Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/1043

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1026 SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 299. 1909. '1`°¤ P°' °°“* **1**** Ten ercentum of the fore o` amounts shall be available inter- °hmg°°m` changegbly for expenditure gnuiibjects named; but not more than ten per centum shall be added to any one item of the approp1iation:

 surplus ,0, Provided, however, That any sumlus in the appropriations for any of

eemm-ueueu aevm- the above classified heads ma e used for expenditure under any of "‘°'"‘ the classified appropriations fhr the department of construction and ‘ engineering. I·<>¤K¢’**Y· No art of the fore oin appropriations for the Isthmian Canal 1¤ mi -1 shall bl; applied to thegpaygmelfft oi) allowances for longevity service or layover days other than such as may have accumulated under gxigsfrngdorders of the commission, prior to July first, nineteen hunan mne. P*“*“'° “*i*'°" Sec. 2. The fo o` appropriations shall be available to reimcorilieiiiiiubhrsmuenc for burse the Panamh6Pdil§oadICofr)1pany for marine losses, or for losses """i“°°°° °’°l°“°°' due to destruction of or dama e to its plant, equipment, or commis- 1>.-mm. sary upplies by fire: Providei however, That the Panama Railroad

  • “’“”“°°‘°°““°· Company shall carry no insurance against loss from causes covered

y t is appropriation. m1;;rib¤¤¤¤¤fr¤v- C Smp.Z3. Allhofunds pelréeaiéter lclcilleiztegk by;h)e1igovernmen1t oé this ana one mrena o u cansan dmgsmte an Zone and thg cities of lianariial gud Coloéi, alrlrd fr:l>m» the zgnle postal service, an om court ees an nes an co ecte or raise taxation in whatever form under the laws of the government of thdr Canal Zone, are hereby appropriated until and including June thirtieth, ninetlrien hundred atridp ten, as follows: Th; revenues derived from the st servirm to e maintenance o t at service; the remainin iieévenues, after setting aside a miscellaneous and conf ent fund oéf ten lthousand dollars, to the mainteganceof the pul;lic-smdlhool system in the zone; to the construction an maintenance 0 ub `c im rovements within the zone; to the maintenance of thepadminisliiative districts; to the maintenance of Canal Zone charity patients in the hospitals of the Isthmian Canal Commission, and to the maintenance g::f¤¤¤¢¤° *0 C°¤· of administrative district prisoners. A detailed and classified statement of all receipts and expenditures without the duplication of items under this paragraph s all be submitted to Congress after the close of the fiscal (year nineteen hundred and ten. _}";fj{f°“*"*“”» Sec. 4. All fun s realized during the fiscal year nineteen hundred Re¤vp¤;>r>ri¤¢ed for and ten by the lsthmian Canal Commission from the performance of °°°”°'“° °"‘ services by the commission, or from rentals, or from the sale of materials and supplies under the custody and control of the commission, are hereby reappropriated for ex enditure under any of the foregoing classified appropriations for the department of construction and engineering, and a full and separate report in detail of all transactions hereunder shall be made to Congress. }',*;[:;,”jB-LQ”g?ggiD_ Sec. 5. The Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company is authorized mempmée u>m¤m¤¤ to expend not to exceed one hundred and fift thousand dollars out "`$Er,‘$,}».n44, of the amount which ma be due the United States under the AC; gf l\·Iarch lfpurth, ninfeteen hundred andh one, in the erection at Saint louis, issouri, 0 a monument to omas Jefferson in commem (tzegiggimmon by ration of the Louisiana Purchase: Provided, That the city of Sault ` sum mum mr as- Louis, Missouri, and said Exposition Com any shall jointly contribute ""‘"°" °°‘“’°“"· an amount at least equal to that used) from said fund due the United States as aforesaid toward the erection of said monument and the total amount so expended shall not be less than two hundred thousand dollars, exclusive of site, and the use of any funds of the United States as herein authorized shall iinall discharge the United States and the government of the Philippine lislands from all claims réf) every character whatsoever by said Louisiana Purchase Expodtion mpany. . Sums ro: mma m See, 6. That all sums appropriated b this Act for salaries of otlzieers °°""""‘ sud employees of the Government shallybc in full for such salaries for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and ten, and all laws or parts of laws