Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/754

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688 FIFPY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 1868. 1902. In all, pay Marine Corps, one million eight hundred and thirty-one thousand one hundred and twenty-nine dolIars and twenty-three cents. pmvmomm PROVISIONS, MARINE Cours: For noncommissioned officers, musicians, and privates serving ashore, for commutation of rations to enlisted men 1:gularly detailed as clerks and messengers, for payment of board andl ging of recruiting parties, transportation of provisions and for ice for preservation thereof, four hundred and forty-five thousand and seventy-one dollars and fifty cents; and no law s all be construed to entitle marines on shore duty to any rations, or commutation thereof, other than such as now are or may hereafter be allowed to mm. enlisted men in the Army: Bwided, however, That when it is impractim§,'f§',,§‘_°°“ °' °°““` cable or the ex use is found greater to supply marines serving on shore duty in the islghd possessions and on foreign stations with the army ration, such marines may be allowed the navy ration or commutation therefor. . , . Clotbins. CLorr11INe, MARINE Cours: For nonoommissioned officers, musicians, and privates authorized by law, three hundred and eighty-two thousand dollars. M1- FUEL, MARINE Cours: For heating barracks and quarters, for ranges and stoves for cooking, fuel for enlisted men, for sales to 0iH- cers, maintaining electric lights, and for hot-air closets, thirty-five _ thousand dollars. m“°°·’Y”"°’°* MHJTARY sronms, MARINE Cours: For pay of chief armorer, at three dollars per day; three mechanics, at two dollars and fifty cents each per day; for purchase of military equipments, such as rifles, revolvers, cartridge boxes, bayonet scabbar s, haversacks, blanket bags, knapsacks, canteens, musket slings, swords, drums, trumpets, flags, waist belts, waist plates, cartridge belts, sashes for otlioer of the day, spare parts for repairing muskets,fpurchase andrepair of tents and field ovens, purchase and repair o instruments for band, purchase of music and musical accessoriegiipurchase and markin of medals for excellence in gunnery and e practice, good-conduct badges; for incidental expenses of the school of application, purchase of signal equipment and stores, for the establishment and maintenance of targets and ranges, and renting ranges, and for procuring, preserving, and handling ammunition and other necessa military supplies, hfty thousand two hundred and ninety-seven dollars. uuuspomuon and TRANSPORTATION AND RECRUITING, MARINE Cones: For transporta- '°""m°“‘ tion of troops, including ferriage, and the expense of the recruiting service, one hundred and ten thousand dollars. Hepuincrbumcks- Fon REPAIRS or nAanAcxs, MARINE Cours: Repairs and improvements to barracks and quarters at Portsmouth, New Hampshire; Boston, Massachusetts; Newport, Rhode Island; New York, New York· League Island, Pennsylvania; Annapolis, Maryland; head uarters and navy-yard, District of Columbia: Norfolk, Virginia; Port Royal, South Uarohna; Pensacola, Florida; Dry Tortu as, Florida; Mare Island, California; Bremerton, `Washingtou; and Sitka, Alaska; for the renting, leasing, im rovement, and erection of buildin s in Porto Rico, the Philippine Iglands, at Guam, and at such other pIaces as the public exigencies require; and for per diem to enlisted men employed under the direction of the Quartermastefs Department on the repair of barracks, quarters, and other public buildings, forty-five thousand dollars. pda! mm Pl For rent of building used for manufacture of clothin , storing of ° supplies, and office of assistant guartermaster, Philadelpdia, Pennsylvania, five thousand five hundre dollars. rome. FORAGE, MARINE Cours: For forage in kind for horses of the quartermasters’ department, and the authorized number of officers’ horses, eleven thousand dollars. Him <>f ·¤.¤¤¤¢¤- Hmm or QUARTERS, MARINE Cours: For hire of quarters for officers