Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/446

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358 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. rr. cri. 1624. 1904. S°l*°°l *’““*“°8’- “One hundred thousand dollars, or as rnuclr thereof as may be neces- ` sary, shall be expended by the Secretary of the lnterior in the erection, purchase, and repair of such school buildings as he nray deem necessary. "Ten thousand dollars shall be expended by the Secretary of the - Interior in the erection and furnishing of a hospital at the agency for the benefit of the Crow Indians. Tm' ‘“”‘~ “Fifty thousand dollars shall be placed in the Treasury of the United States to the credit of the Crow tribe of Indians as a trust fund, and shall bear interest at the rate of four per· centum per· annum; said interest to be used, under direction of the Secretary of the Interio1·, to _ cover necessary erépenses of maintaining said hospital. ,,,§§§f‘°' i““‘""'I"' “Fifty thousan dollars shall be deposited in the Treasury of the United States to the credit of the Crow tribe of Indians, the same to be expended for their benefit from time to time by the Secretary of the Interior, in such manner as he may direct. mg{,1;_¤¤lg¢¤C¤ W¤¤¤- "Three thousand dollars, or as much thereof as may be necessary, '` may be expended to pay the exppnses of ten Crow Indians, two interpreters, and the agent to visit ashington at such time as permission ggijhd BMW rs received from the Secretary of the Interior: Bwidedfmhw, That should the funds accruin to the Indians from the sale of their lands render it advisable, the Tcretary of the Interior may expend the further surn of two hundred thousand dollars in the further purchase of cattle or sheep, should a majority of the Indians so decide and the rrnexpemrec mr- same be approved by the Secretary of the Interior: Provided fart/wr, ““°"· That when each object for which a specific appropriation has been made in this agreement shall have been fully carried out and completed then the balance remaining of said appropriation mav be expended for· the benetit of the Crow tribe or placed to their credit in such manner as ru capita psy- the Secretary of the Interior may determine: Pl'OUid6d_fiLTth€7', That '"°'""‘ the Secretary of the Interior may, in his discretion, while the funds for the several purposes above named are accruing from the sale and disposition of the lands, make per capita cash payments from the proceeds at such times and in such amounts to every man, woman, and child, share and share alike, having tribal rights on the reservation, as he may deem for their best interests. cena-nm. “1t is further agreed that in the construction of ditches, dams, °“°h°" °"" canals, and fences no contract shall be awarded nor em loyment given to other than Crow Indians or whites internrarried widr them, except that any Indian employed in construction may hire white men to work q·—~»—z···>, for him if Ire so desires: }’¤·0z~o'd»d_fin·Mer·, That nothing herein con- ,,r,iZ£$l?5{l}}"`° M °"` tained shall he <·onstr·ued to prevent the employment of such en 'neers or other skilled employees, or to Jrevent the employment oflwhite labor where it is impractieable for the Crows to perform the same. l¤··n·m$¤¤ t<>f vger “‘ That none of the money due to the said Indians under this agree- Y,i{§{,lll_'°" P " rrrent shall be subject to the payment of any claims, judgments, ordemands against said Indians for damages or de redations claimed to Expvn<1i¤¤n·s- have been committed prior to the signing of this agreement. And the various ex nditures and payments re uired to he made under the provisions of this article shall be made as tlhe funds therefor are available as herein provided, and shall he prorated, apportioned, and nrade in such proportions and amounts as in the opinion of the Secretary of the Interior the needs and requirenrents of the Indians and their best interests shall warrant and demand. etfricr nlietmew. "Aa·r. III. All lands upon that portion of the reservation hereby ` granted, ceded, and relinquished which have, prior to the date of this agreement, been allotted rn severalty to Indians of the Crow tribe shall he reserved for said Indians, or where any Indians have homes on suc-lr lands they shall not he removed therefrom without their consent, und those not allotted may receive allotments on the lands thev now occupy. But in case any prefer to move they may select land