Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/1544

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lxxxviii INDEX. International Committee of Electrical Units, P¤8¤· Interstate BW and 1'erminal Company, _ P¤8¢· appropriation for expenses, delegates. . - 446, 99], may bridge issonm River at Kansas C1ty, Intematumal Committee of Weights and Meaa- Kaus .. 884 uf"; Interstate Commerce, $PPmP¤“n°¤ for °xP°m°¤ 0i member ·· 446, 991 prevention of cruelty to animals trans- Intcrnatwnal Conferemccfor Rwnwn of Geneva Ported in __________________________ 607 . C°"””*“°"‘¤ 18% regulations of meat animals and products deficmncy apgropriatxon for delegates to. . 118 in _____________________________ 674, 1260 ¤<>}¢¤¢i<>¤ wm Army ¤¤d Mw ------- 118 hours of labor by muway employees, um. Internatwnal Conference of American States, ited ______________________________ 1415 d¤¤¢i¤§3a¤;£1;;>pri¤¤i¤¤f¤r third, M Riv 1 18 seizure->ofadu1temted,etc.,foodordrugsin. 771 . ·····‘·‘*···· 2 ···· . *·*·‘‘· I C ’ ' '"L;‘;';"?»‘Z':2‘uE.?"£;'?f: M "$?'§?%€$r€·T€'$?€”?5f¤¤?$??€‘€7*‘?'?i .-,..<,., 705,1311 zmwwgcwm ·»1Hw¤»~ éM1¥;¥~»b¥ I °’ €5,1';“‘§?é‘?‘;?;m’£?LL"“’ d` s°'‘ ““““` 705 . mp · . 5 ’ " { ```````'-`'__-·-` 131] invmad to meet in Washmgtou 1422 l °r °x nga mmmeme ‘‘‘‘‘‘ b·*m“0~=’ E¤·='~·~¤- 1 ¥°'$£‘?‘“*’f“"‘"“l5“"“aZ£°‘z‘ 1;m’°5’ 1213 =~Pv~P**=·**<>¤.*<¤ --------------—---~-· 704, *31** » f3§,,bi$’£3,1°i‘;,‘i{’v‘J§°“;$10 §2fdmg,1 International Fwlzezy Congress, _ { ’ Y p Y 705 1311 °PP‘°¥}Q’ffi‘ff_f‘f{_'ff*’°“°°° ______ j_f’f‘ffif?}’f‘ff‘fj 922 | for c;I;$£%$ii£>i1§i§15é1f¤¥piéhié,` éiél . .. ,1312 1mmm¢smz0;¤d¢m mmmjw Mmm- 1 for $£'°’”g °“*“Y·°PP ’““°"S **%*265 1312 mmto theEa·rl,h, . . ? ·‘‘‘·‘‘‘‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ * appropriation for annual quota .. 391, 921 d glipnming and blgdmf ‘‘‘‘ ‘‘·‘ 761* 1368 or expenses of delegate to ,.,.__, 715, 1322 ° °1°ncyl?PPr°Prm mn °r m way diy 31 International Indusmhl Property Bureau, f “PP mums ·‘···‘·····‘‘‘·····‘···· 48 appropriation fog share of ex_peuses .. 432, 978 fg], °xP°°} ti ‘‘‘‘‘‘ ·_ ‘"‘‘‘‘‘ {f ‘‘‘‘‘‘·· EMWIN, I"""" °f '*°"*· ’ °£“1.]'TT‘..?’}fZ.‘?.`Ti’.‘TT‘T‘T‘T?‘,.f’T.?‘T`?T’f m ·*¤¤¤*·=¤¤yy* v~v¤=*i¤¤ *··· ¤·¤·*··· M- ***5 .1.16§§‘§.%%'m“mg”i?£E‘H§°€03¥€£3SK§S€;a1eg “° Imemat·•¢' ,cat · . . deficiency nppmygiawtioh for expenses, edit- 2 8D1mg;; xmmmdveu ;f;1€mP}%£°£ glidéh- 1416 ing .,. 137 . . °”· ‘ Intmmtioml Maritime Exposition, · . Tm ‘‘‘‘· ‘‘‘‘‘‘ 595 deficiency appropriation for participation. 1371 1 appmnblsgn ° mw an su eqmm m°m' 595 I¤¢¤~¤·¢*y,M' Pfam <·`<mf¤~¤~= ¤¢ TM HMM i party S€1a£ti5£gesi}{at;a° .".`. Ziff 595 . . · . . .``f, =1>v~r>¤=·¤¤¤ f<>r ¤¤=P¤¤¤<~=¤» P°m°*P¤¤°¤t° inv°$[€€gaE$a£}“0r E‘i{’°£$ 2(»§?l(§°Za1s$;;§- _i¤ ——-—— ; -··-·----— _ ------—----— U8»922 [ miés ... ’ ... 822 IM¢f1l»G¢¢0’{M1l_ PWM Cvmmwmvn- _ _ 1 officers, etc., are interested in coal or oil approprmtxou for annual subscription. . . 291, 921 I properties, tmffic, etc _______________ 823 I¤¢€F’¤¤¢W{¤1{ Railway C0'¤I<IV€88, I trusts, conspiracies, etc., t.0 monopolizc approprmtnon for annua. quota .. 292, 921 cm] gr Oil trade ____________________ 823

 Sanitary Bureau, _ _ to report on eHcct of such ownership, mo· t

‘ appmprumon for annual contribution. . . 292, 921 t _ 11;>p0l2’, 0733, if fo\€¤d to 0X1¤¢-i-- - - 825 I1•¢mm¢i¢malSmZ¤nwlogical Aaeociazion, ° mV9S * ° %“ "°On cm SUPP Y' 0* _ appropriation for annual contribution, if d.C°’5i’F °*1."“q£O ········· . ····· · · · 823 etc-"-.-"".____U____U_n__·_ 728,922 lSCHmlH3tl0DlSmBd€ 8g31E8KB lp- 823 I~·#~·¢·fg¤·’ Sum S¢’··><>* A~—·~¤>~¢¤¢i·- of x to mp0pr€'E5ge5¢ea`;e.;e4;11Z1ZZZ1I1I11i 823 mm’°“· . as i¤¤¤*rz¤~¤=d=. v<>w<·>¤·· <*>·¤¤¤· M ---------- 867 to`}T,’$’§S£’fg2TEé‘ZT°JE3EZ¤€"S.§1°£§}’5LZ2, and 82* Ingrzafwml Tum Rgcgrdu? Company' 1392 f report from time to time .,...,_ 824 ° mgncy appppm mn Pr ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ _ ’‘‘‘‘ · power gxven to administer oaths, compel International Ummm of American Republics, [ l testimgny, ctc _____________________ 924 appropriation fur expenses of Bureau. . . 291, 921 { to report on railway blockqignal systems or site and contributwu toward building _ § and automatic comm] of grains; for Bureau 7a8 powers ____________________________ 838 Intemationalf Water) Boundary Commission, { Imc,-,ta;c Cmnmau Lau.,, Mmmm, _ _ appropriation for enforcing ... 752 j·lvg¤2r·*·¤¤<>¤ f·>*•*¤v*;r·¤*¤g **0** 0;:--: 2*920 Interstate eww Reguzmm, ° cmncy 3 pmpm mn M con muing 2. lication of, extended ... . .. 584 work ° ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’’‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 885 trg,I:1sp<>rmtion by pipe lines considered International Water·waya_C0mmission. common camem ____________________ 584 appropriation for contmuing worlg of. 743, 1351tlunsportation by mi] or mi] and water be, anxthoqzegti to rent office rooms m Wash- 1119 _ tween States, Territories, etc _______ 584 m OH ··--··--··---·~——·--·- - ····- within a Tcrritory . 584 Interpreters, to an adjacent foreign countxjy .. 584 appropriation for, at embassies and lcga— g tmnsshi through 2. foreign country nous ...f. , 91 | to mt , tates .,. _ . ` 288 8 I?ed S _ 584 not to be paid other salary . 289, 919 i to port of shipment forforcxgn country. . 584 at, consulates ..,. 294. 924 I from port of entry from foreign country deficiency appropriation fur, at consulates. 635 to destination .. 584