Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/1239

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FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 853. 1901. 1187 For the Treasury Department, including not exceeding twenty thousand nine hundred and thirty-five dollars for the Coast and Geodetic Survey, three hundred and fifty thousand dollars. For the War Department, two hundred and twenty-four thousn five hundred dollars, of which sum twelve thousand dollars shall be · the index catalogue of the library of the Surgeon-General’s Oflzice. The unexpended balance of the appropriation of twenty thousand dollars for publication of the Official Records of the War of the Rebellion by the Record and Pension Office is hereby reappro riated and made available during the fiscal year nineteen hundred andp two. For the Navy Department, one hundred and twenty-seven thousand dollars, including not exceeding twelve thousand dollars for the Hydroraphic Office, and not exceeding seven thousand dollars, to be imme- ` dliately available, for publication of the International Code of Signals and copies of said International Code of Signals may be sold to the public at cost of printing, including cost of composition, presswork, folding, paper, binding, engraving, and electrotypin . For the Interior Department, including the Civil Service Commission, three hundred thousand dollars, including. not exceedin ten I thousand dollars for rebinding tract books for the General Land (§flice. For the Smithsonian Institution, for printing labels and blanks, and for the "Bulletins" and "Proceedings" of the National Museum, the editions of which shall not be less than three thousand copies, and binding, in half turkey, or material not more expensive, scientific books and pamphlets presented to and acquired by the National Museum Library, seventeen thousand dollars. For the United States Geological Survey as follows: For engraving 'the illustrations necessary for the report of the Director, fifteen thousand dollars; and said sum shall complete all engravings and illustrations for said report, and no deficiency shall be , made in this appropriation, and said report shall be confined to four volumes. A- For engraving the illustrations necessary for the monographs and bulletins, ten thousand dollars. For printing and binding the monographs and bulletins, twenty thousand dollars. ` For the Department of Justice, thirteen, thousand dollars. For the Post-Office Department, exclusive of the Money-Order Oflice, two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. _ For the De artment of Agriculture, including twenty thousand dollars for the Vgeather Bureau, one hundred and thirty thousand dollars. For the Department of Labor, eight thousand dollars. For the Supreme Court of the United States, ten thousand dollars; and the printing for the Supreme Court shall be done by the printer it may employ, unless it shall otherwise order. · For the supreme court of the District of Columbia, one thousand five hundred dollars. _ V- For the Court of Claims, twelve thousand dollars. For the Library of Congress, including the copyright department, and the binding, rebinding, and repairing of library books, seventy- five thousand dollars. For the Executive Office, two thousand dollars. For printing and binding the Annual Report of the Secretary of Ag'i°““““*l’°¥‘°"~ Agriculture, as required by the Act approved January twelfth, eighteen V°l· 28 P- “2· hundred and ninety-five, three hundred thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary._ » - And no more than an allotment of one-half of the sum hereby appro- Digiism Of ¤r>¤¤* priated shall be expended in the first two quarters of the fiscal year, pm m` and no more than one-fourth thereof may be expended in either of the last two quarters of the fiscal year, except that, in addition thereto,