Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/1332

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INDEX. XXXY Dawes Commission (ue Five Civilimed Tribes, Page- Deeds of Trust, D. 0., Pasceto.). effect of execution, etc., the same asab- Dmnon City, Norlhuul Territory, solute deeds .,., ,. 632 appropriation for consul at . i ... 81, 813 absolute title conveyed under .' .. 532 or clerk hire , ... 86, 818 recording ,,,,.,,,...,,, 632 Dayton, Ohio, sections oi Code as to assignments reappropriation for expenses, Volunteer Sol- peeled ,..,,,.,.,,,., , 532 diem' Home _ . .. 468, 1132 power of court as to sales under .. 632 tleliciency appropriation for Volunteer sections as to injunctions, bids by debtors, . So die Home . 14, 586, 1048 etc., repealed ...,, 533 for electric-light plant . 14 Defending Suits in Claims, . for repairs So iers’ _Home 564 spaprnppriation for expenses of . 473, 1139 jurisdiction over Soldiers' Home location ’ency appropriation for expenses 25, D2 ceE·d¢ed to Ohio . .. 732 Dc _ A _ _ 677, 1063 I 7 · Deprovision; for taking, modilled . 538 ior tranhslcgipt from records, etc., public Ibnlcs, oseph, s . . .. 1 dedciency appropriation for extra serv- for Department of State 5, 552, 1031 ices . , . 583, 1069 di lomatic and consular service- - . 5, 552, 1032 Dc Grqlenreid, Hon. R. Cl, late a Bepresmta- for Cpreasury Department ... 6, 118, 553, 1033 tiu in Omgrcas, collecting customs revenue ... 7, 557, 1036 deficiency appropriation for widow .. 1067 collecting internal revenue .. . 8, 557, 1040 De la Porte, Plwdernck, _ h dl. Eblic buildipigs ... H ... 8, g, 1037 payment o spolnatri vi ting reau. . . 8, , 1 minitrahr of .. . . 224 Coast auIdgGeodetic Survey 9, 558 Dead Hmm Bodies, D. C'., . Light-House Ehtablisbment .. 9, 559, 1041

 of, from almsbouse, morgue, mmts and assa officu .. 10, 559, 1041

etc .. 173 Independent Tieasury ... 10, 559 Dsad·I.¢t¢er Qpice Postal Qervbx, ea1t in the Territories - - - 10, 560, 1042 appropriatnon for supenntmdent, etc. . . 164, 900 Commimion .,.. 10, 659 Deafsood, S. Dah., Revenue-Cutter Service 558, 1041 appropriation for nlaricamsay omceat. 147, 881 expcsitions ... - ... 555 mr wages and con expenses. . . 147, 881 Li eSaving Service ... 1037 contraction of public'ng authorised. for Interstate Commerce Commission . . 11, 1042 at . . . 319 for District of Columbia; half from Dis- · appro riation for ... 427, IIB4 trict revenues . . . 11, 93, 119, 560, 774,1042 terms of court .. 197 for War Department .. 12, 563, 758, 1044 Deaf and Dumb Imtdulzon (uc Columbia In- Army ... 12, 94, 563, 1045 stitution for Deal and Dumb). Military Academy ... 13, 564 Deafness, Volunteer Soldiers’ Homes .. 13, 564, 1048 pension for total, increased .. 773 buildingeand grounds, D. C ... 1046 for not affected ... 773 for Navy partment . 15, 565, 1049 Dealers rn General Alcrchandisz, D. Cl naval esta lishment .. 15, 94, 565, 1049 personal tax on; sworn statements re- Marine Corps ... 17, 568, 1052 quired; distraint .. 618 for Interior Department ... 18, 569, 759, 1054 Debts, D. 0, . · Capitol and grounds . · -.. 19, 570, 1055 · tiling lism of, by executors repealed .. 530 Twelfth Census 570, 1059 Decatur, Ill., Government. Hospital for Insane. 20, 571, IW construction of public building authorized guzlglic lands 20, 571, 1055 at . . . 317 logical Survey ... 21, 94, 1057 appropriation for .. 427, 1064 Indian Department . 22, 575, 1§g Jkcdx, pensions ... . ... , 1 ded? lands in District of Columbia or . for Post»Office Department 23,576, 759,1060 erritories may be acknowledged postal service ... 23, 576, 759, 1061 before notaries in Philippines and for Department of Justice . 24, 576, 1062 Porto Rico .. . 88 United States courts ... 284, 579, 1065 herds, D. f'. (nee also Real Estate, D. C.), judicial ... 578, 1064 release dower . . . . .6; ... . . . 531 for Spanish Comnaifion .,.,, é5-752g, lggg acknow out o the 'strict, aut cn- or partmen o Agricu Ill! . , , 1 dugg: .. 531 for Court of Claims ... 25, 579, 1066 made in foreign country; officers author- for Senate 25, 118, 285, 580, 759, 1067 ined . . ... 531 for House of Representatives 26 ' by corporation; officers authorized to 118, 285, 581, 759, 774, 1067 ugh _,,,,,, , ..,.,..,. 531 for printing and binding 27, take ellcct from delivery; as to creditors, 94, 118, 285,583, 774, 1069 from recording .. . 531 for judgments, Court of Claims 27, 583, 1070 provision nsw implied covenants repealed. 532 in Indian depredation claims 27, 584, 1070 estates which may be conveyed extended. 582 United States courts 28, 584, 1(W0 acknowleal ents prior to Code recog· · Potomac Eats cases .. z 1071 hired'? ,,_,, . ,, ,, . 532 prize·moncy claims, battle of Manila. effect ot, executed prior to adoption of Bay . 1072 Code ,,,,.,.. . ... 532 for paying claims certified by accounting punishment for maliciously recording omcers . 28, 585, 1072 false _,...,,.. . ... . .. . 535 for Executive office . . ... . .,.. 118, 1031 Deeds, Indnkm Territory, for Civil Service Commission r ... 285 provisions for recording . 841 for widow of William McKinley . 579