Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/1474

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xvi ii INDEX. Blackfeet Indian Reservation, Mont., P¤€<‘- { Board ry' MerlicalS1epcr1r’isors, D. C., WSC- survey directed .. 1035 y name of board of supervisors in medicine allotments to be made to Indians on .. 1035 { and pharmacy changed to . 1005 preference rights to waters .. 1035 · divested of pharmacy functions .. 1005 eswbiishlnent <>f irrizMi<>¤_¤y¤t<=r¤ --·-·-- 1035 Board of ordnance and Fortijication, Army, reservations for schools, missions, etc 1036 appropriation for ggneml expenses _____ 465_ 1062 appraisal and sale of unallotted lands .. 1036 E), Civilian member __________________ 465 1062 wi¤hd¤*¤W¤1e¤¤deri¤ig¤ti¤¤ pr<>i¤¢¤S ---- 1037 my expenses of members .._. 465; 1062 B916S of\m‘l1SP0S€d 1¤¤d¤ MW? five Years- 1037 for tests of experimental guns, etc . . . 465, 1062 ¢<>¤1 and m¤¤<>r¤1 1=~¤d ]<>¤¤¤<>¤¤ -------·- 1038 * inquiry as to mgm to invmion before maktimber lands ··--·--—---·--·-··-------—· 1038 ing tests, etc ..i. 46-5, 1062 dl¤1><>e¤¤s>¤ Of precwis ·-·-·---·--------- 1038 j Board of rimmamtmz Examiners, 0. 0., appropriation for lands granted to Mon- g composition- duties _______________________ 177 wml ····-···-··-· ; -·-·--·-—— _ ---·-·— 1038 Board of Pharrnacy, D. C., for expenses of surveying, classifymg, etc. 1038 created, to Succeed board Of phm-mM0H_ for town site expenses .. 1039 · i 1 · . · _ _ _ _ _ t ca examiners, l00a liability of Government limited . . 1039 powers Ofhcers etc ______________________ 1005 reservation of town sites; disposal of ots. . 1039 B d ’ S Y M d. . d Ph __ Blacksmith, Eaward, Indian Allottee, _ our Ofmmigjegfsgi Of 0 www an m Blf9*;;;3‘;’1232€ -----·-·-—-----—·--·---- 3;*7 g created; composition, duties, etc . 178 av __ · _·¢ 'B d Vf E.,D.C., B;Pgm§n%‘PH fo;`,1mPmV€m€m· of ·-·—---·- 1087 { (igeagerd; epbrxgigyanxiaénuigglni etc .,. 870 c vaer wer, a., B d ·· L Blzgpwpmtgiazvrgmgmvemeét <>f --------- 1082 Q ;a;ipri{>;iZfiii>Ti0r expenses, Military Amaens urg , . ., emy ..., 526, 1068 proceedings to condemn land for wideningfor expenses, Naval Academy ... 578, 1200 of 843 i_B0ca Ciega Bay, Fla., _ appro riatiou for .. 844 preliminary examination of, to be made. - . 1112 Blaine, Wash., ~ Boca Grande Quarantine Statiem · preliminagy examination of harbor to be appropriation for launch ____ Z _,____,,,_ ,, 701 ma e .. 1118 or quarters, etc 1307 Blanche, Ala., B0mfR·i1ver, La. and Ark., diversion of Little River for power plant appropriation for improvement of . 1090 at, authorized ...,.. 818 Bafgs, ay Director Lawrence, G. ' Blind, Education of tho, eficiency appropriation for credit in actrust fund created from proceeds of matured I B l gollntg ·-—··-—·---·-··- · -·-—-·-·-·· 1383 b d .. . ..._____ 450 V ogo a, /0 om a, permaoylst annual appmpriation for iu_ I classiiicgition and salary of consiil-genoml. . 99 terest , _ .______ 460 I Boguc Chmo, La., Block Island, R. 1., approprintion for iinprovorncnt of . 1089 appropriation for improvement of harbor of ; BOW'? '¤l}¤£_L¤¥ _ [ f 089 I'€fl]g(). ,.. , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ R- pI`()pl‘l;l 10]] Of l[Ilpl'()V(’H\(’ll () ..,.,. , , . l for improvement of harbor, (9pm; Sal; 4 Bmlrrq, Insprvtorg of,, Pond .. . .. 1075 · $Il)OllHl\t*(l for rlistrict of Alusk:1, and ports preliminary tmnnmmon to be mode or mr. of <·¤\hi><·!¤»·, Ohio. and \\ hw mg. _ bor of refuge ,,_,,_,_,._,_,_,__,,, , 1116 l l\Yl_ P/gi _________ ,l_ _ _ ,» , 10h Block Signal Syswmg) Railwa Y provi: e or uneau pm am i xc_ aels. · mmm on necessity fm, m in made by Im B _ ‘ UA,laska. und Point Pleasant, \\. Va. 10b terstate Commerce Commission . 838 , (Tm' (aaai. f Q _ H. t 41- 961 recommendations to be made ..,,_______ 838 g B(;‘£l;;’P"*" mn m` “—"·*Y 0 '(`C “ ···------ 0- powers to take testimony, etc .. 838 _ * . . . . ., appropriation for investigations of use, etc., ; “P1’“’P¤¤*;<>¤ fm; ilunfiter *0 ------—-——-- gg? 3}; 0f______________ ____'_ ___·_______·___ 1312* ()1'$Q(·]‘g3;y() 9g3i0n _______,_,_ ____ _ _ 4 Bloomington Ind- ; Boma, Kongo me Stale, acquiring ignite for public building M_ au- i B35g5g9i22E2H for c0nsuI·gem·l . 293, 923 a tholllzgdu.-- ----'_`··-..--~···-'· 782 l classlfiqatigniand Salary of consul _________ 99 pproprmtmn for _,_.___.,,.,.,..,._._, 794 I Bond _ V I Bllce Book, _ s, Isthmzan Qana , _ editing. etc., transferred to Director of the *18*** and v¤V¤<>g¢S *°°°’d°d to ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ° Qensus ____________________________ 219 ‘ Bond.; gn, CgnLrq(·L,g' D_ CW Bluejield, W Va., not required if amount not more than . 546 construction of public building authorized . B0"?/¢¢a P0Qm!_· C¤l·» _ _ _ at _,________,,,, , ,,,,_, ’ ,___ , _,__,__ 777 apprgpnatlop for I-gbulldlng light kggpgry ¤pp¤>pri¤ri<>¤ for ---·-»-·-·--...-... 791. 1295 dwelling ... 710 Bly, James E., Bannin, Charles Henry, Indian Allottee. deficiency appropriation for services .,,... 1387 fee;-simple tide to _,,,,.,,,,,,__,__________ 373 Board fo9)Cpndernning Insamtary Buildings. Bonnin, Mercy Conger, Indian .-lllottee. . .. fee—simple title to ...,. 373 created; powers and duties .. 157 Book Typewrim-S, Board of (jhanties, D. C'., · appropriation for purchase: to be used in appro mation for expenses . 508, 1148recording deeds D. (Y ... 489 Board 0)) E(1?li(’Gtl;07L. D. C., _ Boothbay Harbor, Me., appointment; te-rms; no compensation 316 appropriation for launch, lobster hatchery . 721 organization; ofhccrs; powers. etc 316 for obster hatchery . 1329