Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/1560

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1508 FIFTXYSIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. 247. 1900. To Elias Bray, three hundred and ninety-one dollars and ninety-two cents: To Doctor G. Johnson, one hundred and fifty-six dollars and sixty cents; To’Harrison Trice, two hundred and sixty -one dollars and twenty cents; To Jeremiah Crook, senior, five hundred and twenty-two dollars and forty-one cents; To Willis Arnold, five thousand two hundred and thirteen dollars and eighty-nine cents; " To Arch McCorkle, three hundred and ninety-one dollars and ninety- two cents; A To G. L. Ross, one thousand three hundred and six dollars and ninety-one cents; To S. L. Ross, one thousand three hundred and six dollars and ninety-one cents; To John M. Hart, five hundred and twenty-two dollars and forty- one cents; To Wlilliam A. Brummer, eight hundred and one dollars and sixty- nine cents; To John D. Smith. two hundred and sixty-one dollars and twenty cents· To’A. B. Crook, * hundred and sixty-one dollars and twenty cents; To Daniel McCollum. two hundred and sixty-one dollars and twenty cents· To’Jefi’ Jones, one hundred and thirty dollars and forty-eight cents; To Thomas McGill, one hundred and fifty-six dollars and sixty-one cents· To James Ledbetter, one hundred and fifty-six dollars and sixty-one cents· To ,VVilliarn Ozier, five hundred and twenty-two dollars and forty- one cents; To Elijah Bond, two hundred and sixty-one dollars and twenty cents; To John L. Cawthon, five hundred and twenty-two dollars and forty- one cents; To William Hall, five hundred and twenty-two dollars and forty-one cents· To ’Carroll Beaver, five hundred and twenty-two dollars and forty- one cents; To John West, six hundred and eighty-nine dollars and eighty-six cents· To ,James Clifford, two hundred and sixty-one dollars and twenty cents· _ To ,0. F. Hendrix, seven hundred and eighty-four dollars and four cents· .ToiFrank Cawthon, three- hundred and thirteen dollars and forty- nine cents; A To James Cawthon, one hundred and thirty dollars and forty-nine cents· To, S. E. Grider, one hundred and thirty dollars and forty-nine cents· To ’Silas Grider, one hundred and thirty dollars and forty-nine cents; To John Robinson, two hundred and forty dollars and thirty-four cents· To ’Hugh McKnight, two hundred dollars and twenty-five cents; ‘ To John G. Smit , seventv-nine dollars and ninety-six cents; To Caleb McKnight, two hundred dollars and twenty-five cents; To James Thomas, two hundred dollars and twenty-tive cents;