Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/891

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804 FlF'1`Y—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. Ill. Ch. 777. 1905. to him by the United States circuit court for the eastern district of Pennsylvania on the twenty-third day of November, eighteen hundred and seventy-five. · _ I m§l¤i¤¤¤n§•* d4g_,¤G¤ To A. M. Spear, nine hundred dollars; to Harriet S. Webster, one mm rpm ce' thousand three· hundred and fifteen dollars; to F. H. Harford, two hundred and fifty dollars; to Margaret E. McDonald, four hundred dollars; to Nicholas Mospan, one undred and sixty-ve dollars: to Malvina H. Merriman, one hundred and twenty-five dollars; to James Merriman, one hundred and fifty dollars; to Mary E. Parker, three hundred dollars; to Mary E. Tingle , seventy-fivc dollars; to Hattie E. McCann, nineteen dollars; to Ihnrry Wood, seventy-six dollars, all at Fort Preble, Maine; to Mrs. Emma Tatro, three dollars and seventy-two cents, at Fort Winthrop, Massachusetts; to Katharine Jackman, three dollars, and to Elizabeth Dance, twenty-five dollars, both at Fort Hamilton, New York; to E. M. Ferguson, twenty-five dollars, at Fort H. G. Wright, New York, in payment of claims against the Government of the dlnited States, arising out of dama es to private propert by reason. of mortar practice as ascertained and reported to the Secretary of War by a board of army officers constituted for that purpose. _ gill Sgtmvgnhd To the legal rergesentatives of G. B. Stim(pson, of Pueblo, Colorado, ,.,,£;.¤ys.°g, the sum of three undred and twenty-five ollars, due him for clerk hire and expenses while serving as postmaster at South Pueblo, Colorado. mH.g.{h¤lml=g¤md To H. H. Thornton and Ben D. Rochblaive, the owners of the

?.y.;..,.Y{°w, v°‘ steamer Monarch, the amount of interest now due on a judgment

· recovered a `nst D. G. Brent, as collector of customs at the port of Pensacola, lglhlrida, April twenty-ninth, nineteen hundred and one, in the United States circuit court of the northern district of Florida, for one thousand one hundred {llld thirteen dollars and seventy-five cents, said interest to be calculated from the date of rendition of judgment to date of its pa ment, naniel , from the twenty-ninth day of April, nineteen hundred, and one, to tds fourteenth day of February, nineteen Www- _ hundred and two, at the rate of four per centum per annum: Provided,

  • ’¤Y¤¤¤¤**¤ full- That such sum shall be accepted in full satisfaction and payment of

the balance due on said judgment, princi al, interest, and costs. ¤¤¤•>*¤'*l’·T*'>*>***'·¤· To Lincoln W. Tibbetts, of Portland}.? Maine, the sum of seven thousand five hundred dollars in full settlement and satisfaction of his claim for losses sustained by him in bringing back to New York the cargo of the brig Tornado, consisting of eight thousand kegs of gunpowder, shipped per said brig Torna o from said port to New Orleans in December, eighteen hundred and sixty, of which said Tibbetts was master and mana in owner, whereby said powder was prevented from falling into die `liands of the authorities of the seceding States. shgfth *’·*° VP To Custis Parke Upshur, the sum of seven hundred and eighty-seven dollars and eighty-two cents, bein the amount due him fo1' office rent and expenses incurred by him while United States shipping commissioner at Astoria, in the State of Oregon., from July first, eighteen hundred and eighty-six, to October first, eighteen hundred and ninety- one, being for five years and three months, at twelve dollars and fifty _ cents pczr month. “"°”°d*’—¤‘¤¤d*°¤· To ’iel and Anumdsen, owners of the Norwegian steamer Ragnar, the sum of eight thousand five hundred and twenty-four dollars and ten cents, amount found due by Consul—General Goodhow, for damages arising from the collision between said steamer and the United States Army transport Sumner, in the Yangtze River, China, on March _ eighteenth, anno Domini nineteen hundred and two. m‘}',{d,**f:n{;>;s,=;,°1F,‘;:_g·f¤ o the persons hereinafter named, or their heirs or legal representatives, whose claims were presented to and allowed b the State board of examiners of Nevada, or tried by the Court of Claims, the several