Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 2.djvu/1194

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2490 INDEX. Kellar and Indiana Smelter Company, P¤8¤· Kenney, A. J, _ _ H86- may erect smelter on Colville Reservation, 567 Kpaymepgti of Ccpurt ofCla1ms judgment to. . 759 Wash .,..,.__ enney, war town site, Colville Reservation, Wash., set payment of Court of Claims judgment to K H apartcilor; price ... 1064 K _ gxmuzxof 772, 774 e er Capt. arles, enney, i t ., deficiency appropriation for credit in ac- I Kpeuzionlitncreased ... 1687 counts ... 1224 ‘ enos a is. Keller, John B., I appropriatidn for improvement of harbor. 1138 pension increased .., 1480 ‘ Kensington and Eastern Railroad Company, Keller, Margaret E. (widow), may Calumet River, Cook ounty, 703 pension increased ... 1436 ... Kelley Andrew A., Kent Ahired pension increased ... 1671 peirsion increased ... 1564 Kells, De Witt Clinton, Kent, Henry 0., payment of Court of Claims judgment to pension 7 ... 1818 , sister of .. 761 Kent Narrows, Md., Kelly, Hannah (widow),preliminary examination of, to be made.. 1152 Kppnsion . ... 1301 I Kent, Wdliam H, d ‘ 76 e y, Josqo . I pension increase ... 14 pension . I .. 1844 Kentucky River, Ky., Kelly, Lydia P. (widow) , aplpropriation for improvement of; bridge. 1134 Kppnsion increased} . 1937 K ock and dam, 12 . 1134 e y, Michae , alias atrick, enville oeep , pension increased ... 1891 payment to . ... 805 Kelly, Rbbert, Keokuk and Hamilton Water Power Company, Kppnsion ... T 1331 time extended for building dam across 'e y Thomas Mississippi River . . ... 56 pension increased  ; ... . .. 1317 may dam, etc., Mississippi River, Des Kelly, William Rufus, 60 M0in€s1Rapigs . 1; . 7 1; nsion 17 o ration o ock, ry doc etc . 71 Kytble, Edmund, _ Kc0g1I, Iowa, ’ payment of French spoliation claim to ad- dam, etc., authorized across Mississippi K Jmrnisgntrix o ... 791 K h Riyer to Hamilton, Ill., from .. 712 emp, amen ., — eoug , o n, pension increased ... 1629 pension increased ... 2054 Kemper, Andrew ( 1, Kepner, Hezekiah, pension increased ... 1754 pension increased ... 1591 Kempj Louis, V I Ker, Roxana S. (wnlow), payment of Court of Claims judgment to- . 746 I pension increased ... 1554 Kenaday, Mary R (widow), Kerby, George W., pension 1630 I pension increased ... 1355 Kendall, Richard A., ; Kerby, William Jil, pension increased , ., 1336 I payment of Court of Claims judgment to ](enneuly, Ella R (daughter), I widow of ,.,,,_,.__,.,_,,___,,,,__ 779 KP€¤$i0¤ · · -·-------------·-· - ~-·- - - -·--· 1718 , Iferlgy jfing crmebec Arsenal Me.,’· · ’ conveyed to Maine for insane hospital. .. 1270 I Kpeusy)? uimased ````````````````````'`` 1707 Kennebec Rirer, Me., ""*m° *1; FF mh l. t. I . t ad_ appropriation for enforcing anchorage reg- I Pay °" . Q t rg ’ fp') '“ ’°" C mm ° 784 ulations, Bath . 460,1164 _ “"_“’S '“ °'? -···············-··· for Ames Ledge lighthouse, mm .. 1171 I MMM, Mvl»¤<¢11>¤mel. prelimbnairy examination of, to be made to I P0¤¤10¤ 1¤<¤¤’¤¤·9€d -·-----···---··-·-·---- 2048 8 inet . 1152 I Kern Ch lex 62, Kmvebvlnlt River, M6., I peréisionaincreased .,,,,,, 1963 Kapprppriation for improvement of 1117 I Km, Danni, JL enner y mu, (bmpany, I - ’ · · refund of internal·revenue taxes to ... 807 I Kdengmgy Tppmpnamm for `````````` 419’ 1246 Kermerly, Edwin R., I eq re* ‘* . d f Ch pension Im.,.,,,,“d _______________________ 1973 I sa e, etc., permntte o erokee allotment Kennedy, John lV.,d I K h t'°L:é"·;I ········ · ·········-·--—-- 1067 pension 'ncreae .. . 1970 * m MT war 1 _ Kgmmjy, _},,.,?],], ;[_, , I _ payment of Court of Claims judgment to. . 752 Kpensjominpregsed ... 1390 . Kereteler, Ella P. (uvldmp), MM 11. fr an v. Ii reased ... 1348 pension increased ,. _ 1860 Kg?;;n_(;:hnl:c Kfnlléfli/t {Nfl6k W, pension increased .. . ...,,.._,,,_,___ 1891 p°“*"°“ ““"`°”°d ···················--·· 1978 Ketchum, Elizabeth M. (widow), Kennedy, Stephen D., pension increased _______________________ 1924 payment of Court of Claims judgment to., 772 , K,,,,,u,,ee, yeh_ Kennedy, Theresa M (widow), 1901 appropriatiori for improvement of 1139 p°"m°° ·········‘················· · ·--· ‘ Kerreena Ba , M` h., Kennedy, llilliam, alias Leonard, appropvriatign fda improvement of water- Pelmon ¤¤¤r<¢=>·¤¤<1 -—···-··-·---~··--- ·- -- 1500 1 way to Lake Superior . ...,__,, 1137