Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1457

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INDEX. lxxxiii Light-Housegr, Beaczms, and Fog Signals—Con. P¤8€· ‘ Little Rock and Monroe Railway Company, P¤H¤· construction of light-house, Diamond I may bridge Ouachita River, La .. 54 Shoal, N. C., bg Albert F. Eells, Little Sodus Bay, N K, authorized; cfm itions 561 appropriation for improvement of ..,. 1121 modification of terms for Diamond Shoal, Little, Sterling B., Cape Hatteras! N. C ... 1266 deficiency appropriation for services ...,. 38 Light Iéssels (see also Light-Houses, etc.), Little, I/Wiliam, appropriation for expenses ... 469, 1172 payment of Court of Claims judgment go- 766 or trans,fc-rrring two new, to San Fran- Lwe Stock (sec Cattle). cisco; use of balances . 468 Live Stock Quarantine Diatrizza, for Brunswick, Gu ... . 1171 provisions for establishing, etc ...,,.. 1264 deficiency appropriation for expenses 45, Lwemash, Hon. Edward J, L I D C 1243, 1255 deficienizy appropriation 'for contestedig zting, . ., e action expenses .. .. .. 420 _ , ... ap p r a . “”'°*’,IE-¥`§l°2w‘°' ‘“""°““°“ ’““"i"““”§75 896 "”""f.?'£‘a%’,?'}L" consul t 73 921 for higlg mmepwcr lamps; contmctgmv 896 In for clerlli hiresé .. , 78; 926 authori . , 'vingstorn, mw ., minimum candlcpowcr 375, 896 payment of Court of Claims judgment to . 747 for electric lighting by undergr0und75 Im·i·ngsto·n, Cppéland m;dCCompany, wires - .. 3 , 896 payment 0 ourt 0 aims judgment to connections permitted Potomac Elec- executor of surviving partner of .-. 764 tric Power Company .. 376 Ixivingstcm, George B., _ deficiency appropriation for electric .. 398 payment of Court of Claims judgment to Lighting of Rivera, administrator of .. 761 appropriation for ... 469 Lloyd: Harbor, N K, _ f I 5 Lqmuea etc. ~ pre iminury examination 0 , to xa made-. 11 3 - up xopriaiion for analyzing testing, etc. . 1187 Lloyd, Samuel, ar., dcgciency ap mpri:)tionE£cr analyzing, Loygaymgat tm ... L .. 778 etc. at t uis 'tion; ro- star atc , viso .,.. gi, 412,603 appropriztgon {or, }1l<;0tbbay Harbior, Mc. 477 Ixillu Josephine, Locks and ma sec a 0 Dams, ctc. . foe nimplc title grunted, Yakima. allottcc. . . 1067 change of location, Tennessee River, near Lmwgu Haw Chattanooga, Tenn ... 603 appro;,,-jationkor umm] at _____________ 76, 925 constmlppion authorized across Mississippi Linwln’a mmpm, Mr, Mm- Z -·------------------ 66 Mappropgngon for repairs of building . 1193 Tgk {11n2Q;-- --·· 52. 723 _ 'ncoln, e ., V °°°°° ° * °°g°* appropriation for public building 1158 U pEl?’(¥J’:`l;‘&`ié;`H iiéé; ···-··---—·-- Rig Lindsey L}""b"”] _ P H rd Am 622 timgextended for constmctiné,-Miééiésippi ` Play budg° (’°°°°° “°r* ° ° * “River, Hancock County, Ill ... 56 Linn CD717d].], LID., r _ transferred from western to eastern ]ud1- paymmit of Frcnéh Bp0mm0n claim to ad_ 0181 (11S1I1C1Q ...·. ·. .-·····-- ·~ 164 ministmmrof______"""""`-" 795 LM"]""" P*°°?· D- C-- 1m.-wood, mzzzam, ¤“m° of Th“`t°°“'““d‘“'h“lf m`°°t fm"' B payment of French spoliation claim to adto D streets SW., changed to .. 628 miuistmtm, of ____________________ 795 Lions, Charles, Lodge, (;_ C_’ ,PaYm°m t° ·; ·······‘‘*‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 778 dehciency up ropriation for translating. . . 418 Lmpmcott and company, Logmmport INI Payment 0* C°“’t 0 Cmms j“dgm°m *0 .. up roprintion ior public building . 455 1159 L. I R ;·;;;j;i¤¤ ¤>=¤¤¤* 0* --·---------·~ ·°* r·L0,,a’Z».r, mm., V ’ W ew 0 ·v` ,..,,,,,,,,.. . ‘ payment of Court of Claims judgment to . 764 L:,££);qpg3;}2:i0r consul at 75* 023 Lister, E. 1).. E up wopriatinn for dispatch agent 70, 918 deficieacy cnpiiropriution fOr .---- 415 for cpniikgeneral at ,_,,...,,,,.. $2;, 9.21 Liu] F Z '., Q r o er ire ..,,...,,,.. ,9i.6 apivroprfipiion for public building 1159 y Lgpgqgglf, ppm K,, Little Hark River, Minn., _ Q appropriation for improvements, Kiowa, prqliming examination of, to D6 Ill8d€· - 11¤2 , eto., Reservation __,,,,__,,_,,_,,, 1072 Little I(anmB;a Rivera FK Vw, 2 Long, Charles C., _ _ appropriation for improvement 01; pill'- { deficiency appropriation for .,.,._... 1245 chase of franchise -..- ---- 1124 l Long Cove, Me., for mgimggmmoe . ----- 1124 preliminary examination of, to be made.. 1152 Little Narragansett Bay, R. I, _ Long Jim, _ _ appropriation for improvement or ...-·--- 1119 patent in fee to usue to, Columbia and LM}? pwlpg Riugr, S. l'., _ { Colville allottee . . 1064 appropriation for improvement of 1120 Long, ,Iq,geph, __ LM Ham Rim Tm-· r>=w¤¤¤¤¢ *0 · -7 -·--------------------- -- ··8 appropriation for improvement of 1133 Longm=<·l.·e,·, Edzrm, _ _ _ ‘ Mme RMT, DEI__ payment or Court of Claims Judgment to . m4 pmlimina. examination of, tobe made., 1150 5 Langshjeet, Helen D., _ _ _ _ t Lattle Ri rer Ya., Q deficiency approprmtwn tor, widow of bridge glithorized across .,...,._ 722 General James Lougstrggt _______ _ _ 428