc  . .   -.. .5   . 28 upgropggtion forégixcctor, clerks, atc.,    

Gan Win, . . um lll - ·· 0TB W U`.? --·-·- - --------- mgnlatizng couéming . .. . . 477 {Or wut . - -· - - - ------ 37, 32% G ad R' · M . or scicnti c assistuu s . .. , gllfgcopf-3a:::;,'fm-oj§np;-qvqment of - -- - 1147 for general expenses . . . . . . 37, 622 , 8;,, Canada · or s 1 c a mrcrs, o c .. .-.. , , pnpcga ( ), f klldl 1 t 376221098 appropriation for consul ... 270, 831 {pr t°P;*E!`f*P¥i° ¤¤;v:y¤ -----—--- gg, gg; G _, _] ; F_ or oo ogwa surv y .. lgglfsioyh f_ ______ _ _______ __,_ ___, , ,.,.. 1499 for €!aV0¥ig'8tiDg mineral resourcgg; 3;; M _] M_ - A as u . . ‘ L- I . G::a;;,g,;t to ’ _________ _ _____ __ _____, _,. , 1211 for paloontologic researches .. 37; 622; 1098 Gauge;-;, 1mm•4l·Re•.·es•ue, for chcmicol, ctc., ronqurches . 37, 622, 1098 detlcioncy appropriation for foes and cx- for prepxmng ilpxstrntnonn ... 37, 622, 1098 pgnsgg __________ _ _ , ... . 108 for report on mineral resources- . . 37, 62J, 1099 of {mj; bmudy, gm,, how paid ... 856 for books, otc ...-.. . . . -.. 37, 622, 1099 Gam Andrew H for engraving, atc., goologucal mapsnéh glgé 3 "gn `II1 0I 8 ln ll g- · · » d hm u;;¥]gugITt1?l1,-Tt :1-. .- 141 for gauging, ctc., water supfly. . . 37, 623; 1099 Gum R;ch,,,.d for engraving, printing, an ]»inding... 461, payment tv -.-·-- - --·-- - -·---·---····-·-- 12*2 . . . . 6** 1119 Gaylord, Aaron, · hunt for paper, printing, ctc., pamp,w,,,,,m; to administrator or .. . .. 1201 vblets. nncreawd - --.-----· - ---- 61 Gad'" _]0,,,p;, ‘ for unrvcying,ctc., lands in Indian Tor- dotjéicngv appropriation ft)! CODTIBGBII-8100- Tito!'] - — ~ - ---· - · · · -·-- — - - - · g · ----·· 80 H0}, expenses _ _ ____________ ____ 687 for resnrvoying Iauds of Chickasaw umm, .r»n· 11., , N=·P¤¤¤.· - - 1-- -· - ¤·- ——---- — -———- S2 5% Punuiun g,,,,,·t,,,,,d ________ _ ,_.,, . . 15o6 for gfngaitxon mwzgatggutxon, Sacntcu In- · I n _] an pscrva 1 - .. (':r:L,g;r1'b0?:;;b]° disghargg ..,... , .. 1578 rcapproprmtmu for survey of boundary General Account of Adrancea; 1\'av·;r, _ imo Lcggsznd Montana- o 3 'ati re m ursm . , 0 CIBDO H p 0 —--~-------- dead ucy ppmpn on or g 1228 for trgnsnnitting documents through , Gm";} Land Opice (ne also Ifublic Lands), Snntnsouian exchange .. 127, 239. 1233 appropriation for Commrssmnor, AlBlBt8D'g for p1::;;;1g; Jmpcrs on economw re- g k t __ _ ___________ , ,... a, so . . ... .. , for cegcliznm gtc., investigations .. 30§, 878 for account," gonernl oxncnms". __, LW for raw book, ____ _ ___________ 30:;, 818 for nm-veymglandsmIndumTcn·1t0ry. 127, 238 for maps; distribution ... 305, 878 for surveys m Alaska .. . . . .. . 239, 1233