Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/192

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104 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 716. 1904. two; five clerks of class one; two clerks, at one thousand dollars each; one clerk, nine hundred dollars; two assistant messengers; and one v laborer; in all, forty-five thousand nine hundred dollars. mgB‘fjg‘{,,?,§¤,§";¥”" Brmmau or Eueaavme aim Pmrrrme: For Director of Bureau, ` four thousand Eve hundred dollars; assistant director, three thousand dollars; accountantiltwo thousand five hundred dollars; stenographer, one thousand eight imdred dollars; one clerk of class three; two c erks of class one; one clerk, one thousand dollars; two assistant messengers in all, eighteen thousand two hundred and forty dollars. ,,,§$°’°' S°"*°° di"' Sncmrr Snnvicn Division: For one chief, four thousand dollars; ` chief clerk, two thousand five hundred dollars; one clerk of class four; one clerk of class three; two clerks of class two; one clerk of clas. one; one clerk, one thousand dollars; one clerk, nine hundred dollars; and one attendant seven hundred and twenty dollars; in all, sixteen thousand five hundred and twenty dollars. ,,,Q‘§,i§,,Q‘ ”"°°*°’ °‘ Omen or mn Dmncroa or run Mnvr: For Director, four thousand five hundred dollars; examiner, and computer, at two thousand five hundred dollars each; assayer, two thousand two hundred dollars; adjuster of accounts, two thousand dollars; two clerks of class four; one clerk of class three- one clerk of class two; three clerks of class one; translator, one thousand six hundred dollars; one clerk, one thousand dollars; one copyist; one messenger; assistant in laboratory, · one thousand two hundred dollars; oneassistant messenger; and one laborer; in all, thirty thousand eight hundred and twenty dollars. F'°*8l=*~ For freight on bullion and coin, by registered mail or otherwise, between mints and assay offices, seventy-five thousand dollars. °°““"*"‘*“¥’°"'°'· For contingent expenses of the Bureau of the Mint, to be expended under the direction of the Director, namely: For assay laboratory, chemicals, fuel, materials, and other necessaries, seven hundred and fif? dollars. or examinations of mints, expense in visiting mints and assay offices for the purpose of superintending the annual settlements, and for special examinations, two thousand ve dollars. For books, pamphlets, periodicals, specimens of coins and ores, balences, weights, an inci entals, four hundred dollars. m§‘,j§,f“"! °""°°’°‘“ For the collection of statistics relative to the annual production and goasumption of the precious metals in the United States, five thousand o ars. ,,{’,.“,‘,§{l‘i,,§’,,,°2‘,§,”S§‘,‘1 Orrxcn or Suaeiaon-Gaiman. or Punmo Hinnzrn nm Maiuimi¤·· Hosrirn. Smzvrcnz For Surgeon·General, five thousand dollars; chief clerk, two thousand dollars, and five hundred dollars additional as disbursing agent for the Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service; two clerks of class four; four clerks of class three; rivate secretary to the Surgeon-General, one thousand six hundred dbllars; five clerks of class two, one of whom shall be translator five clerks of class one; clerk and translator, one thousand two hundred dollars; three clerks, at nine hundred dollars each; one messenger; and five laborers, at tive hundred and forty dollars each; in all, thirty-nine thousand five hundred and forty dollars, the same to be paid from the permanent a proriations for the Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service, and) said Service shall remain under the jurisdiction of the Treasury Department until otherwise hereafter specifically provided b law. · °°°“¤¢“*°¤*¤•¤· Commenxr Exrmwsns 'lhuasuar Dnraammr: Fbrthefollowing sums, which shall be soapportioned as to prevent deficiencies therein, name y: — "*“°"¤¥· For stationery for the Treasury Department and its several Bureaus, - thirty thousand dollars. · "°°*'¤°— For posting: frequired tof pretpay matter addressed to Postal Union countries, an or or e nt, one ousand . ivehundreddollars. _