Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1463

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1x1>1~:X. lxxxix Blaster of the Sword, West Pain/, PBEM ; Medals of Honor, etc., A2 1r2y—C011tinue¢i. YN0- mnk, Pay, NC-, €S€3bUSh€d .. 850 { duplicates for lost or destroyed, rlav be Mcwgorda Buy, T ex., s issued .__,_.__,_______,______ ____ 5 88 preliminary examination of, to be made. . 1155 { Jfedicul Department, Army, Malam0raS, Mexico, appropriation for enlisted men, Hospital approprianon for consul at ...,..,., 79, 925 Corps ____________________ _ _____ 26], 829 Mamma, Friction, for pay of officers; longevity 263, 831 provision for eanyimg, on passenger mam- iw hvsplmi nwgtrcins gg§, gg} Us ______________________________ 1031 orsuperm en en nursecorpgnumes, u, jjagewany UQ [QL for dental surgeons , ,_., _ __,___ _ _ _ _ 265 831 bridge authoriéed across Tug Fork of Big for contract surgeons ...o 2f_$6; 832 Sandy River, may .,_,,,,_____ 238 f¤r supplwq, etc . , ., .. 2¤2, 838 Mathews, John R., forpqeyentmg,etc.,ep1de1111cd1seases. ?72, 838 paymantdof Court of Claims judgment to €W{h*’-H BTPIOYBBS m3YP“Tch”€ m€di 273

 wi 0w ..,,_,,,_,, 758 (HUGS, 9 C ·-------··--·- · --------~-

Matmplmi River [QL fori museum; librtary .. 1 . 273 839 appropriation for i;11provemant of 1123 deficwncy aPPr0P¤aU0¤ {OY S¤PPh€26é-@4 Q Alatlawan Oreck N. J _ _ _ ~ · appropriatiori for irgnprovament of 1122 for 9-FUHCWI limbs ·-—--·----------- 2-- 43 Matthews, Ma , Medical Museum, Army, Maggrosngvtxglx for rexmbursing ... 221 appropmatxon for preserving, etc., specgm 839 a zuc , . ., mens .. appropriation for improvement of harbor- 1120 Medicated Bath Establishments, D. O, Maurice River, N. J , license tax on; penalty for treating persons preliminary examination of, to be made,. 1153 M d_ _ of opposite sex ... 174 Maxuvell Joel P., e w”w¤_ _ _ _ _ payment of Court of Claims judgment to regulations {OY Practice Of, m I¤d¤8¤ TWTP administrator of .. 748 [ d mz ------ - ····-·--------·- 299 Mayaguez P. R. be icine an rgery, . . prclimiimry examination of harbor, to be conditions for admitting {mmctice, with— made ,,.,,.,,,.,. 1156 lout cxzgminatiomdm h fi§ld 609 Mayberry Arthur app icauts rom outsi ct e 'strict 610 payment of Cc;urt of Claims judgment to Meecham, Frank, _ administrator of __,_,,.,.,...____, 745 patent in fee to, Yakuna allottoc . 1066 Mayer, John, Richard, Philip, and Simon, Mehe,.,»;n RW", N_ gg, payment <>f Court of 01¤im¤ judgment to- 770 preliminary cxaminutibn Or, to be made- . 1154 Mayhuyh, Joseph, ·· Mehitable, mg, _ _ _ M_p6yI¥;1¢;§;;_t0·-I? ---·--·-----------------· 778 payment of French spohatxon claxms on :7 G1/0 1 wm - count of 89 pgyzmenls of Coért of Claims jlldgllléllt to Mglbgumzf Australia, . M H wfow of ------·-·---·----·----··- 773 apfmropriation for consul-general at .. 73, 921 aym e y. 1 k h 78 926 approériatién for public building . 455, 1159 _][e[Ch2»;f;j;u·f_g , MGZGUGW N€fi€0» · ent of Court of Claims judcment tw. 753 3,ppfoI;fi3IiOI1 {OT COHSUI at . ... . . . . 75, 923 xriuiam, Mead, 960*96 L-, _ _ payment of French spoliatiou claim to adpayment of Court of Clanms mdgment to ministrator oi 783 widow of ·.--------------- 762 _11g1m, Lmefh C., Mfadey Hemi! Mw _ _ npprova of deed issued hy, Citizvn Putmpgymgmt of Court of Clmms ]lldglll0llt to wgmmie Mlomw _______ _ __________ 222 W d ig;;;;?}?! ·······················* 1 Members of the Ifouse of .R€])Tl 7WNU!’i/Y¤i I

” “¤   . .   i' · l. ll  ·-
 payment of CouPt of Clanms Judgment to _)` ( “I i '°\;:g‘;?t’?      Ss *;:;4

$0** Of ····---··---·········· ····· E for clerk hire ... , 92, 638

g * ( ! ’ ; elaticiencv appropriation for clerk hire . . . 40

patent m fee tu, Cheyenne and Arapaho _ _ » fm. (._,“]psns3tiO“ ___________________ 419 AIP l KQOUGP ·---····-·-···· ·········· Q mileage for first session, ifty~¢-ighfh Con- · (W “”» 5 W/9*% gress,madem1m¢ed1ateIyavmlable.. l P tgz; * } p 1067 weight, iucreuiwed for fmnked official cor- 3 0 ----------·-·· · -----·--·-- 7 _ _,._, . ,,. 441 Bleu! Inxpwcliou, · ‘ I .  ; 2; R il [_ =·¤·¤·¤>r·¤=—¤<>¤ for <=x¤~·S• >¤ ----··--—--- 2*** 8*** $§Yf3; Lt;Z].?;1? %Z, i.-.{§€;g Tenue<¤ee M# ’··’~ .. - 1é · 11 c ¤-,T 629 authorized for Lewis and Clark Exposition . 24S V l _ (P ;;;;u_s;s?;t1[€ };:t3Htfygrksgn for Louisiana Purchase Expositxon . 013 · “P 1,;;;* Medals, etc. _ ——- appropriation for fumishing, for rifle CUIP ¥ } ¥ ‘'‘’'‘`‘``` ````'`` {egg _______ _ _______________ 274, 580, 840 Jlemphvs, THU., _ _ _ __ fm., at annual rms contests ____________ 341 appropriation for public bullding 400 Alednls of Ifonor, dc., Army, lD3K1¤1¤¥}\ Charge {M m]l"f a} _P8$$€¤»¥€Ys· _ _ appropriation for preparing for presenta- _ _ bfidg? RCFOSS M139i5S1P?! RIWY at ·- 0*3 mm by the President _______,__,,, QA Jlenomgvjwv, _}[¢¢h-· _ _ replacing forms,. issues ______________ 274 mgdmqgmon of xmpmvement 02 har ¤<·r, 1139 conditions of award . 274 ¤“th°Y‘ *d vox, xxxm. rr I-:47