Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/1353

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1v1 INDEX. Geneva County, Ala., P¤8¢· l Georgia Nortlwm Judimlzl Dbdnbt, R189- may bridge Choctawhatchee River at Mar- 5 Carroll County transferred from northtin Ferry 1225 1 western division. - , ... 42 Geneva, M K, Georgia S0uthemJudu·ial District, construction of public building authorized southwestern division established 550 at ... 319 terms of court, Valdosta, etc 550 appropriation for .. 427, 1085 German. Evangelical Church, Martinsburg, W. Geneva, Switzerland, , Va., appropriation for consul at . 83, 815 I payment to, for property destroyed .. 234 Genoa, Italy, . German Orphan Aqylum, D. Cl, appropriation for consul at . 83,815 I appropriation for care of children .. 613, 979 ior clerk hire 86,818 I Germany, Genoa, Ncbr., appropriation for ambassador to 76, 807 a propriation for Indian school ... 270,1003 or secretary of embassy .. 77, 808 dleiiciency appropriation for Indian school- 31 for second secretary .. 77, 808 . Geodetic Association for Measurement of the for third secretary ... 77, 809 Earth, Gershel, Mrs. Alice, appropriation for contribution to inter- deficiency appropriation for payment to. - 571 national . - .. 80, 812 Gerzikouski, August, Geological Survey, , payment to 487 appropriation for Director, clerks, etc- 454,1117 ‘ Gettysburg National Park, for scientific assistants . 454, 1118 appropriation for establishing . 466, 1131 for general expenses ... 455,1118 monuments to commemorate Regular for skilled laborers, etc . 455, 1118 Army troo , authorized .. 838 for topographic surveys 455, 1118 appropriation fb; . 838 for geological surveys - , 455, 1118 printing of reports of Commission authorfor paleontologic researches 455, 1118 ized . 742 for mvestigations, Alaska . 1118 Ghent, Belgium, for chemical and physical researches- 455, 1118 appropriation for consul at . 83, 815 for preparing illustrations .. 455, 1118 Gibraltar, Spain, for report on mineral resources . 455, 1118 appropriation for consul at . 84, 816 for report on phosphates .. 455 Gibson, Theodore, for books, etc — . 455, 1118 deficiency appropriation for services . 25 for geological maps 455, 1118 Gdmem, Daniel, for gauging water supply ... 455, 1118 payment of French spoliation claim to adfor survey of forest reserves 455, 1118 ministrator of ... L 229 for rent 162, 897 Gilman, Nicholas, for engraving illustrations ... -. - - 480,1146 payment of French spoliation claim to adfor printing and binding monographs I ministrator of .. 228, 229, 229, 230 and bulletins .. 480, 1146 Gilman, Nicholaa, delivery of documents on hand ive ‘ payment of French spoliation claim to exyears 1146 ecutor of ... . ... 218, 231 deicieucy appropriation for 31, 587 Gilmer and Sons, Robert, for rent o ad itional rooms ... 21 payment of French spoliation claim to adfor investigations, Alaska .. 22 ministrator of surviving partner -- . 221 for maps . 22 Gilpin, Joshua, for furniture, etc .. 94 l payment of French spoliation claim to adfor installing electric power 1057 , ministrator of 222 for safe ,. 1057 » Gilsonite, etc., Mineral Loraliom, Uiah, for illustrations ... 1057provisions for, Uncompehgre Reservation bulletins and professional papers; free dis- Q lands .. . . 998 ‘ tribution . 741 Ginn, James, detailed estimatesto be submitted 455 ~ payment of Court of Claims judgment to extra copies of reports to Library of ¤ executor of ... 216 ‘ Congress .. . . . 741 S Girard, Stephen, publications of; classincation of binding. 741 payment of French spoliation claim to adeditions of reports; reprints ... 741 I ministrator of 225 restriction as to watersupply papers re- Gittings and Srnith, Ipealed . . . 741 payment of French spoliation claim to ad- Georges Ever, Me., . ministrator of surviving partner 226 appropriation for improvement of 348 Given, Mabel R., (¥e0rgrtmm, D. Ci, fee simple patent to  ; 1008 , assigning excess or deficiency in subdivid- Gladding, Nathaniel, . ing squares ... 545 payment of French spoliation claim to ad- Georgetmm, SC (L, ministrator of .,,, 227 construction of public building authorized Gladsione, Mich., at . .. 319 preliminary examination to be made of appropriation for ., 427, 1085 harbor ,...,_. 379 limit of cost increased, public building . . . 1204 Glasgow, Scolland, preliminary examination of harbor to be i appropriation for consul at ..,.. 82, 814 made ..., 382 S or clerk hire . - ...,,, 86, 818 Georja, [ Glauchau, Germany, payment to, Spanish war claim .. 487 g appropriation for consul at . 83, 815 Georgia and Alabama Terminal Company, { Gkncovc, N K, ' may bridge Savann•hRiver,S•vnnnah,Ga. 104 i appropriation for improvement of harbor. 334