Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/2174

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2122 nvnsx. ‘ Porto I@ioo—;Continued. Pegs- Port Royal, S. (‘—Continued. Pageprovrsrons for c1v1l government—Cont’d. appropriation for clerk to constructor, etc. 701 the 1qd1crary—Q0ntmued. _ for Marino Corps barracks 705 judicial distncts established . 84 for repairs of barracks, etc .. L . 1131 appomtment of district judge, attor- Port Sarnia (_C'anada), H6 , etc ... . - - 84 appropriation for consul . · ... 68, 891 distrlfct court, jurisdiction, terms, etc- 84 Portsmouth, N H, proceedings in English 85 appropriation for writer at navy-yard ,,,. 688 to succeed provisional court, etc ... 85 or Bureau of Equipment .,,___,____ 690, 1113 appeal; habeas corpus, etc . 85 for clerks, Bureau of Yards and Docks. 691, salaries of officers not appointed by 1114 President 85 for public works .,,____ 692, 1116 of governor, secretaxg, etc ... 85 for completion of dry dock . 696,1117 municipal salarie an expenses, how for construction plant ...,.,_._____ 700 paid ... . . 85 for clerk to constructor, etc . ...,., 700 no export duties to be levied .. 86 for machinery plant .. 701 taxes for msular and municipal govern- §or Marine (loops barracks .. 705, 1131 ments etc 86 or civi estab rshment, Bureau of Ordmay issue bonds, etc .,, 1 ,. 86 nance ..,._,__,__,____,__________ 1112 limit to public indebtedness ... 86 for completing dry dock ..,,..._.. 1119 resident commissioner to United States. 86 for civil establishment, Bureau of Sup- · qualifications . 1 . 86 · plies, om ..,..,,_,._,__ ses, 1123 commission to report on permanent sys- for civil establishment, Bureau of Contem of government, etc . ... 86 struction and Repair .. 1126 expen es; report ... · . 86 for repairs, etc., to plant .,,,,_ 1125 pay of aring officers and men in, in- for clerk, Bureau of Steam Engineering. 1127 crease ..211 pre iminary examination of Hendersons entry of steamships engaged in coastwise Point to be made ..,,,.,,,___, 582 trade, etc . 249 Porls of Delivery, designation of depositories for public San Antonio and Dallas, Tex., made temmoneys .. 658 porary, etc ... 1.463 provision for administering civil affairs, pom of Ent and peyeew, _ 11<>¤di¤s¤pp¤1¤1¤¤e¤t¤¤ eineerer ele- 715 establisheld/at South Manchester, Conn- -- 50 Spams Bank of, authorized to amend at pom, Rico ___________________________ 78 byjlewer ele --——-----·------··-·-- 719 at Honolulu, Hilo, Mahukona, and Kahuorganigtlgloioegf provisional regiment an- T8 C 11111, T`]/112,,,,111% ______________________ 159 ·-··---·--·-·--·--··—·——- e at a ais 1 e. su port .. 266 1>¤y6_et€h18<§to)f1igg¤ end men ---------- j_ immeéliate transportation privileges ex- PP ln eere ··----·-----—--- *’> te dt .. 266 eineerebznd o;$¤§h¤¤€ terms expire may _58 Dnrllasi, 1:1). C., made port of delivery. - 181 00111 11 ---- .. ·--------··--·- 41' t t t f `*`l . terms of enlistment in raiser .. 758 "‘2T2?é$§§1r7§"T'}?‘?‘?T."Z}?T‘..%°TTl{?*‘?`f’? 181 salary <>f commiseiener of s9¤¤¤1i<>¤ ------ 953 ivorresrer, Mass., made portor defivery- osz

faemPl0};§ee dlennee eennbi --------- 993 immediolted transportation privileges

ce in cou expenses pa ya e rom reve- exten e to _____________________ _ 692 _ ruse -··-·-·- - ----··----·-- ;— -;--- 953 at Douglas Ariz., subport ... 816 d1eP0e1nen_tef fees eerned end Peld Inte 9_3 Lowegton; Me., made subport of entry., 1438 cou o · · 1 1; 1 5 · #1 _ - 1- fees of United States ¤¤m¤¤i¤¤%<>¤e¤·¤ ------ 953 mmm .llll`.1.l?ll gil - 137 allowancedintaccoiintisl of certain payments Milwaukee, uvig _____________________ _ 799 ma e ymars a - 953 Ate · 0 ________________________ _ 266 district court, jurisdiction extended . - 953 Sseilgtzlr, 111Eih _______________________ 766 mileage of jurors and witnesses, etc 954 Hgn0lulu’ Hawaii ____________________ 791 inquiries to be made as to establishing na- New Bgdford, Mase ______________ . ____ _ 798 V91 Station i¤ ------------------ ‘ - - - 1120 Fa11River, Mass . 1087 agricultural document as to, ordered Eve,-et; wee}, _______________________ 1437 I Printed - --_ ·--··----—--·--- q ------ 2006 subports of entry and delivery to be desproclamation S9l7l'7l`Hg` apart reservation fOI` jgnatgd in Hawaii ________________ niwel Purpeeee -~---·--·-- · •···--·- 1947 may be discontinued, etc . _ . 1 437 Port Pano}, g)élogro)rc had at 68) surveyog of cpstoms to reside at Des !'Hl'1g€ lg8 GS lf . L 1 0111135, gwa, ____ __________ __ ____ 7..1.5 P;§1}§g§$9g°Q,*°* *¤¤s¤11sh*¤ --··~------- me pm smrrzqy gnrzkzrmd Jrzrmrzs), for civil establishment, Bureau of Con- appmpmmon for Consul '‘'°‘ 1 `'‘`' (°S’ 890 struction and Repair .. 1126 PON T°""f?"",d· forclerk, etc., Bureau of Steam Engineer- ePPl`eP“enen fen expeneee of branch ing ________________ _ _____________ 1127 hydrographic office .. . . . 118, 993 for nerks, om., naval station ... 691,1114 for quarantine 9199011---; ----- 611,1137. 11551

  • 0* ¤¤¤****·= wks 0* Yer and 17,%*.;3;*51*2§;1?$§$$?§.§‘$§§‘§iIt¥3£&il2;&2f “"°

Docks 694 1115 _ ·.’ "_ board on proppsed change of station to be , P ,11011 ---—----·-··-···--- - ---·-- eee 1015 a pointe .. . . 695 ortugar, appropdlation for naval station to be used commercial agreement with . 1914 for transferrin station ,_,_,.,. 1120 mroclamation of .. 1974 8 I for construction plants ,_,_.,_,,,.. 700 appropriation for minister .. 61, 883