Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 2.djvu/1000

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immx. 2239 Unilecl States C0{ms—C0ntinued. PMP- I$1itedStal4·s fP»urta—Continued. |'¤•=·*- Indian Temtnq, b0l1I1d8!'i8S changed, · terms, San Antonio, Te; _____________ __ 59_ 753 central an southern districts ,,,,,. 90 , Scranton, pu __________ _ _ 549 KBDtUCk}’ €88i'.8U1 district, term at Cat- I Shgrugigny Tex ____________________ _ _ _ _ 69 l€U·Sb\l1’8 ----- 58 | Sioux Falls, S. Dal: ,,_________________ |97 North C§l’0ilD8. eastern district, clerk at l Texarkana, Tex _____________ _ ________ gg; Wilmington .. . ... 106 5 T lor, Te; _________________________ _ _ gg Oklahoma divided into seven districts 18.5 \\l’g,oo, Tex _______________________ ___ gg 785 Texas divided into {our districts _________ 64 \Vil|;“h0m_ N_ C _____________________ ’ 852 ¤0rthern_district .. 64 . Williamsport, P3 _____________________ mg 9B8V9TH {l1§tl'i0t -.--.-...-. 65 i additional district judge, Minnesota disnew dlV1§10D created .,,_..., _926 i trio; _ _ _ _ __________________ _ ______ 795 ¤0¤th¤1'¤ Qlstrict .- 65 1 New York, southern district ..._,,_ 805 western girstnct ... 65 { judge, eighth circuit, authorized .,. nu Dlmmlt County transferred to ... 820 · second drcuit, authorized ,.,,_,_____ 106 mgmgnment and appointment of officers- 65 l justicu, Oklahom; _,...____,__________ 134 disposition of pending causes ... 66mein-un and infgrstgiggommeing um return of process .. 67 I given preference in circuit mum. , . 823 UBNDB Oi 00\l1'tS . 1 - - t .. 68 [ composition of courts; divided opinions _ S23 officers in southern dnstrict 69 ‘ appeal dime; to Supreme (tour; ________ $33 registers in bankrulptcy 69 assistance to Spanish Claims Comrnimicn, terms, Aberdeen, S. ak 197 of ..,,,.,...,,,.,,,__,___________ sm Abilene, Tex . 69 bankruptcy docket; and index; to be Abingdon, Va .. 552, 794 kept; inspection, eu: ..,,,,,,,,_,,_ wo AddiSOD, W. VB .. 791 circuit court of appeals, Bfth circuit, term Anniston, Ala 832 i at Atlanta, wa . . ,,,.,,,,__ sas Atlanta, Ga ... . . 548 I Fort Worth, Tex ...,_,,,__,,__,,__ 756 Austin, Tex . 69, 785 ’ Montomery, Ala ..,.., 784 Beaumont, Tex ... 69 eighth circuit, additional terms ..., 329 Birmingham, Ala ... 821, 832 clerEs’ cmolument accounts to be restated; Blueiields, W. Va . 304 t balance to be paid 849 Bowling Green, Ky ... 58 ; fees, Indian Territory, to marshals, wit- Brownsville, Tex . 68 I uesses, etc ... . 396 Catlett.sbu1gh;1‘enn 58 | good-conduct commutation for prisoners Charleston, . Va 304 ~ increased 391 Charlottesville, Va .. 552, 794 l in proceedings, concurrent Covington, Ky ... . 58 E jurisdiction given circuit and dis- Dallas Tex . . . 69 trict courts .,. 1220 Danville, Va 552, 794 i jurisdiction for crimes on Indian reserva- Doadwood, S. Dak , .,. 197 ; tions South Dakota .. 793 Douvor, Colo ___,,,, . . 833 { in unlawiul trafiic in arms, etc., by citi- E1 Pago, Tex .,.,... . .,.. 69, 785 ‘ zens on uncivilized Pacific islands . 33 Fort Worth, Tex . 69 jurors' fees increased .. . 396 Frankfort, Ky ,,.,,,.. 58 marshals' bond, Alaska, may he in;-mami. 2 Galveston, Tex __,,_...,,.,... 68 salaries increased; Supreme Court jnnstiuu 825 Harri burg, P3 _____,,,,...,..,,.. 549 circuit judpes ..,,. 825 Harrison, Ark _,,,,.,., .. . - 72 district Im gen ... . ..,.,... R25 Harrisonburg, Va .., , ,. . 552, 794 (‘ourt.o Claims judges .,...,.. R25 Helena, Ark . ... . . . 795 sustit-cu court ot appeal, U. L` .. M25 Houston. Tex 65 unticun mpretne court, ll. l' . T. M25 Huntinptou, W. Va ... {NH Vonilrd Nutr: Inuurmuv I bmpemy, Num!, Hunter ile, Ala ... . .. . 820 Mo., Jefferson, Tex 60 •h•t\cicm·y appropriation for Trwmiry we- Kgmgag City, Kami. ... . . .. M9 tlvtiwllt ... . . . ... . . . .. . NWN Laredo, Tex . . ... . .. . . 68 Vniltd .\‘a‘·:m¤ l'nutn•tmriu. London, K ,_,,,,,,,. . ,,. 58 appropriation for construction, Fort I.•·av· Louisville, {{v _____ _ _________________, 58 enwnrth, Kms . .. . ,...,,., 473, II39 Lynchburg, V8 ____,,, , ,.,,_ _ , ,,,_,. 552, 794 for Atlanta. Ga., construction. etc .. 473 Maine circuit court ____,.,. , ,,.,,, 199 formpport, Fort Leavenworth, Kam. 476. 1142 Mgggghugttg circuil; court . . .. 199 ‘ Ailllnil, GI . . . . . .. . . 478. 1143 )[0mg0mg , Al; _____ , , ,_,_,____,,, 784, S20 for Mcbieils Island. “`ul1 . HH }[0]](i•g, gylg _____ , _,_,__,,,,... _S33 i lhitcd States Nerricr ·Si·h~»L¤. New Hgmpghirg circuit court ,,,,,, 199 appropriation for expenses 507. 9*28 Qgdgn, Utah ___________ , ,_____,,_,_.., 841 . Universal Hwtal Coragrcav. Qwensbom, Ky _____________ _ _,__,,,, 55 ‘ appropriation for e;penses of delegate to. 1174 Paris, Te; ____________,,,____ , __,, 69 , Upper (`hipoln Rirer, lu., Paducah, Ky _______ _ _____________,,., 58 5 appropriation for improvement of 354 Pe lvanin, eastern district . ..-. 549 { ljrper Las! Bay, Hu:, _ __ pyimiphia, Pa ___________ _ _______,_, 5-49 l preliminary examination oi, to be made. . 37 J gene, S, Dgk ______, , _,,,,,____,. 197 i Upper Wink Rircr, Ark., Pueblo, Colo .. . . _ .. 833 I appropriation for improvement of; lock: Rhode mma circuit court 199 _ and duns 1. 2. md 3 ...-.-.-·~---- 357 Richmond, Ky _ _____ _ ______ _ _________ $ right of way granted through landsof lock R(gn0kg'\°3_:_ ____, ,,,- - -.- 552,794 V X0. 3 . ·- .-~·---·· »-·-· --·-·-- 41 sm me cm, Utah .. NI ; li>¤1w»q. 1·>h»» 3. _ SanM{rex______,,-,,,.,-..,,--. 6g' pBDS0ll-.-.·· ...· ··-·--···· --·-· ~·•