Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1404

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xxx 1N DEX. Comular Qjiicers not Citizens, WSE- Comrad Surgeons, Army—Continued. Pezé- to be paid from salaries of office to which authority when in charge of hospitals 266 attached . 78 Contractor! Bonds, C0*nsula»· Regulations, actions on, for material, etc., furnished for appropriation for rewriting .. ---- 928 public works ..._,,,,..,.. 812 Consular .S2:rri<·¢, Cbmracts, appropriation for salaries ... 73, 921 for future payments in excess of nppropria- ` degciency appropriation for salaries- . - 426, 1254 tion for fiscal year, forbidden unless invoices to accompany goods shipped to specially authorized .. 1257 Philippines . , 977 Comrictn, D. C., Consulates, appropriation for support, etc., of, outside appropriation for repairs to, premises .-- 72, 920 of District .. 384, 906 or clerk hire 78, 926 deficiency a proprintion for support of _ _ _ 36 for contingent expenses . . 80,928 Oanyngham, Aggbm and Company, deficiency appropriation for contingent ex- __ payment of French spolistion claim to adpenses . -1 .. T-, 16, 394, 426, 1214, 1254 mimstretor of surviving partner . . . 784 for expenses, inspection of 16 Cook, L. B., rent of, to be separately estimated for 1214 deficiency appropriation for _____________ 420 ¤m·*~¤· Cook Wmmm , C “PPZ°P’i’m°;‘ fw salaries ··········- · -··· 73* 921 pnirment of, French spoliution claim to ad- ”"·"'“ °‘ G"'"" r ministrator of 796 appropriation for salaries ,,. 73, 921 Cook Zebedee 7`` '`'` ‘ '’'``‘ Contagious Diseases, D. (Z, ’ ’ B · · · _ appropriation for preventing spread of. . 383, 904 Paymcgggugactgslaf polmmm clam to ad 796 €<m¢¤y¤`<>v·¤ IMM of AMMMS, Cogkgey Mm J, m ```````````'``'````' . emergency gund fto; ergodimtinghto be used 5 payrjcut to _____ ’ __________ L ____________ 7 77 a so or 00 I1- W60V . Qoksey S_ W ' Contagious Diseases of Cattle, ’ ’ q¤¤¤glgg*);i¢¤ w r>r¤v¤¤* ¤r>¤¤·d Of; 1264 00%,3; 221:3 ```````'```‘`'°`‘`°'‘ 777 r 1 s ,.. · · Gommmm Week, N C y paymelngicg 0(gourt of Claims ]udgment to 770 appropriation for improvement of 1124 C rd J th `'```'`'` Oontested Elections, Home of Regweaentatirea, °° I 96* ttm? Fam h 1. . . deficiency appropriation for expenses 419 P°ym°n . Om risc FPO mtwu clmm to ad' Cmztingent C gl; .m Er ° ····‘·*············· 789 appmpriatiim fOr' foreign missions` ‘‘ 70’ 918 Opggirrnerg ojiugourt of Claims judgment to n ..,.._, , . . {S5 §3¤3?£*?? . ; .,.__. S3; ZE? 0 ;<¤¤¤¤;g¤¤>r of ------------------ 744 for House of Representatives . 93,638 °°P"* "’:°`%"C ‘> . Cl . . ` for Library of Congress ... 96, (H1 5 puymmld- °. . Ourt 9i {mms Judgmmt tO for Executive Office ,. 97, 642 C Zmlfgnlgtmtnx ° ················· 760 ' y -1 23E £§.,*;‘;'J$“BL§§,i§.?L$.a::;;:1::;;;:* i3;?;? »==v¤»~»¤e;* $><>p-1 Of ¤¤·i·»¤ ¤¤dg¤·¤¤· ¤> for Auditor for ost-Oflice Department. `106, Cooper _;°0;c:h“; ‘·‘‘··•‘····•· · ·········· 762 » 1 "! for wm, Department ________________ 115, payment of Court of Claims judgment to . 768 rm New Depznmem ... 122, eos Cooper. Scvrwvl. _ mi rmersei .pmmem. . ... 128, on v•y¤w¤¢ <>! Qvurt vf 01¤¤m¤ Judgment rn for Civil Service Commission l28, 674 __ ’·[!“}lm¤tl'¤Y0¥` of ·-···-·---···---·- 745 me Pose-omee Departnient .. 133,670 <·<»<>1»<·v·» ¥Wl¤¤»g A-, _ _ for Department o Justice ... 134, 680 P¤Y"]°¤t of (·°\“‘t vf Cl¤|¤“=' 1“<lL!¤¤•‘¤f W · 748 for Labor Bureau ..,,.__ 137, 682 (YW-" R"`"'; '{7`*'!7·· _ _ fm- Census (mil-Q ______ _ _______ _ _____ i3';, 083 W appropriation for improvement nt ___,____ 1143 for DepartmentofConm1er<·eamlLabor 139, 685 (00-*0 R"'€]`» P"- '"*<{ ·U*l·» for Indian service. ,,,__ 19], 1049 _ 3DP¥’°Pl'W·U0¤ fn? U¤P!'0\'€‘U|€¤f of 1126 {oi- Army ...,.,._,..,_,,___ 259, 827 n C'<>1>•’¢~h¤y<*{¢. P¢’¤{¤¤r‘l‘, for \Veather Bureau . . ,_,___ 27 8, 863 1 ¥\PD!'UP¥`l¤t10¤ t0!' consul Bt -.-.. 75, 923 for Department of Agriculture . ..,.,. 293, 880 [ lbpyright Qpice, for Navy ... . .. 325, 1093 appropriation for Register, clerks, etc, , _ 95, 640 fol' District of Cfllllmbla . ,- - . 366, 889 Copyrights, for Independent Treasury .. 463, 1167 privilege of temporary protection for ex— for Fxsherxes Bureau ... 477, 1180 hibits at Louisiana Purchase Expofor land offices; expenses of examina- sition ___,,_,___,________________ _ 4 QOHS ----·. 482, 1183 proceedings; record; fees; term ,_,,____ 4 apportionment_ to be made to prevent de- I- extension to full mi-m _________________ 5 _ ficxeney in, etqti H f 1].-5-} l25• tempoxtgry protection for works of line wmverouyon wn enc ero ea u gr _,; _________________________ __ 5 e¤fal9lish¤¤e¤t;_ report . 1258- privilege extended to books in forei not applicable to Senate and House of nguages published abroad; cond: Representatives ..,,,___,, 1258 tim; _ _ _ ; _ _______________________ _ 1000 C0’¤¥m"¢ GW?, Amy, ‘ _ Cvquillc River, Oz-eg.; 8P[>1'0P\’1¤¤0¤ fo1‘ »--.-. . .. 25·'>, 846 appropriation for improvement of ___,_,__ 1143 Oemfrewl ·9g¤·qwn¤, Amy, _ Gown, Sewell B., appropriation for; psy assignments . 266, 832 payment of Court of Claims judgment to deiicxency appropmmon xor mileage .,,., 1225 administrators of __________ _ ______ ng