Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/389

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FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cas. 1493, 1494. 1904. 301 the examination herein provided for; and said board shall issue to said applicant a certificate of approval, which certificate shall be registered in the clerk’s office for the district in which said board holds jurisdiction: Provided, however, That no person holding a diploma issued after §Q‘;'fg,D ,1 S issued July first, nineteen hundred and four, shall be permitted to ractice ¤f¢¤rJ¤1r1.1904. medicine or surgery for pa in the Indian Territory except that the diploma be issued by a medical school or college requirin a prelim- R¤<1¤1r¤¤¤¢¤¢~¤- inary examination for admission to its course of study in all the common branches and the higher mathematics, which requirements shall be regularly published in all the advertisements and in each prospectus or catalogue issued by said school, which medical school or college shall also require as a requisite for grantingthe degree of doctor of medicine attendance upon at least four courses of lectures of six months each, no two of said courses to be held within one year, and having a full faculty of capable professors in all the different branches of medical education, to wit, anatomy, physiology, chemistry, toxicology, histology, pathology, hygiene, materia medica, therapeutics, obstetrics, bacteriology, medical jurisprudence, gynecology, principles and practice of medicine and surgery, and specially requiring clinical instruction in the last two named of not less than four hours per week in each during the last two courses of lectures. Sec. 15. That any person who shall prescribe or administer medicine ,,,f§(§”°,.f§ ‘,‘§,f(§,,Q§Qg§ for or who shall in any manner treat disease, wounds, fractures, or other vw- ‘' blgdily injury for pay shall be deemed physicians and surgeons under t is ct. _ Sec. 16. That any person who shall hereafter en e in the practice ,,§ff”“" *°’ “°*‘* of medicine and surgery, or either, in the IndianH¢§rritory, in violation of the izguirements of this Act, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, a ‘ upon conviction in any court havingjurisdiction thereof under the laws o the United States governing the practice of medicine and surgery in the Indian Territory shall be lined in any sum not less than twenty-five dollars and not more than one hundred dollars; and each day said physician or surgeon shall practice medicine or surgery without being registered as hereinbefore required shall be deemed a Pr _ separate offense: Provided, lzmvevwg That nothing in this Act shall be nxiiggiibm. construed to prohibit gratuitous service in cases of emergenc or the domestic administration of family remedies. And this Act shall not apply to surgeons in the service of the United States in the discharge o their official duties, or to hysicians or sur eons from other Territories or States when in actualconsultation wit}? a h sician or surgeon duly registered as provided herein: Avdp¢·0vz'deei)jyurthw·, That oste- ,,ff‘§,'i,E,“Q},§'é,'}}f‘““*°· o th, massage, Christian Science, and herbal treatment shall not be agiicted by this Act. · · Approved, April 23, 1904. GKAP. 1494.-An Act. To incorporate the Washington Sanitary Housing ?§“j,z§•,% Company- [Public.'Xo. 1e8.] Be it enacted by the Senate and [Image of Representatives of the United _ States of America in Limgreas assembled, That Henry Y. Satterlee, iiliéiiiigigimsiiiiitigi Tennis S. Hamlin, John M. Harlan, S. lValter Woodward, Brainard ,’;§cf,‘r‘;;’,}8”,§,d°°’“P°¤Y H. Warner, John Joy Edson Maximilian G. Seckendorff, V\`allace Incorpcminrs. Radcliffe, Clement Brown, John W. Foster, George M. Sternberg, Hen B. Brown, David J. Brewer, Crosby S. Noyes, George M. Kober, Chaiiliis C. Glover, Charles J. Bell, Henry F. Blount, Charles B. Purvis, Francis J. Grimke, Frederick A. Miller, J. W. Pinchot, Mary L. D. Macfarland, Elizabeth J. Somers, Herbert lVadsworth, George Truesdell, John F. Wilkins, Simon Wolf, Henry A. Willard, J. Henry Small,