Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1501

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INDEX. cxxvii Public Primirgg cmd Binding—C0utinued. PHSé- Public Schools D C -C0ntiuucd Pnze document rranks may be perforated .. 9 pianos etc., adthérized from kinda rteu t documents not relating to ordinary busi- éxpprcgpriation rga 399 11egst0céf 1{apa.rtmcut_ not to be _ transfer of manual gs un ess authorized by Con- 1249 I garteu balances authorized 399 - - tco ‘‘‘‘·· ······ 1--;-- Publeg: Works, Wm ti;a8t'e€SSm;3':_;p0°;>t*¥;I;l*;$€§:¥v€t]g 1249 actxonz (;;1l'C§)ll;:l1’2;CtOl`§’ bond for material Ordered; annual reports Immigration Bu- [ Pummm;8 IS °' ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 812 ‘ mu ——--·-—-----— : ------—-------· 1287 punishméut for giving false evidence to Su sepéggwil f 1284 P ,,,- ,—“d‘“}§;‘¥“-“°°°;"”‘°““ ’“““ mm'?'-- 823 buildin on Angora goat _______________ 1284 “ ’°“ Wie ”“"°°"> “¥""`""‘"' °f A9""“" b 1 f· · . ·. . ¤ •;;;lthhg¤t;$¤§;r{gg°9¤m*>· P¤b¤·= 1283 ¤p*;>~p¤¤~·¤¤ for ¤¤·¤¤¤»¤ -----»-------- 291. 877 yelkfw-fe;re;· institute . I I I 1283 0g5i;;;;! Eggggzeé ‘ Q? ' ti • Y • - ·E11 °°'“£?$,§‘¤&‘;v‘$¤TT`.?T?T‘f’.'?T‘T¥’?T}f'T¥’T?Yf’. 1280 {3;3§i;;§i;;;i·g};*;;¤· ==·mm» 6*0 -----— 33*,878

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UOM} P¤·fk C<>¤¤¤¤i¤¤i°¤- - ; ----—-—- 1279 uppropriatich fér attgrne 207,1063 "¤P°;t,;:é.,B,;¤=*;I(t;;$£¥étL?%?t?2 ?I“m* 585 M ;2:Ls"w°*~ *0** **0** M 1069 . mggs, pi,-msgs of game; additional. . 593 puma cabez1o,i‘é,{g}L}LZ, `````````'````````` mh Iuwrnanonal Gcogmphxc Con- 1286 appropriation for consul at . 77, 925 experiment stations, Department -6% I P';em;.0C0;it;j¥ H?dum8’ 1 t ,. Agriculture nw pu;’§S09md *33 ‘?$§?i‘““ “ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ”’ 92* vcmor of New Mexico ,,.. 585 .‘ r. ·· ,· ·· igigggtgcginl ityséstoisationsgn {gg}; f_ ii_ 585 P;‘;;5"§0I;l*?';?lt¤¢;‘§a£¢;ZT lmprcvcmcut ot ..,_____ 1;.;,5 gross or o - . . · . . my ... I s .---- 583 ""éZ§°¥¤'1i‘,5`§€LfL’§.}£“€¥"$·‘.&e;eva; “” M . '- tt boll °l .. 1287 . . . . mg§,§;‘fig; B‘g§`,m f‘f‘{‘? _______' _ __ _ 1285 2:%, Tite? Iékes Vnxon and wmmg- lm Soxlillzgnmon, Department of Agncul- 583 Puget S0mPd'·Wa8h_7 Naw_ Yard, Special, ‘·‘· r · --··--···- 590 P:lppr0£r¥;¥10n for public works 335, 1103 . --·-·---·- ues . ., "“°"“‘£`?§W3',;“駑¤°t*.““at-X$$.§§°1'§%?.;°$ “?****;;¢yg.PPr¤P*¤**¤¤ M -----—- I --—--- *2**9 . » Pull • . _ qi ReprcSc¤t8¤V9S ------·--· - --·-- 159 1 psggnenisto I 778 repr1ui2mg0rdergd,0fD1ggasgsof theHorse, I PNTé", Ind Ii, ‘*‘····•····---‘·‘‘‘‘‘'‘'‘‘ · Disemr $2;*62; ···-*··‘‘*‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ { ordinance lcvying tax, etc, lggalizgd _____ 321 size Os humans of eiémbgyiéiiéééiiégj 585 ¤ P¤¢·¤’¤·w Aww Posf-QM 1>¤p¤~»»·e~r. Public Roch, g KDPOIHSYSISD; authonzcd, salary; bond; mmpramon sm inquiries, ew , 295,682 l ,,ppmpm{$m`§.}},`é1L}i¤L§éiéZQZZI ZZZZZZQZ Public Rgaadspjice, Depm:lmm¢ of Agrwulture, dgfiuienuv appropriation for; chief clerk. . 603 ¤PPi‘0P¤¤¤¤¤ f<>1j §¤l¤*‘}€¤ ----···—~·------ 882 Pun 11,04 ](,,,,_ ij)? €XP€‘¤S¢‘F Oi 1¤<1¤1¤'¤€S, etc ---------·- 882 nppmptigtign 50,-gm-Gt;!,,;;.,mm;a.1u|tpm- Publac Schools, D. C., txous, vtc ... 287, 874 appropriation for board of education; ofH— 6 Purslqu, Rose? C f Cl I cers .., 37 S9" payment ev `Jourt 0 aims jm y 5 g for teachers .. .. 376;S9;’ udministmtor of .. 5] 769 for night schools and kindergarten1s.. 377, 898 l Puyallup .-lgenqv, Hhsh., for janitors and care of buildings . 377, 898 appropriation for support, ew., of Indians for exggiqaers, etc. , manual trnininé 8 99 I of . . .,,,,, 204, 1959 ·¤c 00¤ ----·-----·---------·---- $7 8 Pl ll I I? ,,11* I. for nnedical inspectors ...--·- _ - -_ ------ 378; 899 j S{¥er:g;i0;;(;gg;;ictig;lxicmoved from allotfor rent; repairs; manual training -- . 378, 899 ments fo _____________ _ ___________ 56 5 {0T $0%] -------·-- y ·-------~----· 379, 710, 900 l Pyramid Lake Indian Reservation, New-_, for furniture, contingent expenses 379,900 » `appmpmtion fgy Supp0I·t,egc_’0g Indians for free lectures; pianos . 379,900 i on __________________________ __ 204,1058 for texvbcvks, etc; Bags: w1¤ph<>¤<=*¤- 379, 900-` reclamation of irrigable lands on ..._._,_, 225 Y0? ¤PI_>¤¤?¤@¤¤ for PHY Smunds -—-----·- _ 900 reservation for Indians; mle of remainfor bmlrlmgs; sites .. 319,900 ; A dey __________________________ ____ 225 deiinienc appropriation for night schools- 24 " price per acre; proceeds ...,, _ _ 225 for fuel); . 24, 398 ; "Py*renees," Ship, for manual training tools, etc .. 24 · granted American register and name for heating, etc., apparatus . 398, 1222 3 changed to ‘_‘Ms.nga Reva"_ .,._ 516 for repairs, etc . -.. 398,1222 ; for janitor, Takoma Park School ... 398 Q_ for fire escapes, etc IH! _ for contingent exgenses ... 1222 Quackenbush,_JOIm 5., _ equipping schools om appropriation for payment ct Court of Clausns judgment to furniture, etc . 398 S daughters of . 761