Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/1266

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FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 1010. 1903. ‘ 1201 For rent of building used for manufacture of clothing, storing of §Q§@d°lP*“”· ‘”“· supplies, anhd office of assistant quartermaster, Philadelphia, Pennsyl- ` vama six thousand dollars. ‘ Foimoa, MARINE Coxrsz For forage in kind for horses of the quar- Fvmsetermaster’s department, and the authorized number of officers’ horses, ` seventeen thousand seven hundred dollars. _ Hum or guairraas, IIQJARINIIB Cours: For hire of quarters for officers H“`° °‘°““"‘°”· serving wit troops w ere there are no public quarters belonging to Ehetgopprntmpig, and where thenedzre nplt suflgeieplt quarters possessed y e Ul e tatcs to accomm to them· or ire of quarters for enlisted men employed as clerks and messengers in the offices of the commandant, ad]utant and inspector, paymaster, and quartermaster, and the offices of the assistant adjutant and inspector, the assistant paymaster, and the assistant quartermasters, at twenty—0ne dollars each per month, and for enlisted men employed as messengers in said oilipgs, at tenhdoglapis each per month, thirty thousand seven hundred an orty-eig t dollars. _ CoN·r11;o1=:NT,fMA:l:1NnkCoars: For freight, tolls, cartage, advertis- C°"““¥°“‘· ing was ing 0 be sac s mattress covers pillow·cases towels and mem, éunera; expensesfog marines, linclluding tpehtralnsportaltidn of ies om the pace o emise tot e omes 0 the ecease in the United States, stationery and other paper, telegraphing, rent of telephones, purchase and repair of typewriters, apprehension of stragglers and deserters, per diem of enlisted men employed on constant labor for a period of not less than ten danys, emfployment of civilian labor, repair of gas and water fixtures, office an barracks furniture, camp and garrison equipage and implements, mess utensils for enlisted men, such as bowls, plates, spoons, knives and forks, tin cups, pans, pots, and so forth; packing boxes, wrappxngopaper, oilcloth, crash, rope, twine, quarantine fees, camphor an car ized paper, carpenters’ tools, tools for police purposes, iron safes, purchase and relpair of public wagons, purchase and repair of public harness, purc ase of public horses, services of veterinary surgeons and medicines for public horses, purchase and repair of hose, (purchase and repair of fire extinguishers, pprchase of fire hand grena es, purchase and repair of carts, wheelrrows, and lawn mowers; ipurchase and repair of cooking stoves, ranges, stoves, and furnaces w ere there are no grates; purchase of ice, · towels, soap, combs, and brushes for offices; postage stamlps for foreign postadge; purchase of books, newspapers, and periodica s; improving para e grounds, repair of (pumps and wharves, laying drain, water, and gas pipes, water, intro ucing gas,_and for gas, gas oil, and introduction an maintenance of electric lights; straw or bedding, mattresses, mattress covers, pillows, sheets; wire bunk bottoms for enlisted men at various posts; furniture for Government quarters and repair of same, and for all emergencies and extraordinary expenses arising at hopinehand abroald, but impoiisible to anticipate or classify, one hun red an t irty-sixthousand dollars. Pmsmo wokxs, MARINE ooars. P¤*>li¤ ***>¤'¤- Barracks and Quarters, Marine Corps: Purchase of ground and tefj"*`*°ks and *1*}** erection of building at Philadelphia, to be used for manufacture of " clothing and storing of supplies and office of assistant quartermaster (to cost not to exceed one hundred and fifty thousand dollars), one hundred and fifty thousand dollars; construction and completion of commanding officers’ and junior officers’ quarters, navy—yard, Norfolk. Virginia. forty-two thousand dollars; construction and completion of commanding officers’ and junior officers’ quarters, naval training station, San Francisco, California, sixteen thousand dollars; construction and completion of one power house and the installation of steam heat, . marine barracks and officers’ quarters, navy-yard, Mare Island, Calivox. xxxu, rr 1-76