Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1981

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INDEX. [95] Fvum, Bcmah H ., Pug:-». Rum: m-ee mnmy, Postal swam, Pm. B£?&3‘°;$??md 99 ’“u`S°- ·-——-- - --·------ 1408 upwgrigtion for experimental delivery 441, 963 · r usc ‘ 0.

 Of- - • · ···-- . - . .     fOr r(}imbufSi]]g’ Qtc _ _ _ _   _   _  

m°‘*{¤i¤S °f --------·-—- · —·--· · - . . 84 pension increaéed ...,_, ______________ 1415 Roman!, Armand, Russell, Jacob H., d66B10E10X 8ppl‘0pI'1&tl0I1 for contested-e1¤c· payment, to ____ _ _ ______ ________ ____ 1168 wu ¤XP6¤¤6¤ -·~- - - - ~ --·.. . 687 Russell Joseph RWM, · payxnont to édmiuistrator of .. -. . . 1201, 1204 upproynntxon for consul-general ... 267, 827 Rwzaell, Jubcr, Rome: ZY paymant to .--. . . . , . _,_,, 1165 appreprmtwn for public building . 997, 1075 3,,,,,;; Engg, R L U S N “R°"’z" 9i9M"'""" T‘”'d"• may ncccpt mcdal'1`r0;u Iéunéia 1549 rcrmssxou of time penalties un., .. , 804 Rua8cm Thwma yyx `‘'° ' BM M9*9¤~¢» payment to .. . .__,_,,________ 1185 payment to .---·- - -·--- - ~·--. · ---·- - ·---- 1178 Russell. William, Rosebud Agenpy, S. Dak., pension __________ ____ ________________ 1519 npxreprwtnou for Indian agent at . . . 64, 572, 925 3,,,,,;,, or ¢01¤P]¤¢i¤8 ¤rt9¤i¤¤ well M -----·--- 74 appnrpriatiou for nmbassadcr . . 262 823 Boaelmd Indian Reacrvatiem, S. Dak., gbl- sam-etal-y to 6n,baS,.,)- ____ 263' 824 . apgnropriation for survey, ctc., of lnnds in. 85 gbl- second gwmtm-V ____  ; ; 263’ 824 or blncksmith shop, atc., south of White Ruaaia, Emperor aj;’ R“'°¥ -·-- · ---···-·--—·-·- --- ·-----· 75 bells presented by, to Orthodox Russian for ercctmn of two sclxoclhouscs south Church to be admitted gmc ____ 1397 0f whim Rivv ---·-~ - --—-·~--- - ·· - 75 Russ Lumber and Mill Company, Bvvhld IMWIIS, appropriation for lumber furnished Indian negotiations with, ctc., for settling differ- school ___________ ______ ______ 81 ences with Lower Brnlc Indians 86 _Rug]mgn’ John, for ccssion of portion of reservation 86 granted an honorable discharge _______ 1430 for modifying requirement as to consent Rutherford, John B., W tfoB3i0S ·---·---·----·-----··--·- 86 payment be hair of - .. 1186 t0 ratify agreement with . .. J. .-‘. 1364 Rutherford, Uriah, E080th0I, C- F- F-, payment to administrator of . .. . .,.., 1186

 nayggcqy gg- ·-..·...-------- 1189 Rviledyv. Rivhrsérnd T-,

00 G **19 ayment to ministrat f . ..,. ,_,, 117" appreprgqtionyfor paying French spohatwn Egan, Thom,,,,, or 0 3 B...m,° "“° ‘‘‘‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ j ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ R;t.€X'££‘1§.f° ‘‘‘’············‘··‘· ······ *"° to be iuruisbed BGIIDED holdlllg l118d8i of deficiency appropriation forccntestodelec- 0DOI' . . . . ...- · · · - ---- - - · - ---·-· . tion expenses . ... . . 687 Rotterdam! _ A Ryan, William C., apfrupmatxon for consul 269, 829 pension . ..,,, , .,,._ , , , _ , __,_,,___,___ _ _ _ _ 1446 Rau aix, a,ppropr1zt1uu for consul ... 268,  ; S Rouge Rirer, Mich., i ' to be dredged Z ·.- . · . 2 7 i S Street, D. Q., approprmtlou for llDpfo\'0I116Dt of -~·- - - - L 1I4v for extension of ,,., , . , _ ,,__., _ _ , , , _ _ _ 1344 Roumania, Servia, and {hjecce, z Sabine Bank, Tex., appropriation fol‘ l111i11S1GB!' -·--- · -----·— 263, 823 5 establishment of alight. and fog signal on. 1384 Round Valley Agency, Cal., * Sabine Pau, Tex., ’ =¤ppr¤priM=i¤¤ fvr I¤di9¤ _=¤z9¤¢ at -----·-- 6* § appropriation for improvement of xm.

 for gpwn, ctc., of Iud1aus.. .. 78, 586, 938 9   J,05___i;_   __     ______ _ _ 45  63L uq;

ouzee eu on ‘ or ra gc oat br ar or improvement. 48 pznynnent t0.,.. .:.- . .. .--·-- --·- --·----·-- 1171 I for dredge boat made immediately uva1l- Rawboats (eee N¤v¤z¤¢w¤>, _ _ _ able .. . 249 regulations to prevent ¢=0Ul¤10¤¤ 0H 1¤l8¤d for report on desirability of dry dock nu. 379 wat:;?, etc .. ...- .·· ·---- - - - 98 made as uubdmrt of nntrg and deijvary 487 Rowe Anna . I report of s ip cana in arbor 0 . . . . . 745 [101181011 ·--- — Z · ·j; --·- - · - · --—--· - - · · -····· 1072 Sabine Pane, and La,, t R¥£ ¢;% {7zmM ·, 1205 I uppmpg1$;r; n  ::13 improvement of mam -·-··· · ·----·-· ·- · ~·-- · ······· s . e .. . - lz0N"!" JOIITI W. Sabine Rfygr ]`gj ’ P8.Y¤;¤¤$ $0-- ·, ·-·— ·—--- ··- - ---·-· ··· ····· 1168 znppropriahon for improvement cf; survey, Rmrsell, Margaret (urzdow), · em ______ _ _ _______ _ _ _ ____ _ _ _ _ ____ 114] P0¤¤i¤¤ ··--·· --·· ····-· ·-· ····-· · ···· ···· 1399 Sac and Fg.: nlgemcy, Iouza, Rmvzec, John. 3 upproprmtmn for Imhau agent at 64, 572. 925 payment to mhnnmscratur of .. . ... 1011 I Sac and FM Agmqh 0Ha R0y3m&“z"» 117,, l appropriation for Indian agent at . . . 64, 572, 925 p3 ...:.--.-····-·-·······--· ---- · * . . ’*“"§“" ‘":i.,"';""£t’,;,,¤,,.t.,(1 to be paid i °"€?JIK'5£i£é3Z°?Zr'i2’§'53l1?·J9i'T‘$¥¥ mm ““ “";,.,U;.;__¥’¥’ ___, ..,. . . . . 221€ mus -·-·-- -- ----··---· - ----- 82-59079*5 Rucklc, Samuél, f Nav and Fg.: {ndians of the Mia»isaippi, payment to administrator of . . 1186 , approprmtncu for fulfilling treaty wrth. -. 72, Rndé, .1. 0., 1 _ 580, 933 . t to _ _______ ____ _,,, ,-., . 1516 · Sac and Fo: Indians of the Missouri, pa.; men . _ _ , _ _ Rim- Annie Eq ~ approprmtxon for fulhlhug trsatncs with . 72, ’ . ··—:· pension mcrcascd » - --·----· · ·--·- ~ - - - 1999 580, 933