Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 3.djvu/915

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· INDEX. · 3635 Webb, yI'>h{¤· M-· P¤8°· Wmghts and Measures, International Commit- Pageyérnswn increased ..,,,,,.,,,______ 2243 [gg, Webb, R¢M{>m C'., appropriation for expenses of member. . . 446, 991 w)>•*m¤¤•>r¤ ¤¤<·r¢>ased . 2746 ~ Wexmar, Germany, ebb, Rvbqfi,classification and salary of consul ...,..,,_ 100 _pvn:·n•>r) npcnrawcl ,.,. g 2380 ; Weiwg Chapel, Mzggsq nib'), _W1l{¢¤m UM i 2630 Wpayxgcnt 20 trustees of ..,,,,_____,_______ _ 2062 wnswn increasu . ‘ _ cir, atric , wgbbtfz Aiflllfldll O. (u"idm1‘), g Wpensign inc]-egggd ______________ _ __________ _ 2335 Wpousnon nncrcaaed . 1856 i eise, Ferdinand, vbff, _AMs{M·¤¢. E ypusion increased . 1440 Wpvnsnon nncreased . 2632 Q Heuer Fam; Rem-ve, Idaho, cbcr, _ChQ*’l¢·¤ W-, 223 l prcqamation establishing 3054 JISIOH IDC . 7 an 3 `ng ,,,,,,_,,,,,,__,____________ 3199 W5;}. Henry, _ _ m0d{§ing boundaries of v.. 3294 deficiency appmpnaucn for refund of fine. 1393 g Weiser, Joel S., Webslgr·Ashbufl0n Treaty, 1842, ension increased ,,,,,,_,,,_,_____________ 1347 appropriation for marking boundary line . I Wgiss, Frank L., alias Louis Weiss, with Canada under . 292 X Wpensiou increased .._,,.,,_____ 2624 Webster City, Iowa, 3 eisse, Emil S., construction of public building authorized { Wpeusion .,,,,,..,_.,._______,________ 2751 at.._..: . . .. 777 , ekiwg River, Fla., _ _ , ` W app c¥; for ... 791, 1305 g Wglglugmmy gxamunatxou of, to be made- , _ 1112 , ., ; , amer ., unison increased . 2136 } usion increased ...,, 1732 Wgita, Mary, Indian Allottee, [ Wglih, G. H., feeaim I2 title to. 381 1 aymeut to . 2662 W¢b•L¢r_, Lau., Wgch, Hannah (widaw), — acquiring site for public building at, au- Wpension increased . 2673 thorized .. 782 clch, John, Kentucky Volunteers, ” apprxjgdation for .. . .. . 795 l Wpeusion increased . 2182 Webster, cus, Indian Allcttee, elch, John, Mavican War, 0 Wjee-simgle title to . 380 Wgleglxsgn increased . 1592 » ebster a. , em ’ time ’e§1te;1ded for bridging Monougahela E Wggxsicu ... 2324 `vcrat .,.,,,,. . ... 876. , , awa 0 unteerx, Wgbgur, Phill@p, Indian Allotue, ; Wpension increased . 1554 Wjze-simgle .. 357 I doh, _Thqnwa, UédS. Navy, 2 3 q am, my , aw , Q nsmn increas ..,.. 6 1 nsion increased . 2098 ? Wgih, Thomas D., A Wgsgm, Silas, Indian Allottee, _ Wplznsioxltggugreued ... . . 2132 f imletitlem .. 380% e cm, . ., Wem, §ophiai Indian Allottee, 381 ‘ bridge authorized across Roanoke River J9,] fee-simple tit e to . at . W7:b;ter, William E., f Wellcr,_Herjmavp G., Ivpgggion increased _,... - ... 2810 Wrgellsligrl ;I1CI‘€;S8d . 2352 edema,Pte, * eler, esem ., Wpensig, ini-ygaged ___,,,,,,,,_,,,..,,,,,,. . 2740 Wp$nsi¢;1T gncreaged . 2639 cdcrtz, O. J., el er, i iam ., ymgut 1,0 _________,,_,_,_,,, . . 2662 0 Wpension increased . ,2589 Wgeaits, I•‘r¢mk W, ella, Alma L. (widow), ugign incl-eased ____,,,._,_,,,,.., . . . 1433 ‘ Wpension increased . 1909 Wg:/is, Morgan H., ~ ella, Alonzo, ngign inc;-ggge(l_ _,,,,_,____,,,.. . ... 2702 Wpension increased . 2058 Wgfw, Stephen, 0’ dis, George W7, . nsiun inc;-Based ___, _ ,_,__,,_,___,,,,,... 1568 Wpension increased . 2764 Wm, Solomon F., 1646 elk, Hmfy W, ed 1469 / ‘ _____,_______ _ ________________ , _ , ensxon increas . Wmrxxnglenry A., ‘ Wgls, Johqn. L., ppmgm, increased _____,,,,,,,, - ,,..,... 2509 » pens?1}l1n<§eas€d . 2218 ~ - , , · Wells, 0 n ., "m‘gg;Ig;,l‘uary A' <mdmi)?’_ _ _ _____________ 1889pension increased . 1474 Pg » ; ····· . ····· : " , ‘ mus, William J., Wwxm (WWW <·"d’”*~’» 2 B2 1 pension increased . , ... 2428 P‘*¤$“)“ ¤¤•¤·r·=¤¤·1 ·········‘···· · ··‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ { ; Wmaha Forest Reserve, Oreg. and Wash., Wkights and M€03UT€#, D· (VY, _ _ ‘ proclamation establishing 3010 wgu1ar,i¤ns of sales of provisions, Gtcén 854 i enlarging ,.._ . 3279 by · - ·~··-·- ; -·-··-·-- i >» * Wemztchee, Wash., Iwt I0 be \1¤d€Y *>WUw·l werght W m*’”·" 854bridge authorized across Columbia River V ____,____,,,, . .. t ______________________________,__ herring; vege»t¤·h1+·S» and pvuhfy RX- _ 0 vwmz, Wgilliam, cepted .- - .·--·.».·------ · 316,804 x W/{pension increased ... . . 2478 Weighu; ami Measures, International Byreau of, { enzell Aqam, _ _ appropriation for annual mumbummf _ . 290, 920 » pensxon increased »». V .-`»4 14¤5