Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1535

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INDEX. elxi V0lzmteers—C`0ntinued. Page. , Walsh, Murtha, Page. deficiency appropriation for collecting, payment of Court of Claims judgmcrit to etc .. 424 administratrix of . 75l Volusia Bar, Fla., Walter, Thomas (Y, appropriation for improvement of 1127 commission to report on extension of Capymb &,hmmbm,g Gmm itol according to original plans of .. 481 payment to sos V¥¤¤N·~·»k¤ B~da¢ {»°'"P?’W» yuh.!," gm; C0,,,p(my may budge Missouri Rnver, Wzmbhska, may bridge Tu Fork Of Big Sandy River, N· ak ---·~---··—·------··-·--·· 166 vuxcm 0*. Va .., 172 W<»¤!>l¤~¤k¤, N Pak-, Vulc,m nj Va budge authorized across Missouri Rwer at. 166 bridge authorized moss Tug Fork of Big W¤1>1>mw Qreek, M K · a r0pr1at10r1 for 1mprovcment of 1121 Sandy River at °`°```````°°°``°``` 172 Jggiminary examination of to be made 1153 w. <wr·~<·.¢i~¢·.S- G, . appropriation for improvement of 1125 W& t N "M d W hi t D (L War College, Army (see Army War College). P011i0D °f* abandoned ’‘'‘‘'‘'‘‘’‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 174 Q33E5g32x, for Secretary Assistant Wd0H8h Rive?? I”d· clerks, etc 2 . i13, 658 bridge 8H0h0d2eé “c!`0”• m V180 County- 162 for additional force; allotment . 113 Terre Haptc .»-.-·...-..-...-. 180 detailed wimamsm be submitted 113 Wacwmaw R"'", N O and S- CH general staff employees, restriction..- 659 ¤ppr<;pri¤¢i<>¤ for imp¤>v<>m<·=¤¢<>f -------- 1125 for cmks, em., Ad]Ut8Dt·GOH6f31’S omce 114 Waco, €·F·» Rec d d P "on Odico .. 114

a§5rZpr}atj0n for public building, rent. . - 457 Milmwagwregavs ggm __________    

a 6 s · ·1 II1Sp€CtOI`·G‘8I1€1'8 S OC .. .. . , payment to .-··-·--. - - . 805 Judge-Advocate-General’s OfHce - . - 114, 659 Wade, Willianu, Signal OfHce ,,_,,_,_,,,.,,,,,,__ Q, 114 660 payment of Court of Claims judgment to Quurbqrmaster-Gcneml’s Office 1141660 execumm of ______________________ 751 Cqmmmsary-Geneml’s Officc .. 114, 660 Wagqener, James R,, Surgeon-Geneml’s Ofhce .. 114, 660 pakment of Court of Claims judgment gx¥·nms:e5LQine?g'%2g;c; to ______________ ________________ ee o ne o r L , W Service, Postal Service, 0H50c of Chief of En ecrs ... 115, 661 gg;;-lopriation for mail transportation Burea u of Insular Agn .. 115, 661 by 435, 1087 for contingent expenses . 115, 662 deficiency appropriation for . 414 for statroncry ... 116, 662 for rent . .-----····- 116, 662 Wahpdom N' Bak" · · · · f bl` b `ldin s and rounds clerks =~¤¤»~¤»¤;~;g<>¤,g<;;]g;*5b*¤hl¤gI·¤**=#·¤aw 215 °";‘;r$§DJ;; w;icmE, em . im 662 cu m -_-."--'--I'.--·- , d Yay Department W k - ld Vw for Stqt/a. \Var an L y spfggpriatio;1 for watchman, cure of mo¤u· building, (·l€¥`k$, €¤€m€€\”S» Watcla ment and dock at ... 116, 663 K“?“· 8 C ······· d ···· 7 ·········· w hm) ”’¤”<" G¢~~»~» §°' °L$;‘(,$i£‘i§‘,$?iSa‘;1,;;§g ·‘‘‘‘`‘‘·‘‘ M 1190 ,•' , appro}}];;?;); for paymg’ Potmwammm 1072 for builgings and grounds, Washingt0 ;1% , ‘‘’‘'‘'" ‘’`'°`'`` D. ... . .--- - - - y — ` . W I/:6 , JIaryA., · I €¤y·¥¤;gle¤ggg¤rt of ¤=··¤·S i¤dg¤·€¤* *0 ,69 £3££;1'€J)?13i'c‘3§]‘;‘2Z§§2§{‘F:::1:;:;:;: 1Qé; H3é

  • ’‘'‘‘’‘‘‘‘'‘‘ (0; marking burial places in China nm

Walkvr, R. E., Cuba ____ _________ Ugg f*"°°‘°“Fy “pp'T’*’"“"°" f°.' ‘‘‘‘ , ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 4 Z0 rm Mmmm bmxeum.:  :. 496,1197 Walker Rzg‘er Ledmn Rescrratzon, Aer., for brillging home mmams of Og-m€m gpprgpnatxon for support, etc., of I¤d18¤S etc ____________ ______________ 496, U91 Oil . . --·- · · - · · · --·---·--- - - 204, 1058 cigiliani and dischagged 496, ]]97 W lker, William A., for 0nfe< eratc came ery, amp use, ggyyggnt of Coun of Claims Judgment Oxxio .. . .-··--- EQ dig? to ____,____,, ... . . ...-- - I for mi itary posts ,..,, ,.., ,,,,. , . Whlla Walla Indians, Orey., for Statue of Liberty, lighting plant 498 gpfrgsrigtion fm- guppgrg etc., of -. . . 203, 1058 trgngfgrygd t()f3{)¤té·0]€)f ___________ Wal rn I 'allu, Wash., for Jamestown s an , a . fg (fcgurt gt _____ _-. 825 for Aryny Ggyqgml Hggpytgl ____________ ]]97 Wal;r;?·5l,;rg (mmrio, for F mit Monroe ,,,.,.. 498, 1198 appropriation for con ul at ____,,,, . . . . . 77. 925 for natxonal parks .. 498, 1198 for ma . 499, 1199 W’allru·h, Cuthbert P., P9: h payment 0i}C0urt of Clmms ]u<1gment to for sggg s, nor em a son 0 . ..--···---- · ··--·-· * ‘ ‘ 1 ‘‘‘‘‘’'‘`` ’' ’ for transporting maps, etc .. 499, 1199 Wall,1T’ Qi Claims jlldgfnent to for ‘ '°°``` .`` ° ° 499’ pa) m(m· D 779 for a liances for disabled soldiers- . 499, 1199 wld0W 0* ·-···-·········· · ······‘‘ pp · H uy wasmn ton 500 1199 Walsh County, IK Dak., fo1‘ I:1`0V1d€¤€€ QSP; { g # 900 bridge authorized across Red Rwer of the for (zartield Hospxta , uq l¤2t · - ,  ; North between Marshall County, for mcdxcal museum and l1Qrag·y ... -- }Ii d _______ 614 { {01- Cgifoynia Débris Commxssmn . .- 500, 1200